Has anyone had autoimmune gastritis, if so how to recover from it?

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I have been diagnosed with Antral gastritis, h pylori is negative(tested twice).

Can anybody tell me how to get over it?

I really wan't to recover soon.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    My little grandson has it and it's to do with your immunity so I don't know if you get better from it or just manage it

  • Posted


         I am not sure if this will help you, but it helps me.

    i also suffer from gastritis and it can be extremely painful to the point where you can't even eat at all.

    my doctor prescribed me something that is also available over the counter and it helps more then I can even explain, I can always tell if I forget 2 doses.

    I take one pill a day of Prilosec OTC (I don't know if you are American or if that transfers over to the UK) my doctor did tell me the first day I can take 2 but usually I only need one daily.  Do not take it within an hour of any other pills and follow the label instructions.

    It is not a cure, but a relief and one less worry that the tummy lining is eating away, it does actually protect your tummy.

    i hope this helps.

    I have tried the other brands, but by personal experience as well as doctors advice the Prilosec is the best I have found.

    let me know if it works

    good luck

    oh it will take 2-5 days to first notice but then it will be beautiful

    • Posted

      = "Omeprazole", in case one doesn't get the brand name "prilosec".

      (I guess Ellabella, with 'other brands' you mean not the ingredient omeprazole, but other PPI brands with different ingredients like pantoprazole or esomeprazole as an ingredient, right?)


    • Posted

      Correct, the main ingredient is omeprazole and it does not require a prescription.

      thank you for help clarifying that 👍🏻

  • Posted

    Thank you guys, I am already on it, lets see how good it works. It might take a while to work I guess.

    My stomach is very sore, which means my gastritis is in a pretty bad condition now.

    Trying to heal my stomach lining with strict diet and supplements.

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