Had the worse OB/GYN visit EVER!
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I went to see a new OB/GYN yesterday (mine moved out of the area) to get Mirena IUD consultation and possibly get it removed. In another post I mentioned many of the symptoms that has led me to believe that I am at the beginning stages of perimenopause. I also inquired of that to the OB/GYN and the whole visit was a joke! When she heard all my symptoms, she made me feel like I was being dramatic and would say things like "I'm not a specialist in Psychiatry and I dont treat anxiety and depression!" She would also say things like, "In my 16 years of experience, Ive never had any woman come in and complain about any of the symptoms you have and think its the Mirena." If you go to the Mirena website and look at ALL the possible side effects, you will see mood changes and depression! She was so defensive of this type of birth control, i was like what is going on with the lady?? Then on top of that, when I would ask her a question, she would say "I don't know" alot! I'm just sitting there in her office in tears, thinking to myself "ok, if you have 16 years of experience, shouldn't you be able to answer my questions??" I then told her that I am NOW even more confused because I didn't get any answers and that I'll talk to my husband and think about it before I remove it. She then said if I didn't want a birth control with hormones, I could get the Paragard and gave me a brochure. She didn't care that I was in tears not even handing me a tissue. She definitely showed she didn't care, had no empathy, didn't listen to my needs, and was very cold and heartless. Then later, I found out from my husband (who was waiting for me in the waiting area) that he saw many brochures on the table about the practice and that they highly supported the Mirena. So this OB/ GYN apparently endorses and most likely gets a financial cut to recommend this type of birth control to women. So it made total sense as to why she acted the way she did! She must have gotten her feelings hurt and defended the Mirena. It makes me so sick that Dr's put their pay first BEFORE the needs of their patients.
When I got home later I looked up info on women who had their Mirena removed and about 95% of the posts I read, these women were so much happier after they had it taken out. Many of them complained that they suffered from anxiety and depression like symptoms after they had the Mirena put in (even months or years after). I've had mine just over one year and I am having it removed for sure, just not with that worthless OB/GYN I saw. Thankfully I found out that my Primary care physician or GP does women wellness care and can remove my Mirena. I have an appointment with her this Monday and will finally be rid of this IUD. Doing this will help me to determine if it is the Mirena that has caused me to feel my perimenopause symptoms or not. Process of elimination.I'll keep you posted. Anyone else have a similar experience?
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chrisann144 Guest
Tell you ughhhh!!!! Some Drs are so clinical and go by the book if it isn't in the books then it can't happen! That happened with my husband and a medication he was on he was having horrible side effects and the dr kept telling him that's not a side effect wth!!!!! Just because some side effect is written doesn't mean it can't happen that is my belief that it can and everyone is different!!! Sorry the for rant but that p*ssed me off you went thru that tho I can say I worked with some amazing Drs that my opinion counted with them! Hopefully your gp can remove the IUD and it will help keep us posted and hang in there
Guest chrisann144
chrisann144 Guest
As with anything there are side effects that you could possibly have but have you ever seen commercials for some drugs all the side effects make you not want to take anything lol!!!! You may have symptoms when they remove it you may not I know when I was on bc pills so many years ago when I went off them I was fine but as you know everyone is different! If you find a good dr and they are out there they are very empathic and caring the dr my husband sees now is one I worked with he is amazing young very smart and will listen and remembers you and goes over everything from the last time he saw you!!! I wish all Drs would be like him lol any questions I ever asked him when we worked together he would stop what he was doing and answer my question just a really good person he remembers where he came from he was human before a dr!!!! Have a good weekend
philippa61759 Guest
if you were fine before you had the coil fitted, it is highly likely that your body is reacting against it. I would also make a complaint about the specialist you saw and voice your concerns about the clinc's obvious bias towards Mirena.
I was left with a permanent injured arm after a blood test and the Practice nurse fobbed me off, defended her colleague and belittled and laughed at my concerns. I then developed IBS as a result of the Medieval treatment I received. This was my first treatment at my surgery and I was badly let down.
Guest philippa61759
My current GP isn't the one who put it in me. I live in the US and the OB/GYN who did the procedure and talked to me about it moved to another state. Unfortunately she did not disclose any of those possible symptoms I am now having. And unfortunately I didn't do my thorough research before making the decision to get it put in. But at least I am now and getting it removed in 2 days.
As for the worthless OB/GYN, yes, I am going to do some research on the best way of making a complaint and give my honest negative review on all the review sites I find her name on.
philippa61759 Guest
My problems began when I went for chiropractory and deep tissue massage. I assumed that they would outline the side effects so I didn't bother researching when I should have. They only told me about the mild side effects, not the extreme pain that I got.
I had my neck manipulated without them telling me of the dangers of it. The masseuse told me nothing and the questionnaire gave me no information about the treatment. She only confirmed the side effects when I complained about how ill I was feeling afterwards. Luckily, I got my money back. However, my health has never been the same. My energy levels never got back to normal and my pain is more widespread.
Guest philippa61759
beth86610 Guest
I learned more from this site than any other place.
beth86610 Guest
I learned more from this site than any other place.
Guest beth86610
beth86610 Guest
While the hormones could influence the results you should at least be given accurate information. And accurate information would include choices. And you should be able to request tests in doctors office without being treated like a f-ing idiot. You have a right to decide what's best for you and your husband in BC. You are entitled to facts. Its not like you are getting services free. I am asking for a test to find out where my homones are at. And there is a form of BC without hormones. I used it when I was married and it worked well. It was the barrier method. Its the sponge which I think is still on the market today. YOU HAVE RIGHTS A PATIENT AND AS A WOMAN!!! I am practicing my speech right now for my appt. with th new obgyn nurse pratitioner.
Guest beth86610
sha863 Guest
Guest sha863
sue976 Guest
i spoke with you last week. Unfortunately I'm not surprised this as happened, I went after a year of having it in to get it removed and I was talked out of it, it is true I have spoke with a few people who have also had the same problem, when wanting it removing, I think they must get some sort of commissions from it. I ended up going back 5 weeks ago to have it removed, this time determined I wouldn't be talked into keeping it in, oh they tried again, but I was adamant and thank god it has gone and I do feel a lot better, with regards to anxiety and panic, also I was suffering with terrible spots, which I never had before and bad mood swings, all gone 😄.
i was never warned about any side effects just told it would make the menopause better, oh how wrong, it wasn't till I looked on the internet that like you could see that 95% of the people who have it get it removed because of bad side effects.
i think more research needs going into to this.
i wish you look and please don't let them talk you into keeping it, you need to see if it is that, but I promise you you will feel better when it's gone, I certainly did 😄😄
Guest sue976
I'm glad to hear that when you got your Mirena removed, that you felt better.
When I was doing the reasearch of those who had theirs removed and were happy, I also came across those who experienced something called the "Mirena crash" and experienced even more SEVERE symptoms AFTER they had the Mirena removed. Did you experience anything like that? How did you feel the day they took it out? A week later? A month? ... And so on? I am still going to get it removed regardless, but will admit, I am a bit afraid of the after effects.
sue976 Guest
the day they took it out I was fine, it didn't hurt at all.
then 3 days later had a period and it was quite heavy and lasted about 6 days, then after that she felt better on myself body and mood wise and my anxiety been better, not gone but a lot better.
i just thought get it removed because everything started when I had had it put in, if it wasn't that then I could always gave it put back in, but I seriously feel so much better without it. Them that have the mirena crash maybe they have had it in for years, I only gad mine in two years, but hey that was enough..lol xx