Has ANYONE with Mono / EBV experienced an all over the body itch?

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I have had Mono since July of 2018 thru various blood tests. Since then, it's mainly just been a low grade fever, headache, and all around feeling of not being well.

A couple months ago I developed an itch, all over my body with no rash, and it has really brought the concern of Lymphoma to my eyes. That being said, I saw an oncologist, a special blood test that can sometimes detect cancer, came back negative, which is good. My oncologist said he thinks it is just mono, and to hold off on an x ray for a while. It's concerning because I have not read of many people with this symptom with Mono. It's definitely due to the mono, or whatever is going on. I still have the low grade fever and itch, and it's super worrisome.

Has anyone else experienced an all over itch with mono?

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5 Replies

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    I've had an itch, mainly on my chest and armpits. I was assuming it was another crazy mono symptom .

    My story is similar to yours, with my first symptom in August. My main issues have been the low grade fever, headache, sinus pressure, and overall not feeling well. It comes and goes. I had a really good 3 weeks but recently have has a set back for about a week. I was worn down from traveling and I think that triggered it, along with a bout of food poisoning.

    Does anyone else see the relapse trigger with other illnesses or stress?

    I would guess your itch is another crazy symptom of this horrid illness. Do you have any enlarged glands?

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      I've seen an oncologist, and he doesn't seem to think my glands are enlarged, I had an abdominal ultrasound done which came back normal, so hopeuflly that ruled anything bad out, just hoping its mono! as much as it sucks.

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    Hi Clayton,

    As it was a number of years since I had mono now it's hard exactly for me to remember everything that went on, but I sure do remember I had lots of different and weird symptoms at different times, the worst and most debilitating being the constant low grade fever, fatigue and generally feeling unwell just like you have been going through too unfortunately.

    I have definitely read a number of people on the forum saying itching has been a real issue for them, and I think if I remember right I had a phase of itching too. It seems to make sense that itching can be a symptom of mono because that low grade fever almost gives that sensation that your skin is crawling and these things certainly heighten the nervous into overdrive and can cause itching, so if definitely makes sense that itching can be a common sympton during this awful virus.

    Really empathising Clayton about the worries about other illnesses and things, I went through that too and it really is awful. It sounds like you have done all the right things getting blood tests and even that special blood test - and absolutely that is reassuring for sure. Just want to reassure you that the symptoms you describe definitely sounds like classic mono to me and just hoping so much things can settle down soon - I remember thinking surely it can't just be the mono when it was going on for months and months with so many awful symptoms and not making real progress, but it was just the mono and thanks to God only got better with time.

    Sometimes it really is just a time factor with this Clayton, I know after nearly 6 months you must be so weary, my experience was very similar and it took me about 10 months to see a major turning point and breakthrough in recovery. That is not to say it will take as long for you, I hope not for sure, everyone's recovery time with this is different but want to reassure you that these first 6 months, in my experience, were BY FAR the worst and the intensity does lessen and you do get to a stage where your body starts to feel human and making real progress with this, even though it's so hard to see when in the intense phase like you have been this past 5-6 months.

    Thinking about you Clayton and of course do keep checking in with the doc, taking good vitamins / herbs, resting, etc - all the wise things everyone talks about on the site always! And hang in there, because you WILL get through this and will get better, I truly believe that given my own horrible time and recovery experience from this and having read similar recovery stories of many others on the site.


  • Posted

    Hi claytoni was just reading thru some old posts and wonder how you are doing. I am in 11th month and probably near 80% except for a little fatique and my arms a little itchy. Hope you are feeling better

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    hey clayton.... did your itching go away? mine has got worse thanks if you have time to reply

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