Has Any One Else Noticed this Unusual Vision Issue with Symfony Lens
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I had a cataract surgery on my right eye a week back and decided to go with A Symfony Toric Lens because of all the positive things I have read about the lens. I have had a IOL in my left eye for almost 18 years, which I have been happy with for reading, so that I was looking basically for good distance and intermediate vision with the Symfony (I am used to monovision for the last 25 years).
My right eye still has some astigmatism (slowly improving), had issue with seeing streaks from lights for only the first 3 days, am seeing halo around the lights (will probably get adjusted to it), but also have another interesting vision issue which I had not seen mentioned by any of the doctors or the patients on the web. Using just my right eye, I don't just see a halo around a light, but see about 7 perfect concentric circles around the light, with the diameter of the outermost circle being about 3-4 times that of the halo diameter. Since the Symfony lens has the unique feature of having about the same number of circular “diffractive echelette design” in the lens, I am sure that the concentric circles which I am seeing is because of this proprietary design.
Looking through these circles to look at a light is like looking at a light through a spider web. It is not so bad that I wish that I had not selected Symfony lens (I like the Extended Vision), but why has this effect not been publicized more? Have any of the other Symfony Lens users experienced seeing these concentric circles?
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m22031 at201
I can't figure out how to create a new post, so I'm replying. I had a Symfony IOL implanted in my left (dominant) eye one week ago. This eye is supposed to be optimized for distance. I currently have a contact lens in my right eye. I am scheduled to have a Symfony implanted in my right eye in a week. Impressions so far: First, the good. My intermediate vision is decent, I can read the computer monitor and books if the lighting is good and it's not too close. My distance vision is ok but not great; everything seems to be just a little bit blurry, regardless of distance, and I definitely have better distance vision in the non-Symfony eye with the contact lens. Colors, particularly green, are 'off', muted in the Symfony eye, and I perceive a loss of contrast. My biggest concern is glare, giant starbursts and halos at night, from any light source, including street lights, headlights, brake lights. These are most apparent if I cover my right eye and only use the Symfony eye; if I use both eyes they are still there but greatly reduced. I can't imagine driving at night if both eyes are seeing this, and due to my work schedule, I need to drive at night once the days get shorter. I am seriously considering delaying the second eye to see if there is any improvement. I have a follow up with my surgeon at the end of this week. I am quite concerned; at a minimum I expected my distance vision to be what it was (corrected) prior to surgery, and while I was advised of possible halos etc at night I had no idea of the extent.
at201 m22031
If driving at night is important to you, then considering your personaI experience with the halos, starbursts etc with the Symfony lens in the left eye, I will strongly suggest going for a monofocal lens (set for distance) in the right eye.
Essentially, if done correctly, your vision with the Symfony lens in the left eye combined with the monofocal lens in the right eye will be about what you have right now. It looks like that at least, you can live with that. If you are lucky, your night vision with the left eye better may get slightly better, but don't ignore the night vision issues. In spite of the surgeons telling the patients that the halos or the multiple circles around lights will go away with time, as you have read in posts by many people in this forum, those often stay unchanged with time.
There is hardly any downside to getting a monofocal lens in the right eye. Your day time vision at the intermediate and the near distances will be about the same as right now (although yes, it won't probably won't get any better as it may slightly with the Symfony lens in the right eye).
Why pay extra money to get a Symfony lens in the right eye just to get potentially small gain in your day time vision at the potential risk of getting much worse night vision than you have right now!
