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I had haemorrhoidectomy 13 weeks ago. The pain was terrible for the first three weeks, bed and bath were the only two places I spent my time. Start of fourth week i had to go back to my GP as something didnt feel right, I could feel this egg sized lump on the inside left of my anus. GP sent me straight to A&E, the idiot surgeon never even bothered investigating, asked me to go home as pain and swelling was normal for that kind of operation. By 5th week I noticed the discharge was not comming from my anus, but a tiny hole about 2 cm away from my anus. It contiued like that on and off until the 8th week when I was due the follow up with the surgeon who operated on me. I was barely able to sit, he looked at my backside, said nothing wrong, you just have a fissure and are healing slowly, prescribed me rectogesic cream and was due to see me in 5 weeks. Started using the cream, pain eased but on the third day i started bleeding very heavily, so back to A&E. Sent home by the same surgeon who saw me the first time i went in with the lump after my surgery. He didnt want to hear about my discharge from the new hole. A week later I was in excrutiating pain again and terrible discharge of poo, puss and blood from the place beside my anus. Went back to A&E, told I had a fissure and the surgeon present contacted my surgeon to arrange for further examination as something may be wrong. I could not wait two weeks as my 'vulcano' errupted again, so ended up in A&E again, and told them I wasnt going home this time as I was fed up with their negligence and nothing i had looked normal to me, in fact I had diagnosed myself with a fistula based on the symptoms. On Monday my surgeon took me to theatre and examined me inside, he came to my bed as i was trying to wake up, and said he could not see a fistula but has ordered an MRI scan to be sure. They wanted to sent me home and wait for an MRI scan between 4-6 weeks. By this stage I was fed up, i started shouting at which point i was given an MRI scan straight away. It confirmed a fistula which cut through my sphincter muscles. I had been left in pain and agony for months, and now i have to try and deal with this. 

the bottom line is, if you are not getting better, do not listen to incompetent doctors. They destroyed my life, I had to give my job up. And i have to start from scratch with a worse condition than haemorrhoids. Think twice before you have them removed!!!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, that all sounds terrible, on health issues you seem to need be an expert yourself to get anywhere, hope you get this sorted, you must be hellish frustrated.
    • Posted

      tell me about it. What happened to the doctors who are supposed to treat patients with love and care!!
  • Posted

    You Are right for standing up for yourself.   Have faith in the body’s ability to heal itself 

    You will be back up in no time 

    I wish you the best and I’m sorry you had such a crappy time. 

    Stay strong xxxx

    • Posted

      Thank you so much, trying to stay positive but very hard to do that when you are in pain.
  • Posted

    Sorry to hear about what happened to you, hope your on the mend now.

    Where did you get your operation?

    • Posted

      Had it done in the UK. I should probably say that the operation itself was good and the actual surgeon who did it was very good too. The NHS protocol of post op care is very poor, which probably accounts for the overstretched A&E services and terrible consequences for patients!

  • Posted

    You should have been given medican for pain. I was given paracetamol and dihydrocodeine.

    Also for softening your BM. I was give fybogel and lactulose.

    You should have been told to eat fibre and drink lots of water.

    After every BM I sat in a hot bath which helped.

    I went on short walks and built this up.

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