Hard body.
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i don’t know if this affects anyone else. But I noticed my body is like one hard muscle, this is only
since I have been taking predesolone, and it has been gradual. Does anyone know if this is another side affect, I have got down to 8mg. I know I have put weight on which was approx 2st. I have now lost 13lbs, doing some light weights and 5mile walk each day, I am sure this would not make my whole body hard. If one of my fellow PMR sufferes out there could shed some light I would be delighted. I am watching a programme on anabolic steroids i don’t want to end up like that,
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Anhaga margaret89358
Corticosteroids are more likely to cause muscle weakening than otherwise. Corticosteroids and anabolic steroids are both a type of hormone but they work very differently. Don't worry, you will not get a ripped body from pred. 🏋????
margaret89358 Anhaga
nick67069 margaret89358
Quite the opposite. Just after I got PMR, my wife comments was " everything got softer". I think she was talking about my quads
. Seriously, not only my muscles got weaker, but it seems that they were very soft, unless there was stiffness, and some post-exercise knots that were harder and also painful on pressure. But it gets better over time and with pred reduction.
margaret89358 nick67069
EileenH margaret89358
You needn't worry about the effects of anabolic steroids - they are a completely different thing to pred!!!
The only hard muscles I have after 8+ years of pred are the ones that harden and spasm due to myofascial pain syndrome! Otherwise they are regretably poor in tone...