Happy Monday !!
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Hi Guys
I've just started using the forum and finding it a real comfort already. Peri seems to happen overnight for me, feel I've aged 10 years in 10 days!!
Quick question - I'm wondering how long it takes for the vits to kick-in. Started taking B-Vit mega complex and iron last week? Think I might start magnesium/zinc/calc combined also.
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MrsMerm gillian_96092
I'm hoping they kick in quick, I started Vitamin B12 and Vitanin B6. I ache all over and find it hard to get off to sleep, and a zillian other awful symptoms which make my life difficult.
Hey ho, going to have a lovely coffee now
gillian_96092 MrsMerm
Thanks for your reply. Here's hoping!
My sleeping habits are terrible....I fall asleep really easily but wake up at last 5-6 (some times more) during the night.
I will try ANYTHING !!!
Sense of humour is vital !!!
MrsMerm gillian_96092
mary34059 gillian_96092
MrsMerm mary34059
I just hate THE BUTCHERS FIGURE though
try as I might I can't get rid of it
Mrs Merm
Going for coffee now
HotDot7 gillian_96092
These symptoms don't last long and go away eventually. I had heart palpitations, itchy skin, vertigo and went away. They just seem to last forever cause it's such a change were going through but we will survive.
nancy0925 gillian_96092
I feel all of you. I look at myself now and think, OMG, this time last year I was almost 25 lbs lighter and looked great. Then I hit 51 and look like crap! Started really getting hit with perimenopause symptoms that all of you have. My left knee has been so bad for weeks now. Think I have a cyst or something in it but I get all the aches and pains and no stamina anymore. Can't even exercise because I ache for days after. I get insomnia, spacey feelings and just blah feelings. Had just about everything on the list. I will say that I took Jay's advice and started B6. I have been taking B12 1500 mg for energy and I take multi vitamin, 1000 mg of D and Vitamin E. I'm trying to cover all bases. Helps but doesn't make it all go away..lol. I have learned to live with it so I have conquered the anxiety. This does really suck though and I hope when it's over I can feel like the woman I used to. I'm gaining so much weight and I have no desire to do anything about it!
Have a good day!
gillian_96092 nancy0925
Your post made me smile - I'm 51 and feel just like you. Only a couple of weeks ago felt I could conquer the world - feel like a different person now. Hopefully our mojo's return soon!!
Very easily distracted at work too !!!!!
liz53953 gillian_96092
kim27003 gillian_96092
I have read where many of you suffer with increased anxiety. Mine is really bad right now. I will be feeling somewhat normal, and then out of nowhere the anxiety will come over me. Can some of you respond with how you feel when your anxiety is high. I keep telling myself it is just anxiety, and it will get better. However, it just seems to consume me.
laurie70017 kim27003
kim27003 gillian_96092
Thank you so much for your response. It does help a great deal to have others who truly understand what you're going through. My anxiety is just terrible right now. I have the racing heart, chest pain, nervousness, and of course, the "what if" thinking. My former self was a very rational, strong, handle any situation kind of person. My new self. Well, not so much. I also ache all over, and feel wiped out most days. It is so frustrating! I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass, and I have so much to be thankful for. I know there are so many others who are dealing with much worse. I am determined to keep pushing through!
Thanks again!!!!!
laurie70017 kim27003