Has anyone had hot-flash warm flush in center of chest only?
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Hi there,
I am 48 and have been going through signs of premenopause for 5 years. They started with skipped heart beats. I'm on toporol for that.
I've had irregular periods the last two years. They are now starting to space out even more or skip a period completely before starting back up.
My question is this:
Has anyone ever had a hot flash surge in the chest only? It feels like a warm rush that makes my center of my chest and both breasts warm for about 10 thinking or 15 seconds then it goes away. Of course that completely freaks me out and then anxiety goes in full force.
I had that happen a couple times last year and one time I went to the emergency room and then of course my cardiologist ran a bunch more tests including a cardiac CT scan. All was good.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
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susan43259 chucksusanb
lynsey64857 chucksusanb
Oh my goodness yes !! I have that exact feeling ! It's like somebody is flushing some red hot fluid in there ! I too am having problems with missed heartbeats which I am on medication for. This terrified me last year and I feel I'm feeding my anxiety by constantly worrying that I'm seriously ill even though the cardiologist has given me a thorough check 🙄 sometimes the hot feeling can be in my arm too , it's funny I never thought all of these awful things could be connected with peri menopause ( I'm 43 ) but this site really helps me xx chin up you are not alone 😘
lenie95046 lynsey64857
Waya chucksusanb
I have that, too. Like someone pushing warm water through my veins. It doesn't happen very often and most noticeably when I'm laying down. The only difference is I'm 27 so it's definitely not menopause. I just found out that I have nodgels on one of my lungs, don't know if that contributes. Because of my age most doctors just blow my symptoms off. I'm young so I must be healthy, right? My mom had her first stroke when she was only 38, her second a few years later. So now, when I feel weird or my chest stars hurting, I get dizzy, numb, weak, I panic and my anxiety kicks in, I start thinking I might be having a heart attack or a stroke, or something. I just want to figure out what's going on.
anissa76185 chucksusanb
The same is happening to me as I type.Just my chest area is hot, not to touch, it just feels hot.I also have that sensation on my face, neck, and early morning hrs have to throw the covers off.I have severe panic attacks, very messed up, but not missed periods, occasional skipped heartbeat.I feel like I'm losing my mind.Im 46, and have been having several issues just pile on top of each other.Hoping this is peremenopause, and this all ends soon.All my symptoms have only gotten worse, and don't know how much more mentally I can take.I always feel like something is terribly wrong which kicks my anxiety into overdrive.God get me through this, or take me out.Desperate😩I also have terrible sensations on each side of my breast down toward my armpit.These things are severe during that time of the month.This month has been a nightmare, everything that can, has happened only 10 times worse than normal.The period is gone, but still having heat, and panic.Can anyone relate at all, or am I going crazy.
babestj chucksusanb
teri76755 chucksusanb
I have similar experiences to yours. I started early with palpitations & worsening SVT. Taking metoprolol for this. My hot flashes don’t happen often but they do focus mainly on my chest and neck. My face doesn’t get red or even feel heated. This is a total change for me bc I’ve always been prone to blushing. Not anymore!