haemorrhoidectomy-best decision made - positive experience sharing
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Hi guys
I recently went through a haemorrhoidectomy and had great results. I've been reading lots of dicussions and notes on this site before the surgery so I decided to give back by sharing my experience.
I am 22 y.o female, had piles since school days but not servere. Since started working, I had three bad times, each time it took longer to heal. This time it took me 3 weeks to heal so I decided to see a surgeon. I had the best surgeon in the city (I am based in Australia) and gave me advice to do an open surgery during my first consult. I booked in the surgery on the day for 10 days later.
So today is Day 19 after surgery (2 weeks and a bit), I am 100% now. I had 2 piles removed, one internal and one external. The operation took less than 30min and I was asleep for an hour. Woke up perfectly and decided to stay in the hospital overnight. I am a big worrier and very bad at pain endurance so the pain part post operation scared the hell out of me when I was reading stuff online. However this is my experience here. PAIN throughout the recovery period was absolutely MANGEABLE. I survived by taking paracetamol- standard dose. The anaesthetic lasted about 8 hours and the soreness started to kick in - but it was totally bearable - nothing like I imagined before. I didn't even need to take any painkillers but the nurse suggested to take some paracetamol to manage before it gets worse so I took 2 tablets 12 after the surgery. Worst part on the surgery day was my reaction to anaesthetic. Threw up twice and couldn't eat anything and I had to have 2 injects for nausea. But it was normal according to my surgeon. Woke up much better and had something to eat the next morning and went home.
So now, the most IMPORTANT part -- RECOVERY. Trust me, it is not as scary as you guys all imagined. I had a great surgeon who did a fantastic job - it made my recovery so much easier. 7 days was what I needed to get back to normal life. When I say NORMAL LIFE, I mean cooking, going to work, being able to sit properly, having proper meals with proteins and everything, going for a jog, shopping, and most importantly, having BM without much pain. 7 DAYS! So don't be afraid of recovery, trust me it's not as bad.
Alright, some details now. Had first BM one day after the surgery. Scared to death but wasn't as bad. Nothing like passing blades etc, but it was a bit hard at first cos I needed to strain and was scared to break the stiches. But managed to do it in the end, manageable pain and of course I took paracetamol before I went to toilet. Main thing in the first few days was the heaviness and swelling which stopped from standing for too long and sitting. I pretty much stayed in bed most of the time in the first 2-3 days. And diet, I controlled my diet strictly by having only salads. Rice and carbohydrate is bad. No meat in the first week. It helped when having BM. I walked funny during first week but perfectly fine in the second week. Like all the others, sitting in warm water helps after BM. To make it even worse, I had my period the second day after surgery so ... no sitz bath for me but a lot of shower the first week. Pain after BM peaked on Day 6 and 7 somehow - I imagined this is when the healing started. After day 7, it was perfectly find and reduced dramatically. No pain post BM after Day 9.
So some key dates here to give you an idea.
- I stopped all medicines (painkiller + stool sofener) on day 7. I was never able to time the painkillers before BM properly...not sure if it ever worked.. Make sure you eat lots of fibre after you stop stool softener. Wait for the urge to go to toilet (really important). Would be good if you can go to toilet at specific time regularly.
- There is a bit of mucus (light yellow, no smell) from Day 3/4. It's NORMAL (I called my surgeon and asked). It lasted just over 2 weeks for me. Heavy swelling from 1st BM is normal. It reduces overtime. An external pile looking thing is NORMAL - it is the swelling and again, reduces over time. I have a tiny one still now but will disappear soon i hope.
- Started driving on Day 7
- First day out (grocery shopping) on Day 6, walked a bit funny but who cares .. I was so excited to get out of the house
- Bleeding and pain after BM stopped after Day 8/9. Pain during daytime is minimal after Day 5/6 - can start walking around freely then.
- First run (2.5km) on Day 16 (just over 2 weeks). It's important to get your stamina back. I struggled a bit cos I haven't been eating properly.
- First week the swelling is the worst (even visually...I tried to look). But started to reduce dramatically from second week. I started apply proctocydl (as suggested by my surgeon) from Day 5 to reduce swelling, it helped!
- Installed by new digital bidet on Day 11, best thing ever! Strongly recommend it to ALL ..yes everyone who has or has not haemorrhoids, had or had not surgeries ...best thing ever!
Can't think of anymore at this stage, but will post more if I remember more. Any questions, let me know ! Totally happy to share my experience on it.
Remember, keep a diary of all your experience and progresses and share!!
Best decision I made this year ever, to get rid of this annoying problem!!! Should have done it way earlier!!! Positive experience!!
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staceybayliss85 annabanana2016
Hey Annabanana! I'm also in Australia and had my hemorrhoidectomy 8 days ago. I read all the horror stories and was so scared but like yourself had a great recovery and am feeling good. I still have some pain having a bm but as I have IBS I think I was doomed to have a little constipation. I was actually a little scared that I was feeling great I was just waiting for the on set of bad pain and bleeding but am lucky to avoid that.
I had a massive skin tag from an external hemorrhoid that I had for 4 years and it was attached to a hemorrhoid at the entrance so that was all removed plus also had another internal one that they banded off.
It's so good to hear of positive stories.
annabanana2016 staceybayliss85
That is great to hear staceybayliss. Same here - I was so scared when I did my research online before the op. - but I decided to do it cos my work requires me to travel interstate quite a lot - I cannot imagine travelling every 2 weeks with this issue on the back of my mind.
Same here, I had an external one with skin tag and internal one too. Feel so much easier and hygienic having them removed. I was also quite happy with the timeline - saw a GP on Wednesday, was extremely lucky to place an appointment in with one of the best surgeons in town the next day - that's when I booked in the surgery also. Did the surgery 10 days later. Costs wise, I did it in private hospital through insurance, overall the op costs close to 5k and I was out of pocket about $850 all up - so not too bad!
sorebutt annabanana2016
It seems Austrailia is the place to have piles
. So glad to hear of people having a good ( or at least not too bad ) experience . It gives a little re-assurance to people going for surgery , that its not always bad . Unfortunately many people find their way to this site because they are having such a bad time , and they want to make sure that what they are experiencing is normal . Good luck .
Tomorrow is 3wk since surgery. Can't believe it's been 3wks already.. I kinda look forward to seeing my surgeon in 2wks time.
Found some mucus (very little) on and off this week. The hem looking thing has been shrinking. I hope it will be gone soon. BM, as usually similar to week 2. I'm not sure when people describe it as being discomfort what that means. what I feel after BM now is .. I can feel something is healing there, not painful, but I can feel something is there. I had to sit down for an entire day this week (preparing for exams ... I know...) which was bad. I will need to avoid sitting for too long. Will update once I made significant progresses.