Has anyone not gained weight on Citalopram?

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Hi all

I have just started taking Celexa yesterday for depression and anxiety. I think it is a long time coming, and I felt like taking medication is really my last option. So I am giving it a try! 

I have been reading forums and articles, and a lot of them said that Citalopram causes a lot of weight gain. I am a recently diagnosed Type 1 diabetic, and the insulin therapy already makes it tough to keep my weight stable. I am very active and I eat very well, but I am concerned that the Citalopram will cause me to gain a lot of weight. 

This may sound silly, but it matters to me a lot in terms of self esteem as I have a bit of an obession with not gaining weight. I am concerned that it will be destructive to me from an emotional standpoint.

So I was wondering if anyone on this medication has not gained any weight while taking it? I have only taken one tablet, and I feel like it is maybe not too late to just stop taking it if this is the case...? 

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    In my experience cit make you gain weight because it slows you down. I am 55 so slowing down isn't a bad thing cuz I was always on the go. If you have willpower you will make yourself exercise. I am old and worn out but happy thanks to cit.
    • Posted

      I'm happy to hear you are happy with Citalopram. That makes me feel a lot better. A lot of the articles and forums have not so nice things to say about it.

      I try to exercise at least 5 days a week for 45 minutes to an hour, to manage my diabetes. I hope it will help with this! I was scared because I read many stories online baout owmen who were gaining 20+ pounds on Citalopram! 

  • Posted

    Hi Daniella

    I've been on this medication for 5 weeks now and I've noticed any weight gain ... The total opposite the first 2 weeks as I totally lost my appetite but I think this is a normal side effect.

    The first 2 weeks side effects are not nice but you need to remember they are only side effects and will pass.

    On week 5 and my mood is a lot better than it was.

    If you think you need this med and it's been prescribed to you I would stick with it .

    Debi x

    • Posted

      That is very reassuring! Thank you! I'm happy to hear some good news. All the worrying was making the anxiety worse. 

      I have noticed some of the side effects, but I am not sure if its just in my head because it has only been a day... Did you feel any of the side effects right when you started?

  • Posted

    Hi no it was nearly the end of the first week and lasted about a week . But everyone is different so don't stress just go with it.

    Just keep thinking it's the side effects and they will pass.

    I only read the positive comments to be honest and more are positive.

    If your unsure of anything just post on here I did and it helped me loads.

    Debi x

  • Posted

    Hi I was like you and obsessed with weight gain also but intially I lost weight because wasn't hungry due to side effects. Once that passed my appetite returned and that was fine. I don't think Cit makes you put on weight naturally it just makes people like ourselves not as obsessed and meticulous about our eating. It makes you relax a bit and that is the only reason anyone puts on weight I think. It didn't increase my appetite just make made less strict. I was 8'13 and now I'm 9"3 which is not much of an increase especially if it makes you feel happier and less full of anxiety.


    • Posted

      I'm glad to hear that! Thanks for the advice.

      If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been taking Citalopram? 

  • Posted

    Hi Daniella,

    I did not gain any weight while in Celexa, I actually lost about 7-10 lbs.

    i also maintained my weight loss while on Celexa, it was when I came off that I gained weight. This goes against pretty much everything I have read in the forum about weight -/+. I did exercise daily while on Celexa and attempted to eat well, but nothing like what I am doing now with respect to eating better. Now I focus in a whole food type of diet and continue the exercise regimen.

    HTH. Celexa really helped me through PMS, I just stayed on is way too long.

    • Posted

      This is actually one of the few time I have heard of anyone losing weight on it. I guess it goes to show that all of our bodies will respond differently. How long were you on Celexa?
    • Posted

      Hi Daniella,

      i was in Celexa for approximately 13 years. I started for severe PMS and I will say it helped me tremendously, however when I stopped completely, which was two years ago this March I was and still am in menopause - not good! The last two years have not been so great from an adjustment standpoint, but things are finally improving. I now have that deep, deep sleep that I felt deprived of while on Celexa - IMO sleep is definely under rated. As I mentioned , I consume much healthier foods now, which also contributes to better well being. We all need to own our treatment regimen and I was just as guilty as my dr for not asking about coming off. I have no idea the long term side effects of taking a drug that long, even if it was a low dose. HTH. And wishing you well, M.

  • Posted

    Hi Daniella, I'm one of the unfortunate ones, I've gained 18lbs in 3 months.. I don't think its the meds thou I just have a I cant be bothered attitude nowadays, Yes I feel better not anxious depressed, but I don't feel like me . The old me, the happier me.. I just feel like a numb shell . Withdrawal is hard too., rather stupidly I tryed to ho cold turkey, I've always been a head strong full of will power sort of person, but by the end of the first I was dizzy itching all over and nauseous, I'm on 40mg by the way.. Please think seriously about these meds
    • Posted

      Hi Sam 

      I'm sorry to hear that happened to you... I hear that it is common to gain weight on these meds. I'm really considering it, however my psychiatrist truly believes that Celexa and cognitie behavioural therapy are necesary right now. Really hoping that I dont encounter the terrible side effects and weight gain... 

      How have you been feeling? Are the side effects going down after 3 months of cit?

    • Posted

      HiDaniella, I hope things work out for you, I'm on day 2 of going cold turkey off cit, i do think i benefited short term but counselling would of been better for me, i think docters nowadays are all to happy to give drugs out , i felt better but not better like myself, its all fake sense of happiness, everyone's different but i urge anyone to seek other help first
    • Posted

      It's easier said than done! My daughter was told her therapy would stop because she hadn't attempted suicide ! So she's been on Fluoxetine and when her anxiety got worse than her depression she was put on Citalopram. She's constantly hungry and still gets panic attacks!

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