Has Any One Else Noticed this Unusual Vision Issue with Symfony Lens
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I had a cataract surgery on my right eye a week back and decided to go with A Symfony Toric Lens because of all the positive things I have read about the lens. I have had a IOL in my left eye for almost 18 years, which I have been happy with for reading, so that I was looking basically for good distance and intermediate vision with the Symfony (I am used to monovision for the last 25 years).
My right eye still has some astigmatism (slowly improving), had issue with seeing streaks from lights for only the first 3 days, am seeing halo around the lights (will probably get adjusted to it), but also have another interesting vision issue which I had not seen mentioned by any of the doctors or the patients on the web. Using just my right eye, I don't just see a halo around a light, but see about 7 perfect concentric circles around the light, with the diameter of the outermost circle being about 3-4 times that of the halo diameter. Since the Symfony lens has the unique feature of having about the same number of circular “diffractive echelette design” in the lens, I am sure that the concentric circles which I am seeing is because of this proprietary design.
Looking through these circles to look at a light is like looking at a light through a spider web. It is not so bad that I wish that I had not selected Symfony lens (I like the Extended Vision), but why has this effect not been publicized more? Have any of the other Symfony Lens users experienced seeing these concentric circles?
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donna_51780 at201
Thank you 🙏 feel the same way.
rachel49131 at201
HOWEVER!! At night I see halos and the weirdes concentric circles and starburst ever!! Every headlight taillight street light is lit up with crazy circles and/or rays that I still marvel at. It’s like I’m on a magical trip of some sort only I’m not! I’ve tried 2 prescription eyedrops to make my pupils constrict and they did nothing to correct this. Currently I have a pair of prescription glasses ordered which will have some kind of blue tint to hopefully help. I’m skeptical.. but hoping. I see so crisply otherwise!! It’s almost as if I’m seeing the lenses!!?
Has anyone had any kind of successful treatment to make these go away or at least minimize them?
It is like looking at lit up spiderwebs.. hundreds of them sometimes depending on the traffic.
betwixt at201
https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cdrh_docs/pdf/P980040S065D.pdf PAGE 17/18
?The incidence of halos, starbursts, from a little bothersome to a lot, are nearly double with Symfony than with a regular standard lens. Also the FDA requires that a patient information pamphlet be given to the patient -- I never got one, did you? And I certainly wasn't told that the incidence of artifacts (mild to bothersome) was as high as the FDA studies show.
Sue.An betwixt
I think patients would be able to weigh their choices better if they did.
I do have Symfony lenses and enjoy good vision at all distances. I was fortunate in that my doc did not push these lenses and did explain the night halos etc. I fin the concentric circles odd and it is too bad docs can show photos of those to their patients beforehand - it would help prepare patients that choose them.
betwixt Sue.An
at201 betwixt
I don't think that any cataract surgeon (or any other surgeon) gives out a patient information bulletin before the surgery.
In my specific case, I can't really blame my surgeon for not informing me of the multiple concentric circles issue with the Symfony lens. The Symfony lens had been just approved in the USA. I was probably more enthusiastic (than he may have been) after reading all the misleading glowing reports about the Symfony lens by the surgeons participating in the studies for Abbott, which said that the night vision issues are comparable to the monofocal lenses without ever mentioning this unique night vision issue with Symfony.
Sue.An at201
The nighttime although not perfect had gotten better since the surgeries and I drive without much concern. This time of year it’s pitch black leaving work.
Nothing is ideal or replaces what I had prior to cataracts. But life is what it is and people deal with far worse health issues.
Sue.An at201
at201 Sue.An
When one thinks about it, it is probably more important to have the driver license note added, if required, if the eye deteriorates significantly due to the cataract development than getting it removed when the vision improves.
sharon_13639 Sue.An
Once you pass your eye test without glasses... just look at them and say... “it’s a miracle I tell ya!” 😉
Sue.An sharon_13639
at201 betwixt
Somehow even though I was going to read the Report on Symfony referenced by you, I never got around to it and then just forgot about it.
This seems to give a more balanced view of the pros and cons of Symfony lens. It also gives a little more information on what one can expect from Symfony as well as a monofocal lens.
For example, the data indicate that for the test samples, the distance-corrected binocular vision at 26 inches was 20/25 or better for 92.5% of Symfony lens users and 35.1% for monofocal lens users. Similarly the distance-corrected binocular vision at 16 inches was 20/25 or better for 23.8% of Symfony lens users and 4.7% for monofocal lens users. Thus, if you are lucky, your close vision may end to be better with a pair of monofocal lenses than someone else may get with a pair of Symfony lens, but the odds of getting better close vision are better with the Symfony lens.
On the other hand, the chances of seeing multiple circles (or halos) around lights does go up with the use of Symfony lenses. The data showed that the multiple circles or halos were found to be bothersome to 31.3% of Symfony users a little bit, 12.2% somewhat, 8.8% quite a bit, and 6.8% very much. These are definitely higher numbers than were originally claimed. Please note as a comparison, the halos numbers for monofocal lens users were were 16.1% (a little bit), 12.2% (somewhat), 8.8% (quite a bit), and 6.8% (very bothersome).
Sorry, Have an error in the last sentence above.
Instead of "Please note as a comparison, the halos numbers for monofocal lens users were were 16.1% (a little bit), 12.2% (somewhat), 8.8% (quite a bit), and 6.8% (very bothersome).",
it should have said that;
It should have said that "Please note as a comparison, the halos numbers for monofocal lens users were were 16.1% (a little bit), 8.8% (somewhat), 1.4% (quite a bit), and 2.7% (very bothersome).
grouper150 at201
Long story short - I still have terribly blurred vision with the Symfony Lens; it is never clear...I cannot recognize faces at greater than arms length....I was better off with the cataract.......I cannot make out license plates or billboards.....what I do see is blurred, and seems smaller in size and farther away than what I see with the other eye.....
I would not recommend this lens and am hopeful that the one I have can be replaced.....
at201 grouper150
Either the lens power is way off or there is some other vision issue caused by the cataract surgery.
What is your prescription for that eye and what is your best corrected vision in that eye (with glasses)? Is the best corrected vision is bad, sas the doctor examined your eye to make sure that there is no PCO or retina damage etc?
The bottom line is while Symfony lens does have many associated night time vision issues, the issue you describe does not seem to be related to the type of lens. You (with the help of more than one ophthalmologist, if needed) needs to know the exact reason for your bad vision before thinking seriously of lens replacement.
Bravogoldenk9 grouper150
you may have an issue not related to symfony lens such as wrong power or inflamed retina issues.What does your dr think?
I did not want limited range of focus with a monofocal lens and read everything i could prior to surgery .My request for symfony was knowing i could have starburst etc..but generally easy going and do not drive at night for a living which would mean rain , snow whatever
I did have early opacification on the back of the capsule ..it can happen sooner or later so my second eye was not quite as great as first eye until yag was done after 3 plus months.The surgeon went over and over testing both before and after surgery.....
Surgeon is a perfectionist asthe early pco initially surprised him in second eye.He wants really happy patients.
I found light matters so much with this lens.I can thread a needle outdoors.No print is too small but with indoor light really close vision is tricky..
I think this is a great lens with seamless bright sharp ision.Far better than it ever was.For me to think i could only focus for a set distance upset me so rejected monofocl and took my night chamces with symfony.
I never found drs recommend a lens to "make money" prior to symfony many rarely offered multifocal due to night vision complaints.Not worth the trouble of an angry patient.