Has this happened to any one else

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I put a post on this morning about the bad night I have i have been Peri for over a year and have been doing fine until the last few days anxiety has come back can,t eat feel sick when do knees hurt and so tired this is how i felt when this all started not been able to go to work l do take hrt ,vitamin supplements was hoping I would not have to go through this again .Has any one else been or going through this

Thank you


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya Paula yes I'm going through it aswell can't eat sleep the anxiety is really and the ache and pains are just as bad and I keep on getting lower stomach ache just dull but it ther the perimenopause is awfull didn't realize it can be this bad I went for a smear on Friday and that as made me twice as worse now coz the doctor said he can see a bleed on me cervix so I have to to hospital to get a smear done coz the cervix is to far back to teach it properly so now I'm worried about that now x
    • Posted

      Hi lindy hope all goes well at the hospital , I am the same I bid not know it was going to be this bad

      Take care x

  • Posted

    Hi Paula, I don't have great or reassuring news either.  I've been going thru this for almost 10 years now and although it does lighten up at times ( months at a time ) it comes back with a vengenance!  It's very dibilitating to try to work with such severe fatique, anxiety, and painful knees.  I do not take HRT, try to eat organic whole foods and limit alcohol intake.  It's menopause and that's what she does, she's fickle.  I hate it.  Hang in there, Joanne
    • Posted

      Thanks Paula!!! I absolutely hate this too. Feels like a cronic hangover flu that never goes away. I used to love life and getting up in the morning now all the color ran out to black and white and gray. sad
  • Posted

    Hi Paula,

    Im not HRT so I couldn't be of any help there, but I am expierencing all that you are. Can't eat, waking up every hour, anxiety, doom and gloom, and much more. This whole peri ordeal can be awful.

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