Hair thinning, nails weak ...
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Is it just me or has anyone else experienced thinning of the hair? I am peri not had a period for around 7 months . As well as the hot flushes , tiredness and generally looking like s**t my hair has got really thin on the top of my head ....if I'm out on a sunny hot day my scalp gets burnt.ive just started HRT for the flushes and night sweats which I might add I have put on 1 stone in a you really think hormones can effect hair growth? It is really getting me down ...I'm 55
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mbs12 Pennypops
Yes, I absolutely do think hormones effect hair growth!! My hair used to grow like crazy and I got my hair cut super short last November and it's just now starting to come back. It used to be it would grow back within 6-8 weeks but no more. I won't ever cut it that short again!! Take care of yourself and know you are not alone.
gailannie Pennypops
At least from my personal experience, I can guarentee you that estrogen and progesterone effect my hair and nails BIG TIME.
When I was first given vaginal Estrace for atrophy and dryness, One of the first things I saw with regular use was that my nails grew and were thick and strong as they always had been, and my hair started growing rather quickly. It was an unexpected treasure. I even regained the hair on my forarms that I'd had my whole life.
So at least for me, yes, hormones definately effect my hair and nails.
jude84900 Pennypops
Yes, what you describe is all typical of declining hormones. Crazy how we can't wait until our periods end but when they do all heck breaks lose. We need these hormones for everything to work and stay in tact. Same thing happened to me as my periods were winding down. I noticed I was cleaning the hair out of my hair brush more often, my nails brittle and thin, my skin thin, lubrication for sex was going bye bye. Its horrifying for women. What a dirty trick and nobody really tells us a thing about these things happening to us. I found a Holistic Dr. who was a MD for 22 years before going the holistic approach. My female GP did not want to even hear the words HRT when I mentioned them to her. Even Bio Identicals because frankly she didn't have a clue about them. Best decision I made. I got an appt. as soon as I could after my periods ended so I could start replenshing lost hormones. I am on Compounded bio identical estriol, estrodial, testosterone and OTC progesterone. I feel really good. Along with proper supplements within a few short months my hair quit falling out and getting thicker, nails much better and thicker. Skin doesn't bruise as easily and is less thin and dry. I feel much better about myself looking in the mirror everyday. I know to see such detteroration everyday has a domino effect. Worry sets in. When will I quit losing hair, why am I losing hair. Then you have these crazy black hairs that start appearing out of nowhere on your face. It is crazy, but yes, it is all hormones. If you are looking to replenish your hormones find a knowledgable dr in bio identicals. Through good blood work and regularly monitering you can turn this nightmare around. Good luck!
debi62095 jude84900
jude84900 debi62095
Hi Deb,
Typically you find a doctor that will get on board with you. Most GPs do not want to do anything about it. Holistic or Alternative drs are the ones to go to that have knowledge of bio identicals will test blood regularly and adjust hormone as needed to keep you at levels that are right for you depending on your symptoms. Search and you will be surprised they are around. I live in a pretty small town and I still found my Holistic dr. They will typically put you on many supplements to compliment your hormones too. Don't be alarmed, its part of the whole feeling good. Everything works together and before I knew it I was sleeping right again, no more hot flashes, not more vaginal dryness, no more hair falling out my whole attitude was so much better. It doesn't happen overnight but with the right dr., hormones and supplements you should get there too. The cost for holistic is not cheap initially because most insurance will not cover these dr. or hormones. I guess the insurance company tells us what dr we will go to and what they will pay. Its a racket. I pay yearly, but you can go by the visit too. Once you get established and going my hormones run 50.00 for 10 weeks and the OTC progesterone is about 15 a month. Supplements aren't too bad once you get everything you need then its just buying them as you need them. My hormone creams come from a compounding pharmacy right to my mailbox. Its very easy once you get in the groove. It might seem overwhelming at first but now its second nature. I'll be happy to answer any more questions you may have.
kelly55079 Pennypops
Yes!! My hair is thin also. I try to eat healthy and take vitimins too.. Change your shampoo. Not washing my hair as much and when I do I use a hair mask with oils..hoping to make it stronger and for it to grow!! The summer heat doesn't help either. Just trying to do what I can. I'm also tired too.. Don't know if it's spouse, kids, heat or just hormones. But when I need a nap. I take one.. The last few nights I went to bed at 9. I know that's early but my body needs extra sleep.
debbie03785 Pennypops
juanita93228 Pennypops
Yes,hormones affect hair growth. I had a perm in my hair but I looked up one day and had a huge bald spot in the top of my head. I let the perm grow out and my hair is nice and thick now, BUT, it's not close to being as long as it used to be. My hair used to be down my back, now it reaches the top of my ears. I'm just hoping it will grow to my earlobes!! My nails are also thinner. I think the only reason they aren't thinner is that I take an over 50 multivitamin with calcium and drink eight ounces of 1% milk every day. I'm 57 by the way. Last period in 2010, but no menopausal sympmtoms until 2014. You are not alone. I think back now and I feel bad for my mother, she didn't have forums like this.