Has anybody tried a low dose contraceptive for Peri ? Can’t stand this fatigue anymore !!
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Wondering if this would work I can’t stand this fatigue anymore ! I guess I’m in he 20% and going through this really really bad . Cannot make plans .. hard to drive ... can’t take it anymore ! Dr tried to put me on antidepressants Zoloft but it was awful ... side effects etc .
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dora_39625 lori93950
Hi Lori... you're definitely not alone.
I too experience same symptoms as you. It's a struggle.
I try a meditation app daily and try and stay positive, but symptoms are sometimes so overwhelming. Nightmare.
I recently asked my gp to help with anxiety as mine is through the roof. This was something I could usually deal with by distraction techniques, but since perimenopause, it's not so easily controllable.
As a last resort, I've asked for medication and been prescribed Sertraline. I'm a little nervous about taking these, but if they help, am willing to give it a go.
Have you tried these?
Have you tried any self help techniques? Meditation, yoga, exercise, even talking to a friend...
I've found it particularly hard as don't really have friends going through what I am.
This forum is a godsend at times but would be great to actually talk face to face with others.
lori93950 dora_39625
Yes it’s sooooo hard . I’m tired ALL the time and if I don’t get at least 10 hours good sleep I’m a complete mess ! I’ve had to cancel appts leave parties.
I workout almost everyday but have been skipping a day here and there due to the fatigue .
And yes ! I was put on Sertraline it was awful for me gave me the runs and horrible sweating hands just an awful feeling . Xanax is better . You can take it as needed and it’s not so difficult to get on and off of it .
My friends too seem to be sailing through this with just hot flashes and irritability . I feel like I went to HELL!
I can’t seem to get an idea on how long this first adjustment lasts ? I mean I see women who look my age and are out and about doing things ?
Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori
I've tried the pill for this, but not for a long time. It was okay and did help but I suffered side effects like eye migraines and stopped but I'm slightly different in that with ovarian failure, any kind of hormones going in has an effect. From what I know it's quite common to use as an option. Good luck xx
lisa68384 lori93950
I'm in the same boat and was wondering the same. I tried bio hormones but that didn't help. It seems for me that it's the fluctuating of the hormones and not an actual high or low level of them. I just want something to make this stop!!!
hence, my interest in birth control. I've read both positive and negative reviews from thos approach. So hard to know what to believe.
lori93950 lisa68384
I just went to my DR and suggested the pill but she said no and suggested the HRT patch .
I don’t think you can take the pill if your periods have stopped ? Mine stopped in December .
I’m on the BHRT but have lowered the estrogen dose and I think was making me incredibly dizzy so just doing Half dose and am on week 2 now . I will give it a bit more time I think and then back to the drawing board . I was told by my natural DR to not take anything, that your body needs to get used to the hormone changes and then you’ll feel better . Who’s got the time or patience to just sit and wait !!!! We need to be happy living our lives ... I’m practically bedridden !!!
loretta63638 lori93950
kelly55079 lori93950
I'm in the exhaustion mode as well.. Just feel lazy and weak.--- I know this is hormones because I had the same thing for about a month or so last fall. I thought for sure something was wrong with but blood tests were all OK. For now I just do the basics, get rest, drink water and try to eat more healthy foods especially vegetables. I also take a few supplements and swim when I feel up to it. It's frustrating because there are things that I should be doing but I just don't have the energy.
sarah05599 lori93950
Hi Lori
I am going back to my docs in a week but seeing one not seen b4 as so far others not done much but give me anti depressants and sleeping pills as would like to try her but don't no if you can have it if test was negative for hormones so like you would be interested in anything else that could help apart from anti depressants.
The anti depressants made me worse with sickness and shaking hands and felt like a zombie after only 2 days of taking them so I thought forget this and didn't take no more.
Another doc female said CBT and menopace supplements which I have been taking for 9 days now but not sure yet if helping as had a bad 2 or 3 weeks with fatigue, depression anxiety and aches. Yesterday I had enough as terrible stress at work but today most symptoms have disappeard but last month I did have a week when I felt near to normal again.
I'm so glad to have all these wonderful ladies to chat to as feel alone with this.
lori93950 sarah05599
Yes I tried Sertraline for 2 weeks and it was awful ! Now I take medical marijuana to sleep and the BHRT . I didn’t like the progesterone pill but I like the Emerita cream which you can buy on Amazon it knocks me out .
