Had my op a few days ago

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I just had the operation for my PS on wednesday the 24th. They used the Karydakis procedure on me so my stitches are slighty of the mid-line. I've only got 7 stitches in and a lot of weeping. I have a very loving girlfriend who changes the dressing a couple of times a day. I'm just worried that it is weeping a little to much...also the stitches dont seem to tight. There is a fairly wide gap relatively and both sides of skin dont seem to be touching. Can anyone share the experiences if they have had this procedure done. Thanks.

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    Well the doctor removed 4 of the stitches as there were the first signs of infection. He said by removing the stitches it will drain properly. Now i have a huge opening which they said will take 8 weeks to heal. They said the wound is about 4cm deep. I had a look at a photo of it and was in shock for a good few minutes.

    Its packed with a sea weed based substance and will need a new dressing daily.


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    i had the exact same procedure and the wound was left looking the same as you described, loosely stitched. I went to the A&E and they took the stitches that they could out. They packed it and told me to come back to get it packed every night at the hospital. I made sure i ate a good diet and had sea salt baths and in the end they were surprised how quickly it healed, so i would recommend that. You'll be left with a surface scar as it fills from the inside out.

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    My lad had an op where he needed the sorbsan wound packing last march, we eventually saw the surgeon today as it hasn't healed since - see my post \"who do you beleive\" for all the details if you like. best wishes, hope it heals up soon.
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    in reply to your karydakis procedure Sean08

    well the doctor took my stitches out (11) and a couple of days after i awoke at 2 am to find weeping and traces of blood, i am going to refer to my doctor today about it.

    pretty freaked because i do not want to have anoither operation

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