Haemoroid op
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Had op on thursday. Went in at 7.30am, was down for op at 8.45am. Back in cubicle at 11.15am. Felt really sick and had massive sore throat. Nurse gave me something for sickness. Manage 2 cups of water, and half a sandwhich.Told i couldnt go home till i had a wee. Tried took 5 mins as muscle werent working.
Day 2, lots of pain. Dr at hospital told me to take senna the night i came home and 15 ml of lactulose from today for two weeks! Omg the cramps, every hour diarohrea, wouldnt stop!Rag gp was told i should have been told to take only if needed!! Hurt so much, am on paracetomal, naproxen and codeiene.
Day 3, woke up in lot of pain. Straight in bath, which helped a bit. Also couldnt wee untill i got in the bath. Have had meds this morning now back in bed!
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Had a good day with little pain and pressure. Was more mobile today. Was all fine till this evening. Bm only released 2. 2cm ish pebbles, then left with pain. Then half hour later had a more substantial soft amount. Todays bm was most painful i have had so far.
Both amounts had trace of blood. Did not have blood till the diaoarhrea event yesterday. Is this normal 6 days after op?
sorebutt sassy2909
sassy2909 sorebutt
Thanks for all your advice, good to have someone to talk to who had been through it!
Woke with horrendous pressure in bottom, constantly feels like i need a bm. My body is telling me i need one, but nowt but 2 pebbles this morning.
Gp just prescribed movical thats suppossed to be less aggressive than the lactulose.
Feel very tiredtoday
Had awful day. Spent all day on and off of toilet and in bath, only passing small amounts. This afternoon had to push this bm out it was driving me mad, omg worst pain ever, hugeist log ive ever passed( sorry tmi, lol). But the relielf was instant. Hopefully that was the movical that i took this morning. Still very exhausted today, dont know if this is the start of an cfs flare up. Hope tomorrow is better.
Woke up bit of doscomfort and pressure. Normal Bm tried to come at normal time but passed a small pebble amount still had need to go. Took movical. Tried again and went for a bm, still pain pushing out. Bit of relief, but have still felt pressure in bottom all day. Not needed any painkillers.
sorebutt sassy2909
Hi Sassy , sorry not replied , been away couple days . I went thro quite a few days going to the toilet and wondering why so little was coming out . There was a little relief for a little while after passing these 'pebbles' , but always short lived . I think its the swelling inside that makes you feel like you need to go , and even a little bit of wind can make you feel like you're about to pass a rugby ball .
sassy2909 sorebutt
Woke up no pain, just bit of discomfort. Bm at normal time, normal looking. Also bern once more today.
Only started taking movical on weds morning, not sure how long they take to work. ( sure its not a matter of hours, like what happened weds afternoon,so thinking maybe i didnt actually need it!)
Belly is very windy bloated, so much wind coming. Tummy girgling, sure its the movical. Tempting fate whether to miss a dose tomorrow. Was you on this sort of meds and how long did u usevthem?
Actually been out today, for 15 minutes all i could manage.
sorebutt sassy2909
They gave me laxatives in case things didnt move , they gave me stool softener for when they did , and morphine for the pain , as well as anti biotics . I'm sure I was on them for around 4 weeks before I started to come off them . But didnt feel confident to leave the house until i had been to toilet , and only when i knew where i was going had a toilet within striking distance lol .
alexis30257 sassy2909
Guys I'm so annoyed hahaa. It's day 14 for me and I'm still in pain passing BM's. LOTS OF BLOOD. Also my period prolonged itself to a week and I'm just crying every day. It's awful. Also found out I have gastritis so that hasn't been helping anything. hope u all are hanging in there as well. I can't wait until all of this is over. My stomach is also SUPER bloated and everything feels so off down there.
sorebutt alexis30257
sassy2909 alexis30257
My acid reflux has been bad too.
No real pain just pinching sensation and dull ache.had two bm normal.
Went for a walk with dogs it nearly killed me too much.
Day 11
Much same as yesterday. Bloody stitch coming loose bout 2-3cms long just hanging, was irritating pulling so cut it off a bit. Less swelling today. Still having regular sitz baths. No painkillers or laxatives at mo.
No pain, still swelling, still streaks of blood in bm. Still feeling of tightning from stitches.
sorebutt sassy2909
Glad to hear the pain going . Sounds like its all going as I might expect . You're getting there Sassy