Hard lump in neck for over 7 months!
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Quite a few months ago, i noticed a node in my neck just under my jaw which feel enlarged. It isnt visable but you can certainly feel it when feeling the area. It feels hard but hasnt got bigger or smaller. I think it is slightly moveable, i cant tell. If this was lymphoma would it have got bigger??
I dont have any sweating or itchyness, just fatigue and pains which i put down to my thyroid problem. Ive had a brain scan too, would this of seen my lymph nodes?
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JoyKF53 emily52713
A brain scan may have picked it up or may not, as no one was looking for it. A swollen lymph node is usually a sign of infection, especially as you have been feeling tired and have aches and pains. My advise to you is to make a doctor's appointment.
michelle_79406 emily52713
It's pretty normal to get swollen glands under your jaw bone if you have and infection or viral infection . But it usually goes away in about a week to ten days. And sometimes it's sore to touch . As it is swollen .
lynda20916 emily52713
Best to get yourself to a doctor so that you can be diagnosed and treated. Good luck to you and let me know how you do!
JoyKF53 emily52713
I think we're all agreed, the best thing you can do is go to your doctor.
He mention salivary stone, but he checked and couldnt feel anything. He did say that my gland feels firm like a jelly bean. Whereas they should be soft. I am being referred to an ent specialist. Im absolutely terrified about it being cancer. The doctor mentioned cancer but said it might not be, but surely the node wouldve gone down already!! Its been nearly a year i think!!
JoyKF53 emily52713
Hi Emily. I found a pea sized lump behind my left ear and went to the doctor immediately. I was quickly referred and a biopsy was done, it was Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (non Hodgkin's disease). The point I'm making is that I had cancer. Between seeing my GP with one pea sized lump and getting a diagnosis a short while after, two more lumps had come up. If you've only had the one swollen lymph node for nearly a year, have not suffered drenching night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, severe itching or other symptoms I would say cancer is extremely unlikely. And even if it is it's totally treatable. Let me know.
JoyKF53 emily52713
Very unlikely if you've had no other symptoms, which you would have as it's been a year. For goodness sake, stop faffing around and get yourself to the doctors, he'll sort you out. Good luck.
michelle_79406 emily52713
What kind of a doctor would say such a thing unless he had test results etc. That's very strange and stupid of them. Usually there the ones making out it's noting and then when th results come back bang. It's the first time you have heard the word. Are u sure you didn't pick dr up wrong
JoyKF53 emily52713
Emily please stop worrying, just because he mentioned cancer doesn't mean you've got it. The ENT doctor is the expert and he will know what to do next. Keep in touch.
lynda20916 JoyKF53
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! xxx