Has anyone who's had just one TKR noticed a slight shortening in their leg length?
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Hi, as a few of you are aware I've had nothing but problems from the word go .. I'm now close to 11mths post op and unfortunately the inections for my hip bursitis haven't worked.
I've just only been reading up on them and it did mention that if one leg was only a fraction shorter than the other that it may also cause one. So it got me thinking that maybe there's just a cm or less difference in my leg lengths now (so can't wait for the other knee to be done) and was wondering if anyone that has had just the one TKR has ever noticed this.
I have been standing as straight as I can and I do feel as if maybe there is the slightest of difference but not really sure .. if I remember will ask physio tonight and also ask surgeon when I see him in a couple of weeks.
Thanks all... Tracey
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E1960 tijim
Hello, I never had any knee surgery done though am dealing with a knee injury for last 4 months though strange as it sounds even being I had no surgery done but very strange feelings I get from a sprain tightness in the knee, much various pain @ any given time in my knee @ any area of the knee but even as to say when I try to walk which is very hard even having to use a walker my leg feels longer??
it is hard to say that you're leg would be longer after a surgery but then you're doctor surgion should be able to answer that for you of all what they did but it is possible but really shouldn't make much a diffference that even if it was bit longer by the smallest amout you would adapt to it & wouldn't notice it as time goe's on.
I wish & pray the best for you but you will be ok I really feel...God bless
Yes. When I developed sciatics, I whet to a chiropractor and another PT. Both confirmed it. Source: your hips (especially the SI joints) get out of line because we change out gait unconsciously to compensate for the pain. It's in my BIG post...
My problem started about 8-weeks post-op. Not easy to fix as the joints are inflamed...in my case, locked. Voltaren Gel (RX only) is a great help plus Chiro/PT visits and exercise. Correctable...
Now, if the doc put the knee in wrong and it's the result of the TKR itself and bone length, then that's a whole different ball game...
Thanks Chico time for me to reread your post again
bisutton tijim
Hi Tracy, I'm don't know about the leg length issue you're having, but I do have a suggestion about your hip bursitis. I had that before my tkr, in the opposite hip. I had therapy and several injections, which helped. But it started hurting again after my tkr. I used the kinesiology tape, and the pain in my hip went away in a couple of days. Sometimes the hip pain starts to come back, and I just put the tape back on. You can get it at Walmart or most drug stores. I put my on my hip in 2 pieces crossed. The directions tell you how to use it. It works for me!
tijim bisutton
Hi, never heard of kinesiology tape before .. just googled it and going to get some I'm in Australia so I'll just get some from the chemist .. thanks very much for the info at this stage I'll try anything and if something as simple as that can help I'm all for it.
Thanks heaps... Tracey
Remember Olympic beach volleyball? That tape all over both the men and women? That's the K-Tape...
bisutton tijim
tijim bisutton
Hi Betty, I'll give it a fair go and hope for the best am picking it up tmw and see physio on Friday and will get her to show hubby how to apply it properly.
Thank you
bisutton tijim
I'll be praying it works for you. Maybe you can get one of your pains eased!
tijim bisutton
Hi Betty, I'm on day 6 of being being taped am having it done every 3rd day .. and have noticed a slight difference in pain am hoping in the long run that it clears up the bursitis. How long did it take for it to help yours totally?
Cheers... Tracey
bisutton tijim
Hi Tracy
I'm glad to hear the tape might have helped your problem. My bursitus was much worse about 3 years ago than it has been since my tkr. I didn't know about taping until I started using it for my knee pain. So whenever the hip bursitus flares up, I start taping again. It usually gets better in a few days. Your condition is probably worse so it will take longer. It may not get rid of your pain, but you will probably know in another week or so. I sure hope it helps!
tijim bisutton
Hi Betty
noticed you mentioned you used the tape for knee pain would that include post op swelling like I still have at 11mths po?
Thanks for your tips
Cheers... Tracey
lynn15111 tijim
tijim lynn15111
Thanks Lynn .. I also had a spinal block but they also put me slightly under so I know nothing about the op but woke up bright as a button. The problem hip is the same side as the op .. I'm a shoe hater and live in thongs and barefoot around the house. Unfortunately I've had a few bad experiences with chiro's and unless my surgeon agrees to it I won't go back and see one.
lynn15111 tijim
Surely even a physical therapist can measure leg length. I can't be sure yet, but my TKR side seems shorter in the thigh area cuz my TKR knee is lower. AND yet that could be somewhat compensated in total leg length if the lower half ends up being the same amount longer. So I'm not worrying, but in time it would probably cause your hip or lower back to start talking to ya.