Hair thinning
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Has anyone suffered with hair thinning through the menopause, Ive lost so much hair can see my scalp. I've been taking hrt for 6 months now haven't seen any improvement anyone have any suggestions or found anything that has helped. Been losing my hair for over 5 years was told at first it was my under active thyriod when my Levo didn't stop it falling out was later advise i was going through menopause and that was the problem, I suffer with all the other symptoms of meno but losing my hair is affecting my confidence, I wonder if I will ever feel like the old me again 😔
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suzynegrette kazzaxs
Hi there... hair loss is a hard one to handle. I lost a lot of hair when diagnosed with hypothyroid. I used Nioxin shampoo and conditioner and that really helped!!
jude84900 kazzaxs
Hi kazzaxs,
Like you I experienced hair loss leading up to menapause. It is not a fun thing for a woman to see her hair becoming thinner each day. Not sure what kind of HRT you are on but I will tell you what worked for me and rather quickly. I have been on bio identical hormone replacement for almost 2 years through a holistic dr. Estrodial, Estriol, Testosterone and progesterone cream. These hormones are monitered regularly through bloodwork and adjusted as needed. With my hormone treatment I was immedialtely put on these supplements that I believe all played a contributing role in my hair staying put on top of my head where it belongs. Stinging Nettles, DIM, Alpha Lipoic Acid. These three were started right away and I will take them forever more along with my hormone replacement. I recently added collagen which I think has been a nice addition for new hair growth also. I am on various other supplements as well including vitamins c,d,e and b's. just to name a few. But those first three I mentioned may be of help for you along with your hormone treatment.
kris813 kazzaxs
juanita93228 kazzaxs
I have to tell you the short time I took HRT, it made my hair fall out. I stopped and my hair was no longer falling out. I was on the lowest dose Combipatch. HRT just wasn't for me. It made me feel like I'd been run over by a truck and my hair was brittle(probably why my hair was falling out). My hair isn't close to being as long as it was but it is thick and I'm grateful for that.
lelawreck kazzaxs
Gillian1956 kazzaxs
Mars777 kazzaxs
Hi kazzaxs, my hair felt in a poor condition like it was getting thinner ! Ihave been taking HRT now for 7 years, my hair has improved healthy & shinney back to how it was. I took HRT for the other symptoms & feel really good.
Guest kazzaxs
Hi Kazza
?My partner's hair thinned out massively and she was absolutely distraught. She now takes a combination of vitamins with a couple specific to hair growth - Zinc and Biotin. We noticed the difference after a month of Calcium and Vitamin D, and then it really took off with Zinc and Biotin. Her hair has grown back with a vengeance and neither of us can believe it. She has also just started to use Plantur 39 - a caffeine shampoo designed for women over 40.
?I am serious when I say, her hair was so thin we could see her scalp. She now literally needs a haircut, and I'm not exaggerating. We still recall the anguish of her hair falling out, loads on the pillow in the morning etc, and now she loses a strand every now and then when she ovulates - nothing more. Please try the vitamins and the shampoo - I honestly believe it may make a difference for you
julie89512 kazzaxs
Hi iv been on HRT for 15 years
no problem with hair loss until I started taking sertraline antidepressants.
or it was falling out due to anxiety or stress, but I used caffeine shampoo and it's helped a lot. My hair is growing back and it's in good condition with having long hair it always looks more.
I do wash my hair every day which I know I shouldn't but I'm a cook and I hate the smell on it.
Dr is changing my HRT to oestrogen only so see if it starts falling out again which seems to be one of the side effects.
also what I read is when you've finished washing and conditioning your hair do the last rinse in cold water it closed the pours apparently.
anetta94863 kazzaxs
rachel13481 kazzaxs
Hi Kazzaxs,
My hair has thinned terribly
I had long, thick hair my whole life despite being on thyroid medication for over ten years. It all starting falling out a year ago. I think it has to do with the menopause. I am taking lots of vitamins and can see small baby hairs coming back... but I don't think I will ever have my nice thick hair back.