Posted , 10 users are following.
hi, ladies
I would like to know have any of you ladies hair thinning going through menopause.
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Posted , 10 users are following.
hi, ladies
I would like to know have any of you ladies hair thinning going through menopause.
1 like, 10 replies
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dora_39625 kim93615
Hi Kim.
I definitely have noticed a big change in my hair -texture, thickness... and I'm going through peri...
The hair loss is all over but more noticeable around the crown area. I hate it...
Have even considered having hair fillers to bulk it up, but could end up making it worse... 😔🤷
Have you suffered hair loss??
unico31026 kim93615
i had that problem but found out it was do to a vitamin D defficiency . I take vitamin D daily and my hair has grown back.
nancy55477 kim93615
Hi Kim, my hair also has been thinning at the front for some years now and told it is due to the menopause, i have tried all types of shampoos but nothing helps, changed my hair colour going blonde which has helped a bit , but dont know what else to do, had tests done but doctors are saying its the menopause. i put my reading glasses on my head, so i dont lose them and try to hide my scalp, not tried vitamin D yet.
Gigi368 kim93615
Yep, mine has always been baby fine, but it's getting thinner and brittle. I take 2000IU of Vit. D daily and for me it hasn't helped with my hair at all, my nails however are thriving lol. I use a salon shampoo and conditioner that has caffeine in it. It plumps up the strands and makes it look fuller. I'd post the name but the admins might not like that lol. I'm in the US and get it from a beauty supply store but amazon has it also.. if you'd like to know the name just send me a message.
kim93615 Gigi368
tell me the name please of the shampoo
Gigi368 kim93615
I sent you a message with the name of it and where I buy it
kelly55079 kim93615
UGH.. I know.. I absolute hate it.. My hair is thin and limp. My Vit D is in the normal range but still take it everyday. Iron has been low but I take that everyday so in time I should be in the normal range. I've also been stressed the last couple months which hasn't helped. Need to eat more protein too. I do alternate 2 shampoos-- one for thinning hair and the other says it's less breakage and to make stronger. I need to start doing my own hair masks on shampoo day (I shampoo about 3X's a week)--- I use a raw egg with either coocnut oil or castrol oil. I believe this helps just got lazy cuz it's messy! I sooo miss my younger days when my hair was not a problem!!
sakura26 kim93615
Hi Kim. YES. I went to the OBGYN and she said sometimes it stops on its own (I'm in peri). However I have been using revita shampoo and taking viviscal and either they stopped the crazy shedding or my hormones calmed down. Luckily my hair kept growing the whole time it just was shedding in clumps and the texture was dry and knotted easily but now seems better. Give it it a go. Good luck!
connie21463 kim93615
Yes, I've been in menopause for 2 years, and I've noticed a lot of hair shedding (lots of it), every morning when I brush it. Not sure if there's anything that can be done about it except for HRT.
sunaina1983 kim93615
yes dear
Hair thinning and white hairs in peri