Happy hemorrhoid story!
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So I've read lots of hemorrhoidectomy horror stories and was terrified for my surgery, which was 8 days ago, but feel obligated to offer hope for others out there. For starters, I had banding one Friday and then my full surgery the following Thursday. I was uncomfortable those first two days, but haven't had to take any pain medication since two days post-op. I returned to work and normal activities four days after surgery. I've had only two painful bowel movements, one of which left me pretty uncomfortable for several hours, but nothing that I couldn't deal with. I use two stool softeners and one dose of miralax daily and have been largely successful at keeping soft, regular bms with this protocol.
I don't make this post to diminish the suffering of others because let's face it, this surgery and the reason we're all here talking about it is truly a pain in the ass, but I do want to share that it is possible to make it through and it might not even be as bad as what you're expecting. Within 4 days I was very happy that I had gone through with the surgery. Hang in there everyone; it's possible to feel good again.
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dan_19889 sarah37054
Finally some positive vibes !! Good for u glad U doing good. I’m on day 6 , still got good amount of pain but no pain like the first bm was. That was the worst thing that could ever happen 😂
sarah37054 dan_19889
Hey Dan
I understand about the first bm, lol! I think I was so nervous and was expecting it to be so much worse than it really was that it actually made it seem a little easier, you know? Good luck with your recovery 😀
dan_19889 sarah37054
Happybum sarah37054
Every operation is going to be different with the ensuing healing being specific to each person and their previous and post conditions. I am just left with anal spasming and some pain upon having a bm. There is no way I could sit for more than a few minutes at time at this point. So, just to let anyone know out there that no matter what, for the majority of people, this does end up being a happy ever after story....eventually.
sarah37054 Happybum
Hey there
I actually had both internal and external. I had the banding procedure for the internal hemorrhoids and surgery was for the external. They were considered grade 2. I completely agree that our experiences vary greatly. I just want people who are awaiting surgery to keep a little hope, lol! I know I worried myself to tears a few nights before my surgery because all I read was about the life-altering pain. While it certainly isn't the most fun you'll have, it is worth it in the end and it is possible to make it through with your sanity intact 😊 I'm so glad that you're doing so much better as well!
dan_19889 sarah37054
Oh u had external surgery? I think most of us had the internal surgery ? Maybe that’s y you were the only one with not a lot of pain lol. I had 3 huge internal hemroids. I just wish I never got it done. I could of lived with them. All it did was cause a little bleeding, no pain or nothing, my father talked me into getting it done 😂
sarah37054 dan_19889
dan_19889 sarah37054
jay81115 sarah37054
sarah37054 jay81115
Hey Jay
I hope you're doing well also. This is certainly a less than fun problem to have, but at least we all know we're on the way to feeling better, right?
theresa66255 sarah37054
Thank u for your positive feed. I have surgery next Monday and I'm scared. It was so good to hear positive feed back.
dan_19889 theresa66255
sarah37054 theresa66255
Hi Theresa
I hope that your experience is a positive one as well! Try not to worry too much and know that you'll get through it. Start with the stool softeners and miralax now to get a head start on making your bms nice and soft. It really has helped me a lot! If you have any questions or find yourself worried and wanting to talk, I'm happy to listen!
theresa66255 sarah37054
Hi Sarah, I have a fissure tear with external hems. I've been in pain every BM. I have rock hard stools because i have rectocele, prolapse of the colon. The constipation gave me the fissure
. So I'm getting three surgeries Monday. Rectocele @ fissure @ hems. The Tear is a killer.
theresa66255 sarah37054
I couldn't imagine going to work 4 days after. I had externals @ a fissure. I still can't sit. My stomach from all the stool softeners keep me running but that's a good thing. I still have stitches and still swollen but not bad.