Has any one had
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I had to have a Colposcopy today to see i was having spotting after not having a peroid for years it was bloody painful to say the least ! did anyone had any side effects bleeding or anything else my stomach has balloned already feel like a prize heifer ! just got to wait now to get the results which is going to be 3 weeks
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susan556 hellsbells59
hellsbells59 susan556
wen06862 hellsbells59
I had this done a few years back, I opted for no local anasthetic as I react badly to them - they bring on meniere's attacks and I didn't want vertigo to happen.
I bled for ages afterwards but was bleeding continuously for 18 months beforehand anyway.
I'd got large fibroids and the one blocking the cervix area was causing most of the trouble.
They removed this fibroid and did the rest of the procedure.
I had aches afterwards and slept for a whole 2 days off and on.
A week later I felt better but was in full bleed again.
Another 6 months later I opted for a total hysterectomy, I was still in pain but it was hard to tell if it was the bleeding or the procedure.
Take care
hellsbells59 wen06862
wen06862 hellsbells59
xXx Wen
deborah46874 hellsbells59
jayneejay hellsbells59
oh dear poor you ..
i have a smear then Colposcopy anually with my Gyno followed by a transvaginal scan .. ( look at ovaries and uterus etc)
Colposcopy is a procedure carried out after some abnormal cervical screening tests. It involves a detailed examination of the neck of the womb (cervix)...
never had any side effects, the solution they put on cervix stings for a few seconds .. ( Colposcopy)
jay x
jayneejay hellsbells59
i also had a Hysteroscopy a few years ago
Hysteroscopy is a procedure which uses a thin tube-like telescope to see inside the womb (uterus). It can also allow doctors to do some minor operations to the uterus.
that lasted about 20 mins went home after, that was not too bad either ..
some get the two mixed up .. Hysteroscopy ( look inside uterus) and Colposcopy ( look at cervix & vaginal walls )
hope you feel better soon, take a ibuprofen or paracetamol and rest..
jay x