Had no idea Menopause caused all this!
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I only joined this discussion group two weeks ago as was looking for help with insomnia. Since then, I've been reading (and occasionally replying) all the posts but am so overwhelmed with all these ailments!
I had no idea menopause could cause so many illnesses and mental health issues.
I'm 57 and still have occasionally periods but presume I must be in peri?
It's quite frightening to read some of your stories/posts and how your bodies are changing.
I do suffer from anxiety and insomnia but some of that has been due to marriage and family issues, so tricky to single out if peri?
I've recdntly changed around my vits supplements and am feeling better.
I take a Menopace night and 200mg magnesium at night and seem to have slightly more restful sleeps and don't wake up feeling heady. I do still get down or anxious days but that's probably just Life!
I also take omega 3 and starflower at breakfast.
The more posts I read, the more scared I become of turning into another person.
Some of the medication you quote, I have to google as have no idea what it is!
Surely some women just sail through this change and it's just those with bad experiences that write on here?
Thank you all for sharing your personal stories and advice with me/us. J
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karen_76350 janeben
jayneejay karen_76350
magnesium citrate and oxide has laxative effects
Magnesium good for achea and pains and also relaxes you
if you crave chocolate it *may be a sign if magnesium deficiency
jay x
janeben karen_76350
Menopace is a range of vitamins supposedly formulated for women of our age! There are a few in their range but i chose the Night one to help with my insomnia, and so far, it seems to help me...don't want to jinx it!
I also started taking Magnesium for sleep, that's initially how I foumd this site!
I do take magnesium citrate, which does affect my stomach, but not too bothered about that at mo...I will buy some Chelated Magnesium, but can't find any without Oxide in ingredients?
I also bought a magnesium body butter which smells gorgeous, coconutty, and rub that into my shoulders and neck after shower. Plus hands and feet during day! Just nice! J
nancy0925 janeben
Welcome to the forum. I know how you feel. The only thing I knew about menopause is that your periods stop and you get hot flushes. That's it! I had no idea either that hormone changes can wreak such havoc on our bodies but I have learned so much on this site and all of us women share many of the same symptoms. I never knew there was a perimenopause either which is what I am in since I do still have my periods at 52.This has been an interesting and frightening experience because its hard to differentiate between a real medical issue and peri. You will learn a lot on this forum. A lot of these women have very helpful suggestions...good luck!
janeben nancy0925
I suppose my mother was fine, or at least, she did a very good act!
Let's hope it runs in family...
I'll be 58 this August, so presume i'm Peri?
Yes, I'll continue to read all posts...just in case...Thanks Ladies
kristin38307 janeben
janeben kristin38307
Magnesium is a muscle relaxant. You can find it in some bath salts, to chill.
My 25 yr old daughter had some very good bath flakes with Magnesium in them, and it was she who put me on the Magnesium trail.
I find it hard to find the best quality Mag in shops, so with have to buy online, at you know where!
Have been taking Starflower caps for years. My mother used to take Evening Primrose in her 50-60's, but Starflower is a stronger version.
Supposed to help women with PMT/PMS has omega 6 and 9, helps with hormones! Who knows...but i'll continue to take as am well! J
kristin38307 janeben
jennifer01077 janeben
I am a nervous person, my nervous system is very fragile. So it is very hard for me. I suspect a lot of ladies on this forum are kinda the same. It is very hard for us. I mean, I am having a good day today! but it's been hard.
Of course your life stresses are adding to it. I just find that things that I could handle more easily five, six years ago send my system into a spiral now. It's hard to find a steady state right now.
jayneejay jennifer01077
I think many women wont discuss it, maybe on a place like this only, we dont know each other and its easier.
I think mrnopause can make some feel inadequate and vunerable and less of a woman and its not talked about.
It has taken me ages to get my mother to admit she also had a bad time, wow, i knew things were odd back then but didnt know why.
I am one of those who will discuss to anyone 😃 i dont care, if i have a mighty raging flush and people are near me i say so 😀
I was offered a fan to cool me down once, and then given it as a gift .
if we brush it under carpet i feel doctors and opp sex will never understand that its a common struggle and then we may not be regarded as over dramatic at the doctors office.
I have explained it all to my partner and family so the understand and know what we go through.
Some relationships end, due to this, women dont tell their partners that they lost their desire and sex became painful, etc, then partners think its because they cant be bothered or dont fancy them anymore, and drift apart.
Strange one isnt it
Jay x
lol64 janeben
janeben lol64
I, too take Menopace Night, and it does seem to help me, so far, plus Starflower which is a stronger that Evening Prim.
I suffer with anxiety, have done for years, but didn't even put it down to menopause...only when accidently found this site did I read that it could stem from this...also have had marriage issues to contend with over past 2-3 years, so naturally thought this didn't help my over anxiety and stress.
When i get very anxious, I take Kalms, and find they help me, even if placebo effect!
Luckily, especially when I read some ladies stories on this forum, at 57, I don't yet seem to be suffering with these awful menopause symptoms...hate to Jinx it! But anxiety and insomia are my main problems.
Read about Magnesium online. I think it may help me j