Had Surgery yesterday

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hi everyone.

I am a 19 years old man who also has developed this disaeses about 9 months ago. I did not tell anyone about this for about 7 months because i thought it was just a pimple and would go away and i was also embaraced about telling anyone until my mother found blood in my boxers. She asked me what it was and basicly we went to see a doctor and then a specaialist and finally yesterday i had my surgery. Now i get a nurse coming to my house to do something i forgot what it was called until it heals.

Does anyone know how long is the pain going to last? and when i can start going back to school?

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4 Replies

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    Hi don't worry the pain will ease soon you can control it with paracetamol and if you take ibuprofen with it it will reduce any inflammation helping you heal quicker. The nurse will be coming daily to change your dressing it is a good idea to have a nice warm bath just before she comes as it will help loosen the dressing so she can remove it easily.

    The time taken to heal depends on how deep your wound is but your young and your body will heal itself quickly.Ask the nurse how long she thinks it will take to heal as she will have seen hundreds of these and will be able to give you a rough idea.

    Dont be embarrassed because this thing is so common its just that no one really discusses it until they have to.


  • Posted

    ohh thanks...

    yeah well i try to get alot of rest and eat healthy if that helps it heal fast.

    the only thing im worried about is the sinsu coming back, because as i was reading from this forum some people said it came back and they had to do another surery..

    anyhow did anyone have trouble taking a poo after the surgery?

  • Posted


    It may be a little uncomfortable the first time you have a poo, you may find you cant go for a little while after your anasthetic you could try taking some lactulose (laxative) to soften your stools untill it gets less painful.

    Dont worry about reacurrences as most people tend to have one abcess and heal up and never have another, a minority get them reaccur but it is these people who like me tend to write in to find fellow sufferers.

    Just keep the wound nice and clean my surgeon said not to wipe with toilet paper but too just spray your bum in the shower after a poo or have a nice soak in the bath.

    Make sure you get your dressing done daily and if it gets more painful or pussy ring your doctor/district nurse or call the hospital.

    Best of luck :D

  • Posted

    That is sound advise from porley bum, when taking a dump i have been wiping like a female, but make sure you dont wipe any of that nasty turd on to your sack !!

    Iam now 14 weeks since my OP and still off work, but the nurses did say this was quite a large one, if pain persists get prescription pain killers from your GP and you wont notice a thing, then all you do is lie on your face and get every one around you to catter for your every need, happy days !!!

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