Hair texture is changing. Feeling course and dry

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Ladies my hair is changing. Before i use to have beautiful hair. now it is course and dry. I condition it like crazy and it will feel and look good for a while then here we go again. Has this happened to any of you ?

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11 Replies

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    Hair changes are the biggest physical change for me in the past 2 years or so ( I'm 51 and 19 months into menopause). My hair is now dry and coarse. I have to deep condition it every shampoo and then blow dry it straight and then flat iron it, spray hair glossing mist on it and flat iron it again. As long as there is low humidity, I'm fine for a day or so until it needs to be washed again because there is so much product in it. If its humid outside, my hair turns to instant frizz no matter the amount of product or straightening! I always had nice hair before this. Body but not frizzy, healthy and shiny. Now, I resemble witch hair if I don't put a lot of effort into making it look normal. Most days I just put it in a tight pony because I don't want to spend that much time on my hair!

  • Posted

    Oooohhhh yes. Its like playing paint-by-numbers with hair products! Different things work for different bits of my hair. How can a single head of hair (that used to be thick and straight) can be wiry, greasy, dry, kinky and straight all at the same time!!!! Currently trying a smoothing shampoo and conditioner with a light heat protect spray. Its worked for a couple of days but I'm not holding my breath that it'll last 🙄

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    Basically, my hair just looks like a bag woman these days. I FLIPPING HATE IT!

  • Posted

    have u tried applying coconut oil to your hair. u can massage it to ur scalp n apply some on ur hair. leave it in for around half hour or longer n wash it off with warm water. after rinsing, apply conditioner. hair feels softer if u do this atleast once a week or more, as time permits u.

    • Posted

      sorry, forgot to mention that u can wash it off with shampoo. (not just warm water)

  • Posted

    yep yep and yep. also it's getting very thin on top and the greys...and it's about four different textures

  • Posted

    Listen ladies count your blessings as I have developed alopecia and my hair is falling out in parts, as well as all the other s**t we have to put up with.

    There is one lucky thing I live in Scotland and a hat is needed for the weather lol.

    Good luck .....

  • Posted

    Yes my hair texture and thickness has changed...a lot! It is softer but thinner. It seems to have stopped thinning from when it began about 10 years ago, and it is still decent. I pray it doesn't go through another thinning stage!

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