vlad873 m22031
it is a bit too late. I did the same mistake .did both eyes a week apart with out enough research or proper doctor consultation and choice of lenses some places you can have a trial external lens . If you want you can delay , but once you change the non-dominant the halos will become a bit more obvious the size stays the same , they say that can be less bordering after 6 Months
The Monofocal . is an option for the Dominant eye in your case left eye . As the driving and far distance is dominant eye responsible
Please check my posts for my issues , i Made that mistake i did both eyes one week apart just around 2 months ago
The star Burst will become really , bad in my case with no good distance or intermediate vision . But that is correctable
In saying that if you use Symphony EOF , that is the best results over all ZXT or ZXR models on the market and hope that you get the best result . BUT GLARES , halos ARE PRESENT AND ONLY SOME people get used to it . Most doctors or researchers do not say it like that
There was one person in this forum who said that he hardly notice it , and that coul dbe the case after 6 Months
Check if you are using Symphony Multyfocal or Symphony Extended focus !!! Extended focus gives better results in halos and glares
I still prefer to try Crystal Lenses AO adaptive but no one is doing it in New Zealand . I would happy extract my Symphony at least in the dominant eye and replace it .
i Have given 7 Months for adaptation and check that some of the other side effects do not kick in .Just finished LASIK correction yesterday in the dominant eye . After that if still not good will replace my dominant eye with monofocal if i can not find clinic with adaptive lens
vlad873 at201
Sue is very good in this forum and if he can comment would be great
at201 vlad873
mm2301's left eye is already done. Thus, there is no more any choice for the left eye.
The only choice at this time is about what to do about the right eye. And in my opinion, the best choice at this time is a monofocal lens set for distance for that eye.
P. S. It does not matter, but by the way, I think that I was probably the first one on this post and on this forum ( about a year back) who suggested getting a monofocal in the dominant eye for distance (combined with a Symfony for the interrmediate distance) to get the benefits of Symfony while minimizing the night vision issues.
vlad873 at201
And mm2301 you should know how you use your eyes more
Distance or near. For me distance is better I am ok wearing glasses for near or intermediate . Probably if I knew after the first for what I know now would go with mono for the nondominant if I had option. But is very personal . Peronally now I will try with the two symphony to achieve best result and then if something will fix the dominant eye. But hey extra risk and very personal feeling .
jantje32476 at201
Hi at201, is your right eye implanted with Symfony Toric lens, your non-dominant eye? Your Tecnis Symfony Toric lens (Model: ZXR00) would be the state-of-the-art lens and pricier than the Tecnis Toric IOL (Model: ZCT), isn't it? The reason I am asking is, my husband's vision seem to be improving even after nearly 2 years of implantation with Symfony EDOF lenses.
jantje32476 vlad873
heard of that one before, achieving best result pairing eyes with same lenses. Spasibo. haha you're quite a linguist by leaps and bounds.
jantje32476 at201
at201 jantje32476
While that improved my day vision, it did not make any difference in the night vision effect of seeing the concentric circles or halos around lights at night. There has been no change in my seeing the concentric circles or halos around lights at night over the last 20 months, since I noticed them soon after the cataract surgery and getting the Symfony lens on December 1, 2016.
vlad873 jantje32476
Thank you jan for the comment that helps.
By the way only second day after lasik on the dominant eye and I can see a lot better and the halo is not so bad still there but can drive. And distance vision restored to almost 80% from the original with glasses. Near better
May be just we need to relax and the doctors need to prepare us for the long and painful jurney in advance not a day or two .
m22031 at201
Thank you (and everyone else) for the responses. This is an incredibly helpful and supportive community, and I am so grateful. People who haven't experienced these issues can't really understand.
As long as I am able to manage with the contact lens in the right eye, I am going to delay doing anything with the right eye. I had to stop using contacts over a year ago due to ongoing irritation and GPC (tried different brands, using drops, nothing helped, but it seems better now, perhaps due to treatment of dry eye with Xiidra). I thought I would be able to wear my progressive eyeglasses with the left lens removed, but that didn't work at all. I am interested to hear what my surgeon's response will be. He is associated with one of the best eye hospitals on the East Coast, but I think his patient interaction skills are lacking; I don't feel that he listens well to my concerns and seems to be in a hurry to get on to the next patient.
