Has surgeon recommended capsular release too early?
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Hi - I am new to the goup & hope I can get some advice here . I injured my shoulder in Jan this year when I slipped in the garden. It immediately felt a little painful but I naively thought it would heal itself. I continuted to have a slight pain in my upper arm then in mid April the pain started to get worse & I noticed that I was losing movement in that arm. Then went to see a physio for 4 weeks & he identified it as an FS. Through my health insurance I went to see a surgeon about 2 weeks ago (he seems to be quite well qualified, specialises in shoulders & teaches surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in London). I am still in the "freezing" stage as I am still getting a lot of pain. He says my FS is "severe" due to amount of movement lost. He thinks injections would not work (did not say why) & recommended a capsular release. He reckons he has a 1 - 2% failure rate with this, and that if the shoulder went stiff afterwards he would do MUA (which I do not want - it sounds painful!). I am concerned that his attitude seems very "gung-ho". I have read that this procuedure is usually done in the "frozen" stage. Has anyone had experience of capsular release in the freezing stage? I am really unsure of whether or not to go ahead with this surgery and cannot seem to get some solid advice from anywhere. Thanks in advance for any help / advice.
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ruth48098 lindajt96
Hi Linda,
I will have to look up capsular release as I am not sure what it is. My apologies for sounding skeptical however are you able to get a second opinion concerning the injections? ( I had a wake-up call many years ago when I was told by my dentist that I urgently needed $5000.00 (alot of money in Canada) of work done. I went for a second opinion and I didn't need anything right away ... which was true ...I switched dentist and needed a cavity filling a year later.) All this to say (if it works like Canada) a surgeon gets paid when he does surgery. He could be absolutely right on with this however I would had a second opinion. I had severe FS and the injections really helped. I had one each month for 3 months
bobbysgirl ruth48098
I know what you mean. As a teenager I was told by my NHS dentist I needed loads of fillings (all paid for by NHS). I am now convinced I didn't and am reaping the whirlwind of a gob full of mercury.
Linda, I am still waiting to see a surgeon regarding whether he can do ANYTHING for me. It does seem a case of NHS - let 'em wait, private - kerching.
lindajt96 ruth48098
lindajt96 bobbysgirl
Oliveria ruth48098
Manny blessings!!!
debbie36227 lindajt96
Hi Linda! I had capsular release surgery with MUA back in February. It seems my ROM has improved slowly. Everybody is different so I can't guaranteed if you will get better with this procedure. Good luck
lindajt96 debbie36227
Hi Debbie - that is a good point that everyone is different & I had not considered that. Hope that you continue to improve.
janetmcc lindajt96
Hi Linda,
I'm in the same tiemframe as you are. New Years Day for me! I can say that now in July the pain is greatly reduced but the ROM is still not there. I went thru some intense PT for 6 weeks based on the Othopedic Surgeions recommendations and when I returned and thought he'd do surgery, he said no. At that point I was very disappointed but he explained the risk of the surgery was higher than the hopeful results. I would love to sleep though the night again but if I had to go thru this whole process of healing again after surgery I think I'd lose my mind. I am waiting on nature to take it's course as I read over and over again that it does go away. I tried a deep tissue massage with hot stone therapy last week and feel like that was helpful for flexibility and some pain reflief as I wait for the thawing to continue.
lindajt96 janetmcc
Hi Janet - I had thought that I would "wait it out" but I have lost about 90% of movement, & I think it was the fact that I can no longer drive which pushed me to see if there was anything that could be done. The hot stones sounds great - my gelpacks which I heat in the microwave are my new best friends! Best of luck.
grahame87245 lindajt96
Linda, I had capsular release. The surgeon that did my shoulder took the view that the surgery should only happen when the shoulder is fully frozen. Different surgeons have different views. My advice though would be go for it. I had mine done on a Friday back to work on the following Monday. Still painful and had to do a lot of physio, I suppose it was a couple of months before I had a decent rom and no discomfort. The best thing was that gut wrenching pain when you knock your arm was gone immediately. I can't actually see the scars as it was a keyhole job. If you can I really would have the op. When you wake up your arm will be completely numb. So you will need to have someone to collect you. Start movement immediately though with help. Take every pain killers you are given. Trust me it's worth it. Good luck
lindajt96 grahame87245
alison41082 lindajt96
Hi, I'm in kinda in the same situation! Although my FS is from a surgery itself! I am only 6 weeks into the freezing stage plus I am only 8 weeks out of a pretty major surgery! My surgeon has already talked about doing the release surgery but wants to wait a little while! He ordered me a contiuas passive motion machine for my home and I also do pt 3 times a week! I too am worried to do the surgery to soon! The treatments I'm doing already only seem to p*ss it off more! I cant do the MUA as I have screws and metal tacks from my surgery that still are trying to heel! I'm in so much pain and just getting frustrated I had planned on a quick1-2 month break to heel but now I don't see any end in sight! Super frustrated and depressed! Let me know what you decide but if it started in January it's seems like enough time has past! I don't plan on waiting more then a couple more months before I consider surgery! This is ridiculous??
lindajt96 alison41082
Hi Alison - sorry to hear that you are suffering - major surgery & then FS - that sounds awful! I agree - it is the pain with this FS that is just so relentless and hard to bear. I am currently thinking about getting a 2nd opinion on the surgery if I can. If my shoulder was actually "frozen" rather than "freezing" I would go for it. Anyway - will let you know what happens. Best of luck with yours .
sue27335 lindajt96
Hi Linda,
I had steroid injection 4 months in with FS and it did nothing, 7 months in I had capsular release op and the best thing ever. I would say I'm mostly pain free and ROM is approx 80%, as oppose to minimal movement. I too was told I had severe FS.
I know everyone is different but I would recommend the op. I still have physio sessions and do exercises at home twice daily. I have got my life back. Good luck whatever you decide
lindajt96 sue27335
Hi Sue - thanks for the reply. Glad to know that the surgery has been good for you, but you had to go 7 months before you had it - that is a long time! From your response & Grahame's I am inclined towards the surgery - it is just whether I have it now, as the surgeon says, or whether I hold out until my shoulder is "frozen". Hard to know what to do!
grahame87245 lindajt96