Has anyone had success with bcp or conventional hrt after bio identicals failed?
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Hello! I've just been through the worst cycle, only feeling myself for about a week - nausea, low mood, hot flashes, night sweats the works! I tried bio identical gel for a year, but although it helped initially it actually stopped working and all my symptoms came back, has anyone else experienced this and then had better success with bcp or synthetic hrt? I'm
scared to put my body through more medication but I also want some relief, I'm 41, thanks
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jackie33067 karen60759
Hi Ladies - so here is the update, I went to my GP today and he wouldn't put me on BCP, because at 41 I'm too old! I was kind of relieved because it meant that HRT was the only option for me, and he has prescribed Premique Low dose tablets, which seem to have pretty good reviews as far as HRT goes, so I,m going to try them....has anyone any experience of them? really hope they work, I've only had about 10 good days in the past month, and last night had terrible sweats even though its freezing outside
kelle34850 karen60759
Hey Karen , I am very interested to hear how it goes for you on the Hey! Sorry, I never replied to your last response....i never saw it. Anyways, Yes to answer question. I can have 3 or 4 good days and then 3 bad days. It's pretty strange. For me, my bad days are like I have the flu or something. I just and the fatigue is unbelievable. This time I felt great the few days before I started but then once I started I crashed horribly. I actually just went to a Dr yesterday that specializes in BHRT. I went to my gyn a few weeks ago and she was awful. She didn't care one bit about any of my symptoms. Seriously, she listened and typed all of it in to her laptop and then have me a pap smear and sent me on my way. That was it!!! Then she called to say that my labs indicate that I am not post menopause.....DUH!!!! I already knew that. Anyways, I wrote my lab numbers down and while my FSH is normal (6.5) my estradiol was pretty low for my age (78). I've been reading a couple books on hormones and they say that you at least need to be over 100 for estradiol.
So, I will probably start BHRT soon but I had actually wanted to try bcp. If that doesn't work, I will try one more Dr and then give up.
Have you had any blood work done? I am curious to see where you are at. I just had my blood drawn again yesterday and go back to see her Monday.
karen60759 kelle34850
Kelle good to hear from you, we are definitely experiencing the same thing - were you referring to before you start your period you feel great? because that is me as well - always feel good before my period, and then just completely crash during my period - like now! this period is also pretty light and brownish which I've not experienced before, weird...I had some blood work done 2 weeks ago, but the doctor can't find the results -wtf?? I know if won't show anything definitive anyway because our hormones are so random right now, the blood work only really shows when you have hit menopause, which for both of us is some years away, its all the other symptoms that give a better indication that suggest estrogen is low - right now I.m so cold even though the heat is on and i'm wearing 2 jumpers - yet last night I was sweating buckets and i just had on a t-shirt ! so I don't need a specialist to tell me what is happening - we all need to trust our instincts - I think most doctors are not as clued up about this as we are, my gp (a man) even told me to see another doctor next time who knows more about 'hormones' ....so there you go, I'm off to get this premique now, wish me luck x
kelle34850 karen60759
I can't believe your Dr can't find your results! Ugh! At least he is willing to give you something! My cycle has been strange this time too. Over the past year or so it has really gotten short . Like I've had it only last a day and a half. This cycle I have been passing big clots (sorry tmi). So, I think my hormones are up and down. I had more good days this cycle so I think my estrogen was higher maybe? And maybe that's why I've bad a heavier period. Idk. Let's keep in touch! I pray the hrt helps you!!
karen60759 kelle34850
Would you believe it is out of stock in the high street pharmacies!! It must be good stuff 🤔Thankfully it can be got online...I had big clots in my last cycle, which was weird because I never get those, but none this time...this perimenopause is the worst! Never felt so ill - I get pretty bad nausea, aches, dry mouth, and the brain fog is hardest to deal with.. as you say just like flu! When will it end!
kelle34850 karen60759
kelle34850 karen60759
Hey Karen, did you ever find the premique? If so, how do you feel? I ended up going to a BHRT specialist and she drew blood on cycle day 2 and my estrogen was 44 - which from everything I've seen is pretty low. She was still hesitant to put me on estrogen but put me on a progesterone pill and testosterone cream. I don't really want to take either of these because I think my issue is low estrogen because of my symptoms. I felt absolutely wonderful the two weeks after my cycle stopped and then crashed at mid cycle and now I am on a downward slop headed towards my cycle.
I noticed in one of your posts you mentioned frozen shoulder. I have been experiencing something with my whole right neck,shoulder and down my arm for the past 6 months. But I notice this past cycle it felt normal for those blissful two weeks after my cycle. Can you explain what you experienced? Thanks!
karen60759 kelle34850
kelle34850 karen60759
Yeah, I was a little frustrated about being prescribed something I don't think I need but I will say that the over the counter progesterone cream definitely helped me sleep. These are pills though so idk!?!
I hope the pill helps you. The first gyn Dr I saw didn't care one bit about any of it. At least this Dr seems to care.
Was your shoulder actually frozen or did it Hurt? I woke up 6 months ago with entire arm hurting from the shoulder down. It seems to be related to when my cycles changed and sleep was disrupted. It also feels a lot better the first two weeks after my period. Overall it does seem to be improving but it's been very slow.
karen60759 kelle34850
kelle34850 karen60759
My worst is the muscle aches, sleep issues and anxiety. My anxiety actually seems to stem from not sleeping well and the muscle aches. My moods are decent. I feel nauseated around ovulation. Let's definitely keep in touch!
kelle34850 karen60759
I also forgot to mention one of the worst is an internal vibrating I feel during the night mostly. It's very frightening but I have read MANY ladies that have the same internal vibrating so that has helped calmed me down some. Plus it seems to be more prominent when my estrogen is low after ovulation.
karen60759 kelle34850
kelle34850 karen60759
I am so sorry you are feeling that way. It's horrible isn't It? Ugh!! I felt like that for two whole days last week and it seems to be around my ovulation and then I expect I'll feel the same again when my cycle comes. This has been my best month in 6 months. Besides those 2 days last week that I felt absolutely horrible I have felt good. I did start testosterone cream a couple days ago and it seems to have helped my energy. I only took half a progesterone pill one night and it kept me awake. It's supposed to help sleep but it didn't. I am nervous to try it again.
I hope this feeling doesn't last long for you!! There is also a great Facebook group. Called power surge.