I also think it is possible they didn't properly identify my dominant eye, but I hope I am mistaken. This is based on the homegrown test of making a circle with both hands, looking at an object in the distance, and then closing one eye at a time to see which eye is looking at it. When I do this, it's my right eye looking at the object, not the left, which the doctor says is my dominant eye.
I will update the forum after I see the doctor Friday (8/3).
m22031 vlad873
Hello, I am relatively certain that I have the Symfony EOF but I will confirm. I know that it is supposed to have the lowest incidence of night vision issues, but that is not the case for me.
In general I adapt easily; I had no problems at all going to multifocal contact lens and then progressive eyeglasses, so I don't think I am overly sensitive.
It's a bit difficult to describe what I'm seeing at night, but I'll try. With an overhead streetlight, the light itself is blurry, there's a small halo, and then there are starbursts all around. The starbursts glare and halo as well. The diameter of the starburst is as wide as a standard traffic lane. It's the same with car headlights; the diameter of the starbursts covers the lane the car is in as well as at least half of the traffic lanes on each side. As the lights get closer, sometimes the starbursts fade enough that I can see the concentric circles others describe.
jerome49013 m22031
That describes my experience exactly, although I get the concentric circles always. I am now investigating surgeons in Southern California who are experts at explantation; hopefully I can find someone and start again with monofocals. I know that it is risky, but I can't imagine another 25 or 30 years with these night driving problems. It has also affected my ability to enjoy live theater (halos around the performers depending on the stage lighting), television (halos around light objects against a dark background), and even the night sky. I do not expect anything to change as it has now been 12 months that I had the second eye done.
Sue.An m22031
Also the tests one can do at home to determine dominant eye - although helpful can be misleading. In my case when I did those tests I thought I was left eye dominant but the cataract in my right eye was worse than left eye so my left eye became the dominant eye. Now that Ian almost a year out from surgeries doing those same at home tests - it is my right eye that is dominant. When I asked my surgeon about that before surgeries he didn’t put much stock into dominant vs non dominant eye - but that could be because I wanted plano to be the target for both eyes so it wouldn’t matter which eye he operated on first etc.
Wishing you the best.
Sue.An m22031
Sue.An jerome49013
m22031 Sue.An
Hi Sue.An, I'm across the border in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. It's only been about 10 days since the surgery on my first eye. I am scheduled to get the Symfony in my right eye on August 6, however I am very hesitant to do so given the night issues and less than optimal distance vision from the first Symfony. I don't have any medical reason to do this immediately and I think I can manage with a contact lens in my right eye for a while. I will discuss options and get recommendations from my surgeon at my follow up on August 3. If he still thinks Symfony is the best option for me, I am going to wait and see if the night vision improves. As someone else pointed out, there's no reason to risk permanent deficiency of night vision to gain a small improvement in near vision.
m22031 Sue.An
I'm happy to hear that night vision does improve for some. If I only had the circles, with minimal glare and starburst, I think I could manage. Only time will tell!
m22031 jerome49013
Hi Jerome, I am so sorry to hear of your experience. I hope that you are able to find a solution. I have only the one Symfony currently, and I do find that night vision is much better when I use both eyes (one with a contact lens). Perhaps replacing just one of the Symfony lenses would be helpful. I think the doctor's offices should provide patients with photos and/or videos illustrating the possible night vision issues. The likelihood may be low, but that doesn't matter if you're the one it happens to.
Sue.An m22031
m22031 vlad873
Hello all, an update after consulting with my surgeon on 8/3. I have Symfony Extended Focus, which is supposed to have minimal risk of halo / glare. Distance in my left eye is not optimal, and he also said I have mild astigmatism. We are going to try eyeglasses with a -.25 Sph / -.75 Cyl to see if they help with general blurriness and the night vision. Right eye surgery is postponed. My doctor said the period between having the first / second eye done is the most difficult to adjust to. If the glasses don't help and I decide the Symfony is not for me, he suggested a monofocal in the right eye. He also said the vision in the left eye can be improved with a PRK procedure if needed, but that wouldn't be done for several months. He mentioned that removal of the lens is a last resort option but thinks it is unlikely it will be necessary.
