Hair loss and scalp problemses
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Hi, first time writing in a forum. I am in desperate need of some help... advice? I am a 46 yr old women. I had a partial hysterectomy in 2008, which I am now left with one left ovary. I had a shoulder surgery 2015 and they injected me A Lot of steroids. After a two month period I started loosing A Lot of hair A LOT!!! Went to 15 differently dr to check what was going on. From rheumatologist, endocrinologist,dermatologist and gyno. Not one could figure out what was going on after a million blood test. Then I started getting other symptoms. Nasusa, dizzy, dry eyes, dry skin, anxiety, ALOT OF HAIR LOSS rashes, breakouts, edema, headache, and the scalp issue is the strangest the swollen red with again... so much hair loss!!! Is there anyone that has had the hair, scalp problem? Also does anyone know does the hair grow back after it falls out. Thank you. This is the worst thing EVER!!!
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carol62649 yolanda7570
Hi yolanda,
i cant say much about hair loss except my mum lost a lot of hair from stress, hers grew back in aok over time.
having an operation of any kind is a stress on the body and mind, the drugs used also take a toll on the immune system.
Last year i had my gallbladder removed two days later i woke with odd symptoms of nerves jumping twitching, dr said nerves.... take some valium.
things got worse, had tests, mri etc hormone test showed menopause was here.
Anxiety has been awful, a rash under my armpit for four months. Depression, formication, loss of appetite and 16 kilos lost. Which i needed to lose lol drs have no idea, i did suggest the operation triggered all of it, drs are quick to deny it.
Ive read and heard of people have depression after surgery.
have you looked at any herbals, im sure there are things for hair growth that may help.
I wouldnt be surprised if all your symptoms are hormonal, see the 66 symptoms of menopause posted herepreviously.
good luck, im sure your hair will come back with some tlc.
yolanda7570 carol62649
metamorphed yolanda7570
yolanda, you've probably had it tested with all the blood tests, but what about your vitamin D levels, that's a separate blood test. I had hair loss, especially to the back of head on left side with itchy scalp and hair was literally coming away in lumps when I washed or brushed. I was finding hair everywhere. Then I had my vitamin d level checked, was really low, got a loading dose over six weeks and now on a maintenance dose and the hair, although thin now still has stopped coming away. Vitamin D3 has no end of benefits and it has made a world of difference to me. I really hope that this is the case for you too, check with your doctor that they actually checked this out. best of the best to you.
yolanda7570 metamorphed
Thank you. I just recently started taking a vitamin supplement. Even though several dr said I don't need them. I was a little low on vitamin D. Crazy how our body scream for what they need. I know I should be grateful for everything in my blood work coming back fine. But, when you see hair coming out in clumps it is scary and I feel naked with 70% of my hair now gone.
maddysmom2015 yolanda7570
Hi Yolanda,
It sounds to me like you are describing a classic case of telogen effluvium. That is 8-12 weeks after some kind of disturbance, a disproportionate number of hair folicles go into a shedding phase. Hair has 3 phases, telogen, anogen, and catagen--that is shedding, growing, and resting. Each phase lasts about 3 months.
Under normal conditions, hairs are on their own schedule and there isn't a disproportionate fall out. But surgery, medications and other conditions can cause a disproportionate number of hairs to enter the telogen phase and give us a big shed. Surgery, medictions, all that you have been through can certainly cause a shed.
This happened to me a number of times. Going off birth control pills sent me into my first telogen and resolved itself once my hormones rebalanced. But it took a solid 9 months to year. I got sick with a bad ulcer and wasn't absorbing vitamins. I probably shed hair for a solid 18 months until I started to supplement zinc and Vit D. (If you are low on iron, that contributes too.) My scalp burned like I was on fire from the inside out. Then, slowly things got back to normal.
Hair shedding is the worst thing ever. LIke you, I was treated like crap by the medical community who also couldn't find any reason for the shedding and basically said, "you're old. Deal with it." (I was 39 when I shed the first time after going off BCP!) Even when I said, "my Vit D and zinc are so low they can't find a bottom. Could that contribute?" Everyone said no.
I agree with Carol. Just give yourself a little time and TLC, maybe have your vitamins checked, or take a hair and nails supplement. Most importantly, remember hair is shed when there is another folicle pushing up from below the scalp. So try to see the fall as paradoxically a good sign. Your body is working hard and there is another hair coming!
yolanda7570 maddysmom2015
Wow... I am in tears! Thank you so much. So, I have had different answer from different dr. Some saying yes, I need more vitamin d others saying it is fine. I also was a little low on iron but, they said don't worry you know longer have a cycle because of my partial hysterectomy. They said I don't need iron. SO thrilled to hear this will stop. I was thinking this couldn't be female pattern baldness if I am loosing it from the back of my head. I found out my FSH and progesterone levels are out of wack. So maybe getting those balanced help stop this nightmare. Thank you