have preimenopaues when will end

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I have been given hrt and all so take vitamin b complex, floradix  for two weeks .now .I have not been abell to work for two months now .Just so tierd head and leg ache all the tme . Not sleeping get really hot and ichey get very low .Sill haveing pariods 

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Paula 

    oh bless you sweetie.

    we never know how long peri will take as we are all different.

    mine was 10 years peri  natural route .. Started at age 40-41 

    I am 16 months post meno now age 50.

    Maybe some ladies can help who take HRT as i never have,

    HRT should boost the declining hormones up again, and then your peri will be postponed until a later date when you stop taking it ..

    hope it helps you .. 

    big hugs 

    jay x

    • Posted

      Thank you jay it just seem to be never ending .Just want to get back to normal ♡ 


    • Posted

      Hi girls, how do we really know if we are in peri? I've got most of the symptoms discussed on this forum.. Headaches, anxiety, palpitations, memory loss, sense of doom and gloom, achey joints, back pain, vertigo symptoms, nausea, weight gain to name but a few and feel like my body and mind have been taken over by an alien at times. When I speak to people about it it's as if I'm talking a foreign language! 

      It's really difficult to pin point when this all started.. Maybe 2 or 3 yrs or longer even.

      I don't want to use HRT even if GP recommends it so I'm taking, oil of evening primrose, cod liver oil, vitamins A, D and B6 at the minute and try to remember to take Spartone too. Any other ideas I should try? I'm 49 and fed  up 😢 Xx

    • Posted

      Hi cami

      for me when i started peri .. I distinctly remember feeling quite sickly alot, and also night sweats, use to wake up soaked, legs would slip off each other 😢 .. Then my periods got troublesome and i bled for 21 months, hardly had two free days in 21 months, i varied from heavy, normal, light and spotting, i even fainted 3 times with it.. 

      Lost loads of weight and i only weigh 125lb anyway.. 

      Maca was brill for me, thats all i took first off.. 5.1 ratio capsules which are 500mg x 5 ( 2500mg) daily.. Still take them now, but have a break off them abit too.

      i also take Kelp, B6, B1, B12, Calcium and Vit D (Natecal),

      Chelated Magnesium, Vit C, Vit E, Acidophilus pro biotic, Menapol Plus, 

      I rattle 😃

      jay x

      If you still have regular periods then the FSH blood test will come back normal as hormones too erractic for a menopause result, only when you have declined to approx 3-4 periods a year will the FSH come back menopausal.

      12 monhs no periods is post menopause.

      i am 16 months post meno ages 50 now.

      HRT wasnt an option for me too risky with family history, plus i did not want it anyway.. 

      Jay x


    • Posted

      Hi camikitten I went to doctors had blood

      test i take hrt it would allso help if i took floradix for iron and vitamin b complex for tierdness and fatigue  .I am 45 xx

  • Posted

    Hi Paula,

    I opted for HRT as last year I started with Anxiety which I had nevered had before but strangely though this was only worst when I first started missing a few periods.  Missing them wasnt the problem but only when I then started to brew up for the next one, and this was when I started with health anxieties which lasted upto two weeks.  Once my period arrived I was feeling back to normal.  These blips happened three times last year and stopped me from going into the office during these times.  I had all the tests and a complete health check and Mamogram, thyroids, comprehensive of blood test and also my hormones were checked all came back ok or normal.

    After my last blip last July (13) I went to see a very lovely lady GP who I had been told was a good listener and it was her that suggested I try HRT to help balance my hormones out.  It has been trial and error but I must say that I am feeling loads better in as much as I havent had the same type of blips since I started using HRT at the end of March this year.

    Like you I take Busy B's daily which have a good time realease of min 100mg together with Vit C. I have now started to take Solgar Magnesium tablets together with 2  Menopol plus tablets (one in the morning and one at night). I also take an additonal B6 100mg to bring me upto 200mg a day during my not so good times. Years ago I was told that I had low iron so now i also take liquid iron which has a good source of zinc and b vitamins.

    I am lucky in as much as I have found a really great accupuntrist who knows me well and helps with my low times. She helps me with my sinus and digestive problems and most importantly with my anxiety.   Which I am told that HRT hasnt been proven to improve the moods (but I do however think it has helped balanced me out) which in turn has helped with my lowness. I chose this route to help give some of me back so that I can slowly adjust to these changes and I will deal with what happens later when I slowly wean myself off but hopefully then the worst may be more bearable.  For me its my health anxieties I find the hardest to deal with and would give anything not to have to deal with this but perhaps have some other symptom that may not take over my thoughts.

    Like you I just want all of this to just end and allow me to get back to be the happy, patient person that I used to be.

    We are all here for each other so please remember if you want to share your experiences or just ask questions you have found the best site and all the ladies on here are all so kind.

    Take Care and as I have been told many of times "Be kind to yourself" Massive hugs to you sweetie.



    • Posted

      Thank you joy its nice to know you are alone you can feel so alone.my mum been thought the menopaues but did not go thought this just had hot flushes .

      Take care            

      paula xxx

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