I don’t know how you hold down a job ... I look like I’ve been up for a week partying and I’m asleep by 10pm.
By far this is the worst thing I’ve EVER been through !!! And I’ve been through some tough times !
I’m ok for like 2 days .. just fatigued then certain days I’m soooo dizzy pale and cannot even go out . I just tell people it’s adrenal fatigue as if you say hormones we’re just considered wimps !!
sarah05599 lori93950
Hi Lori
Yes it's so very tough working like this and I feel I'm hanging by a thread in my job at mo and it's only part time but it's a very toxic work environment with alot of blokes just stressed out and slagging each other off behind there backs and it definitely dosnt mix with peri that's for sure but money is tight so not working isn't an option so I don't no what to do anymore.
amy602 lori93950
I started in peri approx July 2016 and the first thing my doctor did was put me on antidepressants. I took them for about 4 months and hated it so in Dec of 16 he put
me on birth control (LoLolestrin) after about 2 months of taking it, it started to work and Def helped me with the sadness, crying, depression etc. I was on this pill till Oct of 2017 as it seemed my symptoms were coming back a little stronger so he switched my pill to Taytullla and it has been amazing. My symptoms weren't as strong and I had more good days then bad. From time to time like maybe every 3 months or so I seem to have a bad part of the day with alot of crying and some anxiety. Most times something has to set off my anxiety. (like my husband. Lol). I'm over all happy with taking BC for peri issues and glad that I started to take it. I haven't had a period in about 5 months and the few months before that the ones that I did have were very light. I know I have to wait till I'm 12 months period free before I'm in menopause and at that time I can't be on BC so I'm hoping that once I come off of BC I don't go backwards. I would say give it a try and see what happens and if you don't like one type of pill try another one. (I learned that from the wonderful woman here). Good Luck and sending Hugs. 💕
lori93950 amy602
No sure if BHRT working yet for me as only been 2 weeks but I’m trying it . This is hell.
jo4848 lori93950
Have you checked your iron levels? And thyroid?
I was put on a low dose progesterone only pill in an attempt to control my super heavy unmanageable periods. I was feeling tired all the time too and kept falling asleep all the time but think this was again due to being anemic as a result of the periods. I had to stop it last week as it made me bleed the whole 3.5 months with just the odd clear day here and there and I am even more anemic now. They've put me on a much stronger progesterone now which stopped the bleeding and I am also taking high dose iron tables so starting to feel remotely human again. Having said that, I've got the week off to recover from a really heavy bleeding episode last week and all I've done is sleep. I couldn't think straight, constant brain fog and couldn't make simple decisions which isn't like me.
I hope you get it sorted and feel better soon x
Guest lori93950
Hello, I was on BCP for 20 years, and stopped last year at 40. All my problems started then. I went on a low dose 3 mo ago, made everything worse. Migraines, clotting, flooding period, on top of tbe fatigue, dizziness, weakness I already had. Then, tried progesterin only “mini pill”. Was sad and crying all the time...again on top if all the other crap. My dr is sympathetic and is trying, so of course now I am on a low dose AD for anxiety. I justed week 3, feel like hell still. Supposed to increase it, but haven’t as I feel like something out of Night of the Living dead. I will be 41 next month. The fatigue and dizziness, off balance is horrible. I asked obgyn about HRT and she says I’m too young🙄. I will be getting a second opinion if the AD doesn’t kick in. But for now, so out of it, I am afraid to drive because I get the dizzies. Like everyone else, I’ve been poked, prodded and tested for everything. It is peri and it is awful. I cannot offer any advice, just that you’re not alone.
jo4848 Guest
Sorry to hear that. I was put on the progesterone only one (to control heavy flooding and clots) and bled heavily for the entire 3.5 months I was on it. Stopped it on Fri because I bled so much that I ended up in an ambulance and then A&E and hospital.
However, there they gave me a much stronger one (norethisterone) and that stopped all bleeding within hours. It's heaven although I'm still paranoid it's gonna start any minute. Going to ask for a continuous dose of that while waiting for a referral.
Hope you get it sorted. I find the heavy bleeding the worse