Hangover anxiety since stopping mirtazapine

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i stopped cold-turkey a month ago once I realised the mirtazapine was causing me to pile on weight and give me horrendous hip pain.  Luckily I have seemed to get away without nasty withdrawals but last night I went out for the first proper night out since I'd started them in December.  I haven't drunk much in all that time so was quite prepared for a bad hangover but actually wasn't hungover in the usual sense but have had the worst anxiety all day.  I have never ever been aware of feeling this anxious before and have actually stayed in bed all day missing out on a glorious sunny day.  Has anyone else found this or is aware of this happening?  I've flippantly said a million times that I'm never drinking again but this is so much worse that a normal hangover!!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I don't know why alcohol would affect you after leaving the drug off unless it does something permanent to your metabolism. I don't drink so won't have that experience but i have put on a load of weight on my stomach and legs which I hate worse is the fact you have mentioned pain in the hips my bone pain has got a lot worse lately but I thought it was down to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis plus taking vitamin D.
    • Posted

      The pain in my hip was awful, couldn't roll onto my left side in bed and struggled to get up from bed and chairs.  Pain went altogether within 24 hours of the first missed dose.  I had put on loads of weight around my stomach and thighs too which is not usual distribution for me but I had abdo surgery in February and just thought it was swelling but I was ballooning by the day and had to buy bigger clothes.  I've lost over a stone since and feeling much more fit & healthy again.
    • Posted

      Hi Sem

      I've read of several people, like yourself quitting cold turkey, and the wd symptoms kicking in 4 weeks later - "protracted WD" - 

      As your nervous system is sensitised already, maybe the one over the odds last night has kick started a reaction?  It's hard to say really, but maybe wait until tomorrow when the hangover should be a lot better and see if the anxiety is still there.  Some people get withdrawal from alcohol, showing itself as anxiety mainly, maybe its that?

      Hope you feel better soon, fill your belly, it could settle your nervousness.  

    • Posted

      Really strange, I'm am a mass of aches and pains but a lot worse lately and seem to be living on codeine.  I'm a bit nervous about cutting the mirtazapine out altogether as I was quite ill last December, which wasnt helped by taking xanax at night.  I am so stiff I can't even dry my feet when I get out of the shower but then I am a lot older than you I am sure.
    • Posted

      I fear you have hit the nail on the head with the "protracted WD".  Anxiety a bit less but headaches, total loss of appetite, insomnia and it's like I've even  totally lost the ability to swim.  Oh, what have I done to myself?!?
    • Posted

      Would you consider reinstating, that would be my advice, sooner rather than later, the longer the gap the harder it is to pick up.  It may take days or weeks to stabilise, or maybe struggle to stabilise, worth a try.

      Then, follow a slow wd taper plan, be kind to yourself, it's the safest way.

      Wishing you well.

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