Have I escaped the horrors of the menopause?
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I'm almost 52. My periods got irregular but very heavy for a couple of years from about 48-50, so heavy I ended up getting a scan which was reported normal. Then, in June last year my periods stopped completely and I haven't had one since. I was getting hot flushes every now and then but then discovered Flaxseed. Since I started taking that every day I haven't had a hot flush either. It feels too good to be true - can it really have been that easy?
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alison05825 supermim
hi i am 52 and i stop my periods at 48 and now i keep getting hot flushes nearly every day and my mood swings are all over the place i did see my doctor and she said that yes i am going through the change
madcow1964 supermim
I have heard that for some women, the process of the menopause can be no more than a bit of an annoyance and some just "sail" through it all!
I believe I must be in peri as I have had instances of some of the symptoms over recent years, including drenching night sweats (only during period time) and buts of depression (a few years ago I was even getting suicidal thoughts but several friends helped me through that time and I never saw a doctor for it. It's only recently that I've started to wonder if that was peri hormones?). The worst symptoms for me are the brain fog / lack of concentration / forgetfulness. A new one for this year is overheating and struggling to cool down - but I wouldn't call them hot flushes - they're weird!
My periods are still regular, apart from several blips early in the year and now being nearly 2 weeks late. I am 51 in a few months and fully expect dreadful symptoms any day now - but maybe it won't happen? One of my school friends got peri over and done with without much bother by her late 40's! Unfortunately, I cannot ask anyone my age who has not had children nor ever been pregnant - they have all had families wheras I didn't. My only childless friend had an ectopic pregnancy over 30 years ago and a subsequent hysterectomy, although she does still have her ovaries and was having hot flushes. I don't know if never having had babies will make my peri drastically different from anyone else's.
Fingers crossed you have been one of the very lucky ladies, like my schoolfriend! We're all different. My mum started her periods at 11 (I was 13) and thinks she didn't go through the menopause til her mid 50's, never being offered HRT or anything to help.
annieschaefer supermim
gailannie supermim
I guess I'll offer another perspective. I too was one of those woman who had a very easy time of it. The difficult part was perimenopause when I was 42, night sweats, drenching sweats, brain fog, etc. But then things did settle down and I was fine. It wasn't until I was 52 1/2 when I had my last period. Again, I sailed through. Never having hot flashes or any of the standard symptoms, What I did have was chronic pain in my muscles and ligaments. Not one doctor related this to hormones. I did years of constant pain. But then a couple years into menopause, I developed vaginal dryness, some painful sex and vaginal atrophy. Now the doctors took notice.
It wasn't until I started using vaginal Estrace, that my world changed. The constant pain went away, I had energy, I slept like a champ. All from that little molecule estradiol.
Now here I am at age 58 trying to slowly restore my estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
What I want to offer, is that there are a number of things that happen with menopause that aren't the standard "symptoms". I also thought I was the "lucky" one. These chemicals effect our entire endocrine system. Their loss can change our insulin, thyroid, and andrenal function. Keep in mind that while you may be feeling ok for now, that doesn't mean that things won't creep in. And like me, you may not think it is connected to your sex steriods. I wish I had known better, as it would have saved me from years of pain.
madcow1964 gailannie
what you have just written about the endocrine system I am just discovering myself through online research.
Through our lives we come to expect hot flushes, scattiness, mood swings, irregular periods and giving up on sex when the menopause approaches. But the fact that the menopause knocks our whole range of hormones out of whack is never mentioned! I found the link when looking up thyroid problems as I have been getting exhausted and suffering episodes of heat (not hot flushes / sweating) when I just can't cool down. What I found was enlightening!
susan21149 supermim
I am in menopause myself but i had a scare last week because I started bleeding down there. I stopped my HRTs right away. I was also feeling really weak while I was taking my Neurotin 100mgs three times a day I Did stop the third nerontin the morning dose i have not taken but i did take the night dose.
My moods were all over the place last week I was feeling anxious while i was bleeding, I was having anger issues and just really restless, Not able to sleep to good durring the night.
I don't think i am going back on any HRTs ITs a bad combo with having a thyroid problem,diabetes and high blood pressure
Don't want to go through what I went through at all
Chris1230 supermim