Have had pre-op assessment but no surgery date?
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Just wondering if I am the only person who has had to go through a pre-op assessment without knowing when their surgery date is? I am waiting for a 270 degree fundoplication & hiatus hernia repair. Surgeons secretary said I couldn't have a date without a pre-op assessment being done - but I know loads of people who are given their dates and the pre-op assesment date a couple of weeks before. It's really frustrating - especially as you can't make any plans - I can't even book any holidays as I don't know how well I will be! I feel like I'm constantly battling for answers - when I just want it over with!
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lesley73033 Glennie68
Glennie68 lesley73033
If you had an MRSA swab - the test results are only valid for 6 weeks. I had a few questions that the pre-op assessment team couldn't answer as well - and they were to do with meds! I'm not holding out much hope of having a summer break this year - plus my work keep asking me when I am going in - as they have to make sure they are covered for when I am not there.
lesley73033 Glennie68
I know what you mean though. It feels like your life's on hold.
Glennie68 lesley73033
lesley73033 Glennie68
Glennie68 lesley73033
lesley73033 Glennie68
Glennie68 lesley73033
lesley73033 Glennie68
The 1st surgeon that I was referred to is "no longer with them" and so I had to be re-referred to a different surgeon whch took time. I'm sure a lot of this is a way of fiddling the figures.
The secretary is usually very pleasant and helpful. She moved my initial assessment by the 2nd surgeon forward by months. However, last time I spoke to her (just after new year) she just sounded deflated and said that, as they were having to cancel admissions, she didn't know what they were gong to do. However, I am phoning her on Monday as I spent best part of yesterday in bed dosed up on tramadol.
I hope you hear something soon though. It might be worth phoning your surgeon's secretary just in case a letter has gone adrift somewhere, or you've somehow vanished from the system. The latter happened to me a couple of years ago
Glennie68 lesley73033
Let me know how you get on - and I'll tell you how I get on later in the week!
lesley73033 Glennie68
lesley73033 Glennie68
She couldn't give me any idea of an actual date though
Glennie68 lesley73033
I'm glad they say you are on top of the list for a cancellation - sounds awful - but it would be good if someone caught a bad cold - and you could get your op!
Isn't it so frustrating having no date though! I'm not even bothering phoning until Friday - as I'm sure the file will be back with the surgeon's secretary then - and all results should be back from the pre-assessment clinic - as I'm sure there will be some excuse that some results are not in if I didn't. I think my surgery is classed as a low priority though - and I fear I will wait a lot longer than yourself!
lesley73033 Glennie68
Keep onto them though. The reason for my long wait last time was because my file had been lost and that was after my scan!
Glennie68 lesley73033
You have made me feel a bit better! I really hope they get you sorted ASAP - you have suffered long enough!
Let you know Friday night what I find out!
lesley73033 Glennie68
Glennie68 lesley73033
I wouldn't care if that was my date either! I'll tell you how I get on with my call on Friday.
Hope you get sorted this time!
lesley73033 Glennie68
Glennie68 lesley73033
I like your thinking with the surgery - I don't think you'll be turned away on that day somehow!
Glennie68 lesley73033
Ok so I got a date today that was changed 3 hours later - luckily I didn't tell anyone at work - and just as well, I'll do this when the confirmation letter comes through. Anyhow - I'll be almost a month after you! 10th March - so a few weeks to go - but there's light at the end of the tunnel! Was a bit disappointed at first - but this date actually works out really well for my work - and for the fact Easter will fall when I am getting better - and it will give me a few more days to re-couperate!
lesley73033 Glennie68
I hope it all goes well for you.
Glennie68 lesley73033
Glennie68 lesley73033
Not long now! Just thought I'd send you a good luck message just in case I forget! I've tried not being on the forum so much - as I have found myself getting upset at nothing! I'm still waiting for my confirmation letter 2 weeks after getting my date! I hope they don't change it again - hubby got time off work and I have pre-warned my work too! All the best to you - stay well and get better x
lesley73033 Glennie68
It's all just so frustrating isn't it? I actually cried when speakibng to my surgeon's secretary once. I felt really silly but had psyched myself up for the surgery happening just before xmas. I did my shopping early and everything, so I was all prepared. I thought they would just phone me with a last minute slot as that is what has always happened in the past but, of course, they didn't. It's like your life is on.hold. xx
lesley73033 Glennie68
Anyhow I'm very swollen and sore but hopefully this will be the end of it. Even the top of one of my thighs is swollen! Apparently, this is because they had to cut tissue that supplies the nerve ends to it. Sometimes you just wish you'd never asked the question haha
Glennie68 lesley73033
Good to hear from you - fantastic it is done and over - now it just lots of rest and re-couperation and day time TV
. Sounds like them hernia's have been bullies - pushing other bits of your anatomy out of the way! It's amazing how these surgeons can sort you out!
Not long now for me either!
Take care you!!!