I feel much better after this visit and I retract my earlier statement about my doctor's patient interaction skills. He listened to all of my concerns, walked me through my options, and was in complete agreement that we should not proceed with the right eye at this time.
I will let the forum know how the glasses work out.
Thanks again to all for your support.
vlad873 m22031
R: sph 0 , cyl - 0.75, axis 45 , L: sph:0.25 , cyl -1.00 axis 0.75 . I think the CY:L and axis is the main problem
But did very small difference on the halo and glare , but getting used to that and reduced effect overtime
After Laser correction on the dominant RIGHT eye i do not ware the glasses any more for distance
Still halo is there , glare is not very strong . If i put the glasses on the left is still better
The Halo starting to become less bordering , still all the time there but kinda reduced in comparison the rest of the objects . I think since the blurriness was reduced now the brain starts to adjust and adapts to that . And some angles of vision the halo almost disappear
Bravogoldenk9 Sue.An
Seems wrong people are on list as satisfied do not post. The app is in the App Store and worth looking at
I had some dry eye after surgery and dr has me using warm packs each am. Seems corneas do affect vision more than I knew
vlad873 Bravogoldenk9
Interesting can you post a link to that app
Also something interesting to read
Sue.An Bravogoldenk9
Still don’t think Tecnis site does enough to show a potential candidate the actual night vision view of this with Symfony lenses. One has to wonder why they don’t as by now there is no doubt that the concentric circles are part of the lens design.
Yes I too believe that happy patients with them don’t post. Only reason I post is because I came here on the forums prior to my surgery. And although I am happy with them I know not everyone is.
Bravogoldenk9 Sue.An
Interesting that unless dr has had cataract surgery he cannot exactly know what we see.It really is hard for me to really notice halos or blur around lights unless i make an effort..He asked me my opinion of lens and i said i loved it but am quite easy going.I would never recommend it to my husband who would be quick to find its short comings.I love the range of bright clarity though the loss of contrast in dim light means tiny print can fade without good light.So for me i walk closer to the window to increase light into eye.Small sacrifice for me
at201 Sue.An
Simulator results depend on the computer software behind those. So, it is just like the old saying, " Garbage In ; Garbage Out:"
If the manufacturer does not want one to know about the multiple circles, there is no reason for them to program that effect in the simulator. There is no financial incentive for them to tell the whole truth.
Sue.An vlad873
I do think Symfony provides great daytime vision - better range than a monofocal. The night time concentric circles aren’t mentioned in any study I am aware of and by now there should be. At the very least the surgeons should be noting that with their prospective patients so that they can make an informed decision. It I still really a matter of preference to the patient which trade-off they want. Even though a good percentage of patients will be glasses free as I am it is not something surgeons can guarantee. There are variables they cannot control. Then there are personality traits that would make Symfony less desirable to some patients vs others. And I bet some would find fault with every lens - and they will have a harder time living with any trade-off. But as one ages compromises are a must with many things.
Sue.An at201
Likely if the whole truth were told to the patient some would still opt for Symfony and others would not. This is a hard decision as it is a decision of choosing which would you rather live with and the answer isn’t the same for everyone. However the frustration is greater when one feels mislead by promises and misinformation.
Bravogoldenk9 at201
my dr said no perfect lens is invented to replace the natural eye..they try and if you watch the eyetube convention coverage acheiving best possible results is a main goal of reputable surgeons.Not fooling people.Did you have a first rate surgeon?
I did learn from my dr who is also a cornea specialist how importand cornea health is..Dry Eye is worth researching on youtube..It is a real entity which i has thought was unimportant..
Sue.An Bravogoldenk9
I would say as a patient same is true - difficult to compare what I have as someone one has monofocals as there is no way to try out both options.
