Has anybody dealt with other women in menpause judging you because you are on meds?

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Why do some women (in meno, or peri themselves) look at you like you've grown horns when you tell them you are on an antidepressant or an anti-anxiety med (Valium, Xanax, etc.). They start talking about addiction and are you going to take these meds for the rest of your life, etc. I take Trazodone and Valium as needed. 

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    It’s all in the wording.  I tell people on a need to know basis.  I just say I take a medication for my nerves due to stress and anxiety.  If you say anti depressant, people get concerned.  Even though anti anxiety meds are more potent.  The part most people do not understand is that it is perimenopause/meno related...most never will unless they go through it.  Forget about trying to explain hormones!  🤣

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      Many years ago, I went to see my GP because I was under extreme stress.  I had lost 10 pounds. My doctor asked me how I felt.  I said some days I felt as though I could murder every one in the house--except for the dogs.  He smiled at me and said, "Congratulations, you're depressed!" I was on Zoloft for a while, until the situation resolved and I weaned myself off of it.  Bless the man!

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      Lynda I'm sorry you went through that but I laughed out loud when you said you could murder everyone in the house....except the dogs. 😂😂😂😂

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      Thanks, Juanita!  I actually added that the police would find the bodies stacked like cordwood in the closet when they came to the house. He laughed out loud at that. Sadly he passed away--a good while ago.

      He was a great man and the best doctor. Miss him, still...    

  • Posted

    In my opinion, someone who is so judgmental is completely ignorant--though probably well-meaning. Women have different reactions to going through menopause.  Some sail through.  For others, it's the worst, the very worst time of their lives.  

    Some are lucky enough to have sympathetic doctors who understand that the medications are necessary, and that their patients are adults who need assistance. I'm glad your doctor is one of them.  xx  

  • Posted

    Hi Juanita, don't listen to them. I had a similar incidence with some women who frightened me & I got off my meds because of the scare they gave me, and it was the worse mistake of my life. My symptoms came back 20 times worse. When I tried to restart on the meds again they had lost their effect. So please don't listen to them! I despise women who think they know better when in reality they know nothing about what you're going through. In the future avoid telling anyone what you're taking, I learned it the hard way so please don't pay any attention to those fear mongering idiots, they are not experiencing what you're going through. Another thing they are Not doctors! Plus you need the medication more than they could ever understand. Don't let them frightened you and please don't stop taking the medication you will regret it if you do like I did.

    • Posted

      I haven't gotten off my meds and I won't until my doctor thinks it's time to wean me off them. I won't even tell my sisters I'm taking meds. My sister got addicted to Xanax and she is against all anti anxiety meds. But her doctor had her on it for two years taking it twice a day. No wonder she was addicted.

      I take Valium twice a week. If I'm having a really rough patch, maybe three times. But if I told her she would be appalled.

    • Posted

      You need to take the meds like champagne .... only when you really need them ! My Xanax says take 2xa day but I only take when necessary . You cannot always listen to your drs and need to use common sense . Don’t forget this is an industry ... a money making one at that plus now they are stingy with the meds. 
    • Posted

      I only take my Valium as needed. That's actually how my doctor prescribed "to be taken as needed". That's how I was going to take them anyway. No way was I going to take Valium every day. I do take my antidepressant daily and hope to get off everything within the next year. smile

  • Posted

    Even to a degree depression and taking anti depressants for any reason , not just peri is a taboo subject still. Even with all the things about depression on TV and celebrities opening up about it.

    For myself, I took antidepressants for over a year ago for peri symptoms, but the 2 types I tried did not work, one of them made me worse, but I would never tell someone with depression or anxiety not to try them, they work great for some people and certainly are worth a try.

    I never understood depression or anxiety until Peri, now I know and luckily over the worst of those awlful syptoms, I won't allow myself to forget how bad it was and hopefully never judge someone or ignore them if they are trying to talk about how they are feeling.

    • Posted

      Well said Samantha ! If I could have taken something to get me through all this Peri Meno symptoms I would have ! I tried 2 different meds and it was just awful for me but if somebody needed them and they worked ..... life is too short to feel miserable . 

      And boy this meno has debilitated me for months now .... I realize NOW I’ve never really been depressed until this dark dark time . Awful!! 

  • Posted

    Simply because those other women are not experiencing menopause the same way you are. And have different views if they are. I take the natural approach because that is who I am. My sister would be at the doctors office. Thats whobshe is. I might state my concerns but I am not judging by any means. We all have different ways of dealing with our symptoms. You do what is comfortable for you. Some are afraid of doctors. Some are afraid of alternative. Lol. So dont ever feel judged. They arent wearing your shoes.
    • Posted

      Thank you. I tired natural as long as I could. After a while it wasn't working so I went and got on meds. I needed to be able to function at work.

    • Posted

      Different things work for different people. And thats ok. Menopause is difficult enough without worrying about what others think of the choices you make to get through it. I come from a family that is very much against alcohol...and I have really depended on wine in the last 3 to 5 years to help me. Lol!
    • Posted

      Me too ! I have a glass every night along with my marijuana chocolate and it’s the best time of the day ! 

    • Posted

      I'll bet it is!!biggrin I have a job where we are randomly drug tested so I can't smoke MJ. But, oh boy when I retire! I really think if I could smoke a little MJ in the  morning and a little at night I could probably be weaned off the antidepressant and the anti anxiety meds. Seriously I really do.

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