has anyone ever suffered like this what was solution?

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Hi guys Codie here i am 26 years old. I started this discussion as I am officially stuck with what to do. About 5/6 years ago I was on holiday in Spain everyday for a week was drinking heavy. On sixth day woke with intense brain fog but thought nothing as thought it was hang over. It went away after few weeks. Fast forward to 8 months ago things got really ugly. I have intense brain fog/mental confusion literally cannot remember anything, i have chronic fatigue no matter how much i sleep wake up unfreshed and also do not get that fresh feeling after shower even pores feel like struggle to breath, cannot get full breath into me. I have chronic sinus issues with no relief. I was have blocked ears and ringing in ears. I have weird vision all day but at night my vision and perception of things is really strange where I cannot stay out so always come in before dark, constant 24/7 drunk feeling, depersonalisation/derealisation, severe constipation (I go toilet everyday but force myself as do not get the urge), I do not sweat anymore but body gets overheated, less frequently need to urinate. I do not get hungry or thirst i literally eat and drink because i have too and feel it is a challenge getting things down me. I do not feel sensations around body for example do not feel stomach turning and generally body feels numb, aches and pains throughout. I have erectile dysfunction and do not get satisfaction. I get numbness and tingling. i do not feel my heart beat anymore. There is probably many more but these are what i feel 24/7. I am stuck do not know what to do my body has literally given up on me. I do not work anymore as physically i cannot and am extremely tired can stay up max 12 hours a day. my whole life is at a standstill and feel like i am dying. I have no emotions or adrenaline inside of me i feel like i am dead but just about breathing. Has anyone suffered like this before would love some help and to hear your experiences. I feel like I am suffering from some sort of cancer because i can not shake the symptoms off.

I have had blood tests including FBC, ESR, CRP, thyroid function, vitamin d, D-dimer, infectious mono test, bone profile, liver function test, ferritin, urea and electrolytes, testosterone, cortisol, complement with C3 & C4, antinuclear antibodies which are all normal. I have had head mri, ct scan chest/pelvis/abdomen, chest xray, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, urine sample, ultrasound of testicles, ultrasound of urinary tract, nasoendoscopy, blood pressure and ECG numerous times, dentist checkup, eye exam.

Sorry for the long post any help would be really appreciated. I am considering full body mri now would that show any tumours in the body?

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7 Replies

  • Edited

    havent been theough that but i go theough my own crazy s**t , went and did all the tests just came out of blue im 26 and been dealing with it for 3 years and man i feel like ill spend rest of life searching

    • Edited

      hey, it is scary man not knowing what is happening to you, if you do not mind me asking what is it your going through and what tests have you done so far?

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      well i believe im having pvcs. randomly my heart stops and its like i het the wind knocked out of me for a brief second then heart beats hard and im good but in that moment when i guess the hearts skipping its like a oh s**t moment feels like its going to be my lst heartbeat ever ive hadIn ECG Holter monitor for three days and in that time I got none of them then I had an echocardiogram heart is perfect then I took a stress test and perfect but still randomly I get them and it makes me feel like one of these days it’s going to make me go into cardiac arrest even though I know it’s not it’s just a tough mental challenge

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    Hey Sasical your message did not come through

  • Posted

    the fact that you had something similiar and went away its maybe anxiety. what did you do to make it go away?

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      i did not suffer anywhere as near as i am now. I had brain fog and a few pains around body but only lasted a month. This time it is almost a year i think it maybe something else

  • Posted

    the fact that you had something similiar and went away its maybe anxiety. what did you do to make it go away?

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