I regret having to have cataracts at 53. But my eyesight was getting very poor and driving that way was a danger to others as well as myself so really no other option but surgery. I am glad it all worked out well - better than what I was anticipating. A book I read a while ago defined happiness as : Expectations divided by Reality so by that equation I am pleased/happy with outcome.
Bravogoldenk9 Sue.An
You are young for cataract surgery so it probably has not hit you yet!It is said to i tervere with best results for many older people.
Sue.An Bravogoldenk9
Bravogoldenk9 Sue.An
I do not find it user friendly at all
Hello, I'm glad to hear things are working out for you. I recently picked up the glasses and they definitely help with distance vision. I haven't been out much at night yet, but my initial impression is that there is little reduction in glare / halo. I will be driving this evening so I'll see how that goes.
I have another appointment this Friday to discuss the results and how we are going to proceed.
Sue.An m22031
Unfortunately I don’t think night vision glasses do much for glare and halos driving at night. If the glasses are to correct vision they likely will help with seeing to read road signs etc but not sure they help with glare and halos.
at201 Bravogoldenk9
1. My surgeon was excellent. No one could have done any better job.
2. The surgeon is not to be blamed for my being surprised by seeing the multiple circles around lights at night. The fault lay completely on the Symfony manufacturer, Abbott, and the surgeons paid by them for running the trial lens, who never mentioned the unique types of annoying circles seen by the Symfony users before the effects started being discussed on forums like this. All they talked about how Symfony lens is not only the best choice after cataract surgeries, but also a good choice for getting rid of the reading glasses due to presbyopia..
3. I have not read anything put out by the Symfony manufacturer, which talks about the persons eye characteristics which may control the degree to which they may see multiple circles around lights at night. I know that people on this forum have come up with a reasonable conjecture that people with smaller pupil size may have less of a chance of seeing the multiple circles. But I have not seen any effort by the Symfony manufacturer to tell the surgeons as to what they should look for in recommending the Symfony lens.
4. If the Surgeon or the Symfony lens manufacturer wants to suggest that anyone not willing to or be able to live with bad night time vision should not use Symfony lens, let them be open about it instead of just criticizing the patient after the fact.
5. The bottom line is all the lenses do have pros and cons. It is good to understand those with the help of a good surgeon before the surgery and select the lens which provides the best compromise for the patient. However, that requires that the information on the pros and cons of the lenses be easily available and not significantly biased. Unfortunately, Abbott (now bought by Johnson & Johnson) seems to have failed in providing such good information for the Symfony lens
vlad873 Sue.An
My experience and from what i read so far from others that the Symphony torics extended focus is exactly as what they show for normal multi-focal on the simulation not for the extended focus
Sue or any one !?
has any one experienced a vision similar or same as what they show on the simulation for the extended focus Symphony ?????
john56935 at201
Agreed, I think Abbott did everything they could to hide the issues. If you look at their simulator and literature you would conclude that it offers the best range of vision with no more problems than other IOLs so why wouldn't you choose them? My doctor made no mention of the rings and didn't do any personality screening and my cataracts had just started and vision was good which was why this has been so difficult to deal with. I just assumed since it had been approved and used in Europe for some time before it came here that these issues would have surfaced by then so I wonder if patients there experienced the same things or is it such a small percentage that it just doesn't get the attention it deserves compared to all the people that apparently don't have problems with them.
Sue.An vlad873
Sue.An john56935
john56935 Sue.An
I would tend to agree with you but there isn't much of a recourse as there was no way to prove that it was done unnecessarily, so as a warning to others always get a second or third opinion on cataracts. While there may have been a cataract that was starting, it was done prematurely so I probably would have had to deal with it maybe in 5 years anyway so that helps me deal with what happened. I am waiting until the one in my other eye so bad enough that it will feel like even a symfony will be an improvement even with the rings, and I would recommend everyone wait as long as they can too!
rpk0925 Sue.An
In my case, with one Symfony implant in one eye and one natural eye, the simulator isn't even close to what I'm seeing. The haloes I see are much worse than what the simulator shows.
