Has anyone had success treating SIBO

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Hi All

After a bout of acute pancreatitis that seemed to last forever I started bloating and its now so bad that with a colonic they removed  litres of gas in me. The gas sits in every crevous of my small bowel. I was diagnosed with SIBO. Unable to eat at all and on a TPN drip in hospital. Been months. Drs do not know how to treat this. Im on every herb and have tried rifaximin 3 times.Has anyone had sucess?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Ask about a good quality probiotic to rebalance your gut flora.
  • Posted

    If they allow fecal transplant in your country, I would ask about that. In the USA, it's only allowed for extreme C.Diff infections, but it has over a 90% success rate! It's got a better success rate than most medical drugs and procedures, yet the FDA restricts it to only the most dire situation! I think drug companies are still trying to figure out how to make money from someone else's crap, so they are lobbying hard to prevent this drug replacement treatment from hitting the mainstream.

  • Posted

    Thanks guys, problem is that SIBO is an Overgrowth of bacteria.. meaning I have too much of it in the wrong place. I have been on Probiotics which drastically worstened symptoms, so I think a feacal transplant would do the same thing?
    • Posted

      The problem with probiotics is that your only adding a very specific strain to an entirely imbalanced gut biodome. It's a tiny drop in a huge lake. A fecal transplant from a healthy host is a completely balanced formula of billions of various bacteria. It has wiped out numerous life threatening bouts of C.Diff which is spread throughout the entire digestive tract.

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