Has anyone tryed Amitriptyline?
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Hi ladies, went to Doc's today and he's prescribed Amitriptyline (other names are Elavil, Endep ) for mood, I did Google it and seems it's used for alot of conditions like IBS,migrains,depression,anxiety,insomnia and more but I always like to ask if any ladies on here have tryed things first.
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tbay sarah05599
Hi Sarah
I have used Amitriptyline for my Fibromyalgia and still currently on the priscription. I don't usually use it anymore. Only when my chronic pain as gone on consistently for over 1 week and unbearable. I have been trying to manage my pain when its not too bad. I'm very active person and need my evening to do a lot.
Amitriptyline kind of shut down my nerves after 2/3 hours of using. I won't be able to function again until i fall asleep.
So what i leanrt to do is to take it around 6pm and use 2 hours to do all i need to do for the eveining and after 8pm, that's it can't even think again, i become relaxed and then will sleep by 9pm and then need 10hours sleep.
I also noticed body becomes use to it after 2 weeks consistent use.
But please note, it does affect people differently depending on dose level too.
But overall i think its better than all other anti-depressants in terms of side effects.
Guest sarah05599
Hi Sarah, From what I understand it is a really old anti depressant, but if they tweak the dosage, it is usually prescribed for migrains, pain, etc. Doc had me try for migrains and neck tension (arthritis). I got impatient and only lasted a week on it...made my headaches worse. Slept like a baby though! I’m on a different AD now for anxiety. Good luck...worth a try if it helps! 😊
lynda20916 sarah05599
Well, it's a really, really old drug--as in before the 70's. There might be better ones out there for you. It can produce a rather hypnotic effect. You're "there" but you don't care. When I took it, I didn't like the fact that I wasn't really aware and felt so detached. When a patient is over-prescribed they tend to sit and stare, vacantly.
Please be careful of it and of its effects. xx
tina00239 sarah05599
Hi Sarah, I've had it, and I found it awful. Made me worse, and although I only took it a few weeks, I'm now photosensitive because of it, and I can't go outside in hot sun. If I have to attend an appointment in hot sunny weather, it's a hat, glasses, full length sleeves and long skirt or leggings and factor 50 sun cream on any bits left showing. I wasn't this way before the drug, but now I'm permanently like it. I would consider it very seriously before you take it. XXX
Sassyr12a sarah05599
Hiya sarah
I used it a few months ago to help with sleep and anxiety. I was prescribed 10mg to be taken early evening. I slept really well, but after a week I was a wreck crying, dark thoughts etc much worse than I was. I spoke to the GP and decided not to try another tablet, it's just not for me. So now I take over the counter stuff :kalms, kalms nighttime, rescue remedy and have just started to see a hypnotherapist /psychotherapist and I'm seeing a more positive improvement. I think everyone is different, my sister used to take 50mg each night for fibromialgia and she was absolutely fine xx
Hi ladies, thanks for your replys. I told my doc when first saw him I didn't want to take anti depressants but they keep trying to give you them if your not feeling better. I've been taking hrt for a month and that's not helping either but he has given me 2 more month's supply.
Sassyr12a sarah05599
Hi sarah
I wouldn't start taking anything until you're further along with the Hrt, but of course it depends on how bad you feel. I didn't feel better after a month either, it has taken over 3 months to get to a better place. I waited until 3 months (that's how long it takes), then had my levels tested and confirmed as back to pre menopause and then tried amitriptyline to try to resolve the anxiety that was left. While the hormones are sorting themselves out, you won't know what is helping what really xxx
sarah05599 Sassyr12a
Yes I totally agree, it states on my hrt instruction guide that can take 3 months to properly work but surely my doc should know this and say give it 3 months then if feel no different try an anti depressant. I think I'm gonna give hrt longer to see if helps first.
Sassyr12a sarah05599
Hi sarah
Yes, you'd hope so but they tend to go with whatever fixes it. It could be that it helps love - worth a go, it really is a personal thing. For me, I only wanted to treat what was left over (probably im a control freak) and as it happens, after 4 months now I'm like a new person. I've been without hormones for 25 years so had nothing to compare it to, but I feel good. I exercise (first time ever), I take much better care of myself and any anxiety/low mood is manageable. It's a shame you have to take control of your own care on top of everything, but it's the only way because you know you best xx
amber1620 sarah05599
sarah05599 amber1620
I'm so glad it worked for you as you here alot of negatives around anti depressants and everyone is different.
olive8 sarah05599
Remember everyone is different. I have taken 25mg for years because of anxiety - I am a terrible worrier but I have a diabetic son who left home and I couldn't cope with not seeing he was up in the morning and not seeing if he ate before bed or tested before he drove his car. I just couldn't cope. It was terrible and affected my whole family. I got the amitriptyline 10mg for a start then 20mg then supposed to get it up to 30mg and the 30mg was too much so have stuck with 25mg for years. told in small doses it would help my anxiety by making me feel as if my anxieties were at the back of my mind. The top dose for depression is about 100mg or more but I have never taken more than 25mg I remember it took effect about six weeks after I first started it and suppose it took the edge off the anxiety and of course it helps with sleep too. I suppose it does sort of make you feel as if you have a hangover but that passes. I would not consider stopping it because I wouldn't know how I would be without it. I take the 25mg about 8.30pm every night and don't think I have any bad effects at all. As they say *your body gets used to anything in time* I think it might depend on the reason why you are taking it. I have never been depressed. If you are taking it for anxiety I think it will help you if you give it time.
amanda59745 sarah05599
sarah05599 amanda59745
amber1620 sarah05599