have not gotten my period yet after about 50 days. i am 17, and i shouldn’t not be pregnant.
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so basically, im terrified.
past couple weeks have been extremely stressful for me
i am 17 years old and have been with the same guy for about 6 years. i lost my virginity at 15 to him, and we have always been extremely careful. we used a condom, and neither of us wanted him to finish inside me, and he never has.
my eating habits are awful. i do not eat breakfast or lunch, but snack on something when i get home at 1:30pm. i also have dinner.
i drink a good amount of water, and the snacks i eat are usually somewhat healthy unless its a guilty pleasure chips/icee, haha. but its been a while since, because my skin has gotten bad.
i have been very stressed lately because of this, as well as college/school things. things got rough with the boyfriend for a little while too, but resolved itself.
one month i "missed" my period, but basically got it the first day of the month
because of this, we stopped having sex for a really long time, until it just happened one day. i got my period after that time. we had sex again a couple months later + did it again recently (nov 7)
basically this is 3 times over 5 months.
i got sick one morning because of something i ate. i threw up + had an upset stomach. it was because of what i ate, 100% as i ate it again the next day, as an experiment, and had the same issue. (i understand this could be aversion to food, but this hasn't happened since. plus i really still want to eat it.)
my mom picked me up when i was feeling sick and essentially made me take a pregnancy test in the morning. i had not drank any water that night and went to sleep really early because it was mentally exhausting. the test was negative. and i took it the week after i would usually get my period
usually, before my period, i get cramps and sore breasts about a week in advance, but i have not had this. my discharge is varying - after my school day there is a bit of a lotiony texture, but it also seems to be a lot more production + seems very watery, almost?
it seems very unlikely and.. unfair that this could happen to me. i'm extremely careful and paranoid. i know the only way to not get pregnant is to not have sex. but i'm a teen girl with a really strong connection to my boyfriend. i know many girls who have sex raw and just pull out - no birth control. it just seems unlikely that i could be, but the thought of my mom telling my dad and having it be a whole thing kinda makes me want to die.
its basically been 50 days since my last period. i did not have it at all last month, it is currently december 3rd, with no cramps or sore breasts. i feel completely normal almost, which is even more scary.
i just really cannot be pregnant. for the sake of my future and mental health.
what should i do? what could this possibly be?
(sorry for all the details. i wanted to be as specific as possible.)
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olivia81845 Guest
when did you take the pregnancy test?
Guest olivia81845
its hard to remenber, but i would guess nov 27. first thing in the morning.
usually i get my period mid month, but it has always been irregular on the date. i took the test on the last week of nov, and it was negative.
i got sick on nov 24th and 26th,, both after eating a looot of the same thing. (taki's -- already unhealthy enough) i've done this before but its never made me sick. i do admit to eating a lot of unhealthy spicy chips. i only threw up the first time.
*another detail: i do keep feeling "falling" down there, similar to how the blood feels when it falls, except it feels more like discharge. if this is important at all.
alexhlth Guest
Hey Mari,
The are various vitamins and supplements you can take to regulate your health and cycles. An example and so far the best I have encountered is CONCEPTION Fertility Prenatal Vitaminsby EU Natural. These are made from 100% natural ingredients and have absolutely no risk. Taking just two tablets daily will regulate your cycle, balance your hormones and even improve fertility rate.
You should definitely look into it and if you are interested, you can get a bottle from Amazon, Ebay or Walmart
good11 alexhlth
my wife tried those. Worked for us 😃