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Hello ladies, has anyone got any good tips for hair loss please. Im three years post total hysterectomy and my hair has thinned a lot, not in patches but in general , so volume is a lot less . Comes out loads when I wash it and I get scared. I take Menopace but nothing else really. Has anyone had any luck with biotin or anything else to calm this down ? Thanks everyone x
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maisie05 Fairy28
Hi. My hair suffered when I was low on iron. I've had succes with silica, my hair definitely grows faster when I take it, not sure on the thickness.
Biotin is in the multivitamin I take, and I think with improving iron levels, silica now and again, and the biotin, my hair is looking a lot better. Stronger. I use a thickening lotion for styling for special occasions,
There is a product supposed to promote new hair and thicken hair, spray on scalp, twice daily, but I can't say I noticed much change. I was probably impatient!
Good luck.
Fairy28 maisie05
Thanks Maisie that's really helpful. Glad your hair is improving, I'll look into silica x
angieB48 Fairy28
I have experienced hair loss for the past 3 years on and off. Our circumstances are very different as I'm perimenopausal and the hair loss is supposedly down to heavy periods which I question. It's also a general thinning and loss of volume. But in trying to resolve it I've tried all sorts of things so happy to pass on any that I think might be useful. I do take biotin, and a good all round hair supplement- currently I'm on a hair trial from the national hair council to use Nourkrin woman. It's worth you trying to join the trial as you get the product free for a few weeks and it's expensive to buy. I have lots of hair growth now but it's hard to say whether it's the biotin, the other vitamins I take, diet, exercise or the Nourkrin! I'll probably continue with it post trial until I'm sure the hair growth is sustained. Stress can cause hair loss and I know mine is worse when I'm under stress so I try to manage it better- I do yoga, exercise, practice mindfulness techniques etc. You can also get topical solutions and I tried a couple of these previously that also worked. Be patient!
Fairy28 angieB48
thank you angie yes I will look into it, you're right it's probably a combination of everything that's helping you, the trial is Interesting and something I would be interested in, agree stress is a major factor but trying to eliminate that is not easy. Thanks for help x
angieB48 Fairy28
Hair loss is stressful and has got me lower than any of the other issues I experience so yes it's really difficult to manage it! I grew my hair longer so I could clip it up which makes it look ok and reduced all the chemicals and heat I use on it which I think has also helped it recover faster. I used to use GHDs almost daily but swapped to a temperature adjustable pair and only every few days. Worth the less than perfect style to help my hair!
Gillian1956 Fairy28
Fairy28 Gillian1956
amanda07618 Fairy28
Fairy28 amanda07618
Oh amanda how awful for you, yes my doctor says the same so not much help for either of us I think that's why we look for other alternatives. I think with advice from other ladies anything is worth a try. Your body is still in shock at the moment and trying to adjust , I remember huge hair loss right after my surgery aswell, im hoping things improve for you and you feel better x
cynthia00141 Fairy28
Fairy28 cynthia00141
Yes I have recently and it's ok. Im on thyroxine and levels are ok at the moment x