jantje32476 at201
I do not know how old or how recent is this TECNIS Symfony ZXR product literature? It not only mentions but also has a bar chart comparing the percentage of patients with "halos", "night glare" and "starbursts". Source: precisionlens net
"Night glare" and "starbursts" generally result from PCO, refractive error (eg. astigmatism), optical aberrations, and/or problems with tear film or ocular surface. "Halos" relate to optic design and the amount of add power determines the size of the halo. Source: crstoday com
Presumably those having night vision issues are referring to "night glare" and "starburst", whereas "halos" are concentric circles to some.
A UK blogger has posted his IOLs experience online, complete with graphic images of the glare and halo effects at night as seen through his "Restor" right eye and his "Symfony" left eye. The circles seen through his "Symfony" eye, have a slight flat edge which may indicate astigmatism. Another interesting info: his partner has shallow eyeballs, therefore she can have a pair of Symfony lenses in both eyes.
Sue.An john56935
john56935 Sue.An
optometrist said I had the beginning of a cataract but within 6 months it seemed like that eye was slightly blurry so I went on my own to an opthamologist and he just said right away I needed surgery--no inquiry about my history or to see if a new Rx could fix it. It qualified for coverage by insurance so I figured it was a fast growing PSC and so why wait. Like I said, I should have gotten a second opinion but was exhausted from fighting other health issues so just trust this guy after checking him out and getting a referral from a friend who used him for his cataracts. I went back to him multiple times with my concerns and instead of saying to wait which was what most good doctors would have said, he assured me how much better my vision would be. It seems like this happens all to often unfortunately as some doctors don't want to lose the business by having you wait or go to another doctor. I now treat doctors much the same way as car salesmen, repair people and others who are more interested in making the sale rather than what is best for the patient/customer--caveat emptor! At least I finally think I have found an opthamologist who I can trust and will use to eventually do the other eye when it is necessary.
Sue.An john56935
Also if one waits too long and cataracts are very dense the surgery is more involved.
All to say don’t berate yourself too much as it may have been a necessary surgery sooner than you thought. From one year to the next at my optometrist I went from no mention of cataracts to needing it at 53.
Some people choose this procedure to be glasses free - that I have a harder time with knowing what we all know on these forums. And doctors more and more are offering it as a solution for presbyopia.
At the very least you are heading into 2nd surgery much more informed and armed with information. Best of luck to you.
Bravogoldenk9 Sue.An
Quite often it is an elderly group which does not drive all that much at night.In tne US only monofocals are covered by medicare.Further eye issues such as macular degeneration and ofher retina issues are easier to visualize thru monofocals.
Still a pleasure to see near and far without a thought..
Sue.An Bravogoldenk9
jantje32476 john56935
m22031 vlad873
m22031 jantje32476
Do you have a link to the UK blogger? I am looking for a visual representation of what I'm seeing at night to share with my doctor.
jantje32476 m22031
The blogger was a hyperope. After his RLEs and YAG on both eyes and laser enhancement on his "Restor' right eye, he is pleased with the results. Derek has already left a message there.
@dennis39810, all the best on your surgery on the 17th ~ 3 more days to go. I've msged you the link as well; perhaps you can come up with better graphic images for future edifying discussions.
msg Link to Sue.An, at201, m22031, nighthawk, sok.
vlad873 Sue.An
vlad873 m22031
Bravogoldenk9 Sue.An
Sue.An Bravogoldenk9
Bravogoldenk9 Sue.An
Hunt down dr mark packer.He has quite a hair style!
yes so many texting, nitwit drivers these days it pays to concentrate.Dr Packer, who did not have cataract surgery outlines how tne offset headlights affect night vision according to his fake eye device.Seems he drove aroynd at night letting him film what the lenses see.
I think he is right so patients will no tnere is no free lunch with edof and ultifocals.For me i am very happy