Hand stiff
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Hi,i had surgery on my forearm 1.5 months ago (cut radial nerve,cephalic vein,extensor tendon,a few other tisuess and a small part of the extensor bone) my wrist is very stiff and the left half of the upper hand including half of the thumb..towards up,i can bend it like 10-15 degrees,towards down like 5 degrees.. and while moving left i can only straighten my hand,and by moving right,it bends like 5 degrees..so my question is,would my therapist be able to fix my hand? At least to 80-90%? Has anyone experienced something like this?
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devsmom archangel95
That sounds like a good question for your therapist. When I had hand issues I went to a specialist in hand therapy. Some of the exercises were done with my hand under warm water. The water was soothing and the water provided both buoyancy and resistance for a "better" work-out. Also, 1.5 months following surgery is not a long time. Unfortunately healing takes much longer than hoped. It took me a year doing my hand exercises to be able to make a 95% fist. Good luck.
archangel95 devsmom
Oh,guess i was worried for nothing..it feels so hard,like a rock,that's what worried me the most,cause a week ago i fell on ice and fell on that arm..btw,do you think a warm water would be good for therapy now and how often a day should i be doing it? Also can you recommend some home therapy before my theraphy starts? Starts in 2 weeks
devsmom archangel95
Your surgery was over a month ago so you had weeks before you fell on your arm. Were you able to move your wrist better before your fall or not? As far as feeling hard like a rock is that new? My wrist feels hard too, but it's not like people have a lot of fat around their wrists. Maybe it's normal for a wrist to feel "hard". As far as exercise before you see a therapist I have no answer for you. I don't think soaking your wrist in water with Epsom salts twice in a day would hurt. The hand exercises I did was for finger mobility not wrist mobility. I did have to see a therapist for ankle exercises when I twisted my ankle, fell and broke my foot. They were helpful for me and simple, but hard to keep my leg still while just moving my ankle/foot. I simply moved my foot, point and flex, left and right, sole out and in, circle R & L, and "wrote" the alphabet with my toes. If you decide to try any of these with your hand/wrist you would have to use your other hand to hold your arm stable. My range of motion gradually improved and I added elastic bands to strengthen my ankle. Good luck. It's hard to wait to see a therapist. I know, with my foot, all I wanted to do was to get better (and drive) ASAP.
archangel95 devsmom
Mhm,well ty for your help
i have 1 more question,if you dont mind answering. 4 weeks ago a started to feel kinda lightheaded and nauseated,trouble breathing..and a week after that i had a paníc attack.it was going better and better each day untill i fell (like i said) so 2 days after that i started feeling lightheaded again,my legs are weak,feet slightly tingle and i have nausea throughout the day,when im walking or sitting..every day.can this be due to anxiety? i worry alot
devsmom archangel95
Anxiety certainly can result in physical symptoms and it is a very normal response when things in our lives change from our regular routine. It is also very hard not to worry about what the future holds after an accident, surgery, and while recovering. I don't know if this will help or not.......but the amount of time that you worry will NOT change the physical outcome. Try some mind calming exercises. Mediation. Deep breathing. Check it out on the internet. In the mean time I'm sending good thoughts to you.
archangel95 devsmom
devsmom archangel95