has anyone had negative test for lymes then had posative extended lymes panel
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hi ive had progressive symptoms of cronic lymes for 2/3 years ive been to every specialist possible neuro,gastro,ent,endocrine,cardio had every test available and nothing obvious has ever shown up. now had negative ELISA test for lymes as expected but im still waiting for results from porton down (c6,immuno blot and extended lymes panel) its been over 2wks no results yet how long does this usualy take? also has anyone had a negative result then had a possitive after further bllod test for the above tested
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caroline91964 vicky89033
vicky89033 caroline91964
caroline91964 vicky89033
That's good news that you've been prescribed Doxycyline. As Kelly says, you need to eat before you take them. My GP didn't tell me this and I suffered with stomach problems until I googled the answer. Also, Doxycycline makes you sensitive to sun - not that we have much of that at the moment! So be aware.
Hopefully, within the next 2 weeks your results will come back from Porton Down. Also be aware that, having taken antibiotics for 2 weeks, if they need to take another blood test for any reason, it will affect the results and you will test negative. Your GP may or may not be aware of this.
If your test comes back positive, just 2 weeks of Doxycycline isn't a long enough dose. You will need a much longer course.
I was initially given a 2 week dose when I tested positive for Lyme Disease. I had to go back to my GP, with the suggested Pathway to Treatment as outlined by Public Health England, which states a 4 week dose is required.
As Kelly also mentioned, you may well have a Herx reaction. Google it so you can be prepared. I went through this and it was a bit scary for a day, but it does pass. I just stayed in bed and drank lots of water.
I also suggest you google about diet and Lyme Disease as there's certain foods you can eat to support your immune system and there's some foods that you'll want to avoid, like sugar and dairy, which bacteria thrive on. I read that it helps to get your body in an alkaline state whilst recovering, but you find out what you can on the internet and choose what feels right for you.
Keep us updated, particularly when you get your results back. So strange that your results are taking so long - mine just took a day.
Caroline x
kelly33933 caroline91964
vicky89033 kelly33933
caroline91964 vicky89033
You should really be communicating and getting advice from Lyme Disease Action, who liaise with Public Health England. They helped me and they can advise you too. They even offer to communicate with your GP, if your GP is willing to learn more about Lyme Disease.
Caroline x
kelly33933 vicky89033
Good luck Vicky xx
vicky89033 kelly33933
marie62224 caroline91964
caroline91964 vicky89033
Firstly, Lyme Disease Action usually take at least 24 hours to respond but they always do.
Regarding you feeling worse - this may be a Herx reaction. Mine was quite severe, but only lasted half a day, then I felt exhausted for a couple of days after that.
Keep taking your antibiotics. This is very important. I suggest you drink plenty of water. Cut out any sugar or dairy from your diet whilst you're on the antibiotics.
Look up diets for Lyme Disease sufferers to aid recovery and support the immune system. I found that very helpful. Eat Pro-biotic yoghurt to support the digestive system, which can be affected by the antibiotic treatment. Sleep. Rest. Listen to your body. Avoid stress. Don't drink any alcohol. There's a ton of stuff you can do to help yourself during this stage, it's all on the internet so I suggest take a look. Keep a daily diary and make notes on how many hours you sleep, how much pain you're in (from 1-10, 10 being the highest), energy levels, how you feel, etc.
Keep going, you will turn a corner.
Caroline x
kelly33933 vicky89033
As Caroline says this is most proberly an herxheimer reaction , when you have been left undiagnosed for so long with Lyme disease the herx can be very powerful and last weeks months even mine did , every time I took antibiotics i herx even to this day , yes it's not as bad now days but back then it was awful hun , you will get worse b4 you get better hun , your recovery will take a while hun but there will come a day when you start to feel better , detox is so important drink only water , no caffeine.or carbonated drinks , losts of fresh fruit and veg go organic wherever you can , lean meats and eggs not fried , no artificial flavours or colours , herbals and vitamins so important to your recovery , I can't stress to you how important the detox is , you will get there in the end
Best wishes kelly .
vicky89033 caroline91964
vicky89033 kelly33933
kelly33933 vicky89033
Don't rely too much on these results on the basis of your symptoms alone it should be enough for a Lyme disease diagnosis from a healthcare professional , your doing everything you can , it's going to be a long road but you WILL get there .
Good luck . Kel
vicky89033 kelly33933
kelly33933 vicky89033
Xx kel