Has anyone been "cured" of FM?
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I have been on another FM/CFS board for 8 yrs and the other day a person asked the above question.
One of our researchers from I believe Australia gave this response:
(((I have never personally met a person who was cured of fibromyalgia. There is no known cause and no known cure.
However the diagnosis of FM has become fuzzy and in my opinion overused to describe a person with pain that has no clear anatomical reason. In most cases there has been no proper investigation of the pain or its source(s).
In many cases fibromyalgia is indistinguishable from ME. The symptoms are the same and differ only in degree.
I believe both of these illnesses (where indistinguishable) are the result of immunological loss of tolerance. Both illnesses involve Treg dysfunction. This could in turn be caused by many different factors. These can include genetic predisposition where a now known set of genes become poorly regulated. It typically includes vitamin D deficiency which is a known regulator of many of those genes and of Treg function. Both illnesses can follow a physical or infective trauma. Whether they can also involve a mental trauma is highly debateable but CHRONIC psychological stresses may be a factor. Environmental toxins may also increase risk because they are known to "stress" the immune system.
The point I am making is that all of these factors are probably at work in fibromyalgia/myalgic-encephalomyelopathy and so a cure is highly unlikely. Of course there are many people who I know have improved their life by doing several things to help live within the boundaries of their "tolerance". I know for some it is very hard to expand those boundaries. Most responsible doctors treat the symptoms as best they can and good doctors partner with their patient to find all sorts of help. All doctors who work with these illnesses can only help with reducing the symptoms.
With more fundamental research we will eventually find cures but I am afraid that is a long way off. Just look at MS. (When they stopped calling MS "spastic hysteria" some decent research occurred). There is more than 40X the money put into MS research than into FM or ME research. and still we are no where near a cure of MS.
There is some decent research happening for FM/ME but nowhere enough to get a cure in the next five years. ))))
Along these lines when I was trying to get my thyroid "FIXED", I had been trying for 10 miserable years.....and one endo MD dismissed thyroid immediately and said you have FM....he's the MD who "pushes guaifensen for FM people. I never took it. But I eventually got my thyroid fixed...the 10 yrs of depression lifted in 4 days......my thyroid gland was crying out for HELP....
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susan19219 joy47826
Hello Joy47826:
There are a lot of assumptions when it comes to Fibromyalgia as there are with most other illnesses. It could be because of 'this' or perhaps 'that'. According to several studies published in Neuroimmunomodulation, chronic inflammation predominantly in the nervous system is present with Fibro. There are other inflammatory biomarkers also. That is not good. As far a there being a cure? I don't believe there will ever be a drug cure found because the condition is so complex althugh the Drug Companies would love to make that kind of money BUT it depends on whether or not they can profit more on selling drugs for the symptoms or the cure!!??. The only way to reduce and probably eliminate the condition altogether is through dramatic and radical changes in the way one lives. I mean....changing how you think, how you manage time, what you eat and drink, how to love yourself and much more. I have Post polio syndrome that carries very similar symptoms and over the past few years, I have eliminated practically all of my symptoms and now have energy to burn, sleep well and have never felt better but it meant making a very serious committment to change. It can be done once you decide 'enough is enough', 'I MUST do this so that I can live the rest of my life in a 'happy' body!' I am currently creating a DVD / workbook product that will help people do what is necessary to get well from this. It will be ready by the end of Jan 2015. I don't belive there is anyone else who has - or IS doing this and believe me, there is no fast way out of this. It does take time but the rewards are HUGE!
Leimodnunewra joy47826
joy47826 Leimodnunewra
Some have it worse than others I suppose....maybe his thyroid was in good shape from the start....I believe thyroid is major with the FM stuff. Joy