Has peri changed your personality?
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Does anyone feel like perimenopause has given you a different perspective on life? What does your spouse, children, friends, etc. say (if anything) to, or about you? Most importantly, what do you say or feel about it? Are you less tolerant, more assertive, or the opposite? I feel as if i’ve changed quite a bit....maybe the loss of estrogen has given me more of a, “hey, what about me, it’s my turn!” attitude a lot of the time.
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Guest MoodyNoire
This is a great topic! I have changed for sure. I am less tolerant. Not angry, or screaming crazy...just I demandmore help at home from my kids etc. Also, i feel in this stage of my life, I have no problems saying NO to people...without a long drawn out explanation. I always felt like I do everything for everyone, now it’s my turn to focus on me! Kind of liberating! 😀
MoodyNoire Guest
Hahaha, it sounds like we have much in common! The funny thing is when I've discussed how I had been a "people pleaser" in the past, my husband claims he never thought I had been....I'm thinking to myself that not only was I saying yes to everyone, it wasn't even noticed or appreciated! But that's ok, I've learned how to stand up for myself and speak my mind!
kelly55079 MoodyNoire
Don't know if it's peri or just been married with kids for 18 years.. I'm more shy/quiet-- don't do the social things like I did when I was younger--might be a confidence thing. But I'm more sassy, direct at home. Want the kids to do well in school- hound them keeping up with schoolwork, wearing sunscreen and of course eating well. We all have chores to do to keep house up to par. The kids do have fun with friends and sports activities. BUT yeah maybe I've become anxious about the kids. Need to work on 'me' more!!
MoodyNoire kelly55079
It sounds like you've fine tuned what you are willing to spend your time and energy on to the most important parts of your life. I'm the same when it comes to social activities, I just prefer to spend my limited energy on more meaningful interests, like my family/church.
audra86673 MoodyNoire
Yes, my personality has changed. I'm quieter and not as aggressive or opinionated. My family has noticed it and they don't mind it at all!! Lol! I was a very in charge and demanding person before all this started which had its good points, but I think probably had more negatives to it. Before I took on and absorbed a lot of stress and now I just let it go as best I can and put things into more perspective. I'm more calm and introspective and I enjoy things more and I notice the smaller nuances of things and enjoy small victories and nature and the beauty of life more. I appreciate my husband and kids more and certainly see the importance of the fact I am truly healthy despite the way I'm feeling now. I think I was just flying through life before. Managing the house and my kids. Just go, go, go! So for me, I see a better version of myself. I am looking forward to when all my symptoms fade and I'm feeling good again as I see the next half of my life being much more enjoyable and calm than the first half! as much as I hate this peri mess, I'm grateful for it because without the intense feelings and symptoms I've had/ have I don't think I'd have changed my perspective. Certainly a silver lining to all this mess!
MoodyNoire audra86673
That's truly inspiring! I'm happy that you have found a silver lining in your perimenopause journey.
vicky77852 MoodyNoire
I was in a real shock when I diagnosed and my worst fear was about aging and body changes.
Actually I feel more secure now, hrt of course helps a lot but I think that I am in a better place. I try to live for the present and not to postpone things.
MoodyNoire vicky77852
It sounds like you’ve used your experience in a positive, progressive way, which is what I consider wisdom😍
vicky77852 MoodyNoire
MoodyNoire vicky77852
Indifferent MoodyNoire
Oh I sure have changed...become more assertive for sure. I don't take peoples crap anymore. My inlaws are getting the brunt of it... but trust me it has been a long time coming for them, lol!
evi75119 MoodyNoire
my personality and my behavior is constantly changing depending on which day of my cycle I am...
sometimes I am fully depressed, I feel a sensation of desperation, others I am aggressive and mean to others, less patient, I think everybody are my enemies...I am not myself anymore....
But you are right, I am focusing more on my feelings, on my needs….I am learning to love myself and I am demanding respect from others....basically I think I am more experienced to understand people's intentions