Has anybody else suffered from quite severe mood swings?
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Has anybody else suffered from quite severe mood swings?
I have always suffered from very heavy, very unpredictable long and very painful periods, but over the last 4 months things just got ridiculous I was bleeding once a fortnight in the usual way, then went back to a normalish cycle except I bled for over 3 weeks! I went to see the doctor and she prescribed Norithsterone to stop the bleeding so she could examine me to see what is going on.
I am a fairly level headed woman and not prone to emotional outbursts and temper tantrums, but since I started taking them I can honestly say I don't know my A%*e from my elbow. I have fallen out with my mum for no good reason, argued with my boyfriend over nothing, and yesterday I just sat and cried all day and consequently my face, today, looks like a sundried tomato!
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I questioned my sanity, feeling I must have suddenly become schizophrenic. I felt terrible rage and could have easily hit someone.
These feelings would come on very quickly and then pass just as quickly. Leaving me wondering what on earth was going on.
Needless to say this is not my normal state of mind and I have become my usual self now that the medication is over.
Maybe it's not a common side effect of this drug, but I feel it should be mentioned on the side effects list.
When I go back on the estrogen only tabs, I am sweetness itself. So I spend this period making up with people.
This pattern has repeated for the last three months since I started taking it. I'm heading back to the doc's for a chat.
Real Jekyll and Hyde Stuff.
I have been taking these pills because of heavy bleeding and while I've been on them have not had a period which has been great but have really noticed my emotions have gone a bit haywire. Also I've put on half a stone in weight and I look as if I'm pregnant my stomach is so bloated. Is there anyone else with the same problems ?
I have noticed recently that the breast tenderness is not subsiding while taking the tablets and my PMT or mood swings are incredible 2 weeks before my period!!
I feel like my hormones are totally messed up and am due to see the doc this week to discuss an alternative to the tablets.