Have you tried Selenium?
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Selenium deficiency is considered by some naturopathic doctors the key to Fibromyalgia and CFS.
Some even relate it with animal “Nutritional muscular dystrophy” AKA “White muscle disease”.
Should we go to the vet???
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kaz_40 TeresaJS
TeresaJS kaz_40
kaz_40 TeresaJS
kaz_40 TeresaJS
loxie TeresaJS
TeresaJS loxie
The proponents of selenium say that our soild are depleted of it so our food aren't nurient rich anymore. Anyway, i've put i on my supplements list for this month and as you said it's good for thyroid too so..
charlotte1824 TeresaJS
There is enough selenium in 2 brazil nuts a day to keep one healthy however this varies per brazil nut.
Those looking to supplement with selenium should be very careful as there is some very serious side effects of takking to much. I have pasted them below.
P.S i took selenium for a while orginally whrn i assumed thyroid issues and saw no benefit but i didnt take for that long.
What are the risks of taking selenium?
Side effects. Taken at normal doses, selenium does not usually have side effects. An overdose of selenium may cause bad breath, fever, nausea, and liver, kidney and heartproblems. At high enough levels, selenium could cause death.
Interactions. Selenium may also interact with other medicines and supplements, such as antacids, chemotherapy drugs, corticosteroids, niacin, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, and birth control pills.
Skin cancer. Selenium supplements are associated with a risk of skin cancer (squamous cell carcinoma), so people at high risk of skin cancer should not take these supplements.
Diabetes. One study found that people who took 200 micrograms a day of selenium were 50% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. So far, it's unknown if the selenium actually caused the disease. Discuss the risk with your doctor.
TeresaJS charlotte1824
As far as dicussingwith the dr: forget about it! Standard doctors know virtually nothing about nutrition and minerals...
kaz_40 charlotte1824
charlotte1824 kaz_40
The RDA seems to be 55 MICROgrams /ug per day but dont forget you are going to get some from food also. The tolerable upper limit is 400 MICROgrams /ug per day but i would never go that high.
I will attach a list of food values to another comment so you can see what you may get depending on your diet.
Ive just started taking a new multivit which unlike many others doesnt have massive amounts of certain vitamins. I dont like going to far over 100% rda as i know food provides alot of what we need and i want to just top up. It also has prebiotics included and i got mine from Sainsburys for just under £5.00 for 30 day supply and so far I have not reacted to them, alot of high does supplements ive tried to take make me feel unwell including the highly touted miracle supplement magnesium. Ive been taking seven seas multibionta, its early days so cant say i feel better at all but no bad reaction is good!
TeresaJS charlotte1824
Vitamin A 120 ?g RE 15
Vitamin D 5 ?g 100
Vitamin E 12 mg ?-TE 100
Vitamin K 22.5 ?g 30
Vitamin C 80 mg 100
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 1.1 mg 100
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 1.4 mg 100
Niacin 16 mg NE 100
Vitamin B6 1.4 mg 100
Folic Acid 200 ?g 100
Vitamin B12 2.5 ?g 100
Biotin 50 ?g 100
Pantothenic Acid 6 mg 100
Calcium 120 mg 15
Magnesium 57 mg 15
Iron 5 mg 36
Zinc 3.33 mg 33
Manganese 0.4 mg 20
Selenium 30 ?g 55
Chromium 25 ?g 63
Iodine 100 ?g 67
Coenzyme Q10 2 mg *
Lactobacillus gasseri PA 16/8,
Bifidobacterium bifidum MF 20/5,
Bifidobacterium longum SP 07/3
TeresaJS charlotte1824
Sometimes it's not the supplements that aren't working but the way we take them or combine them. Thanks a lot for the list!
loxie charlotte1824
charlotte1824 loxie
Eggs are brilliant in being nutrient dense and should be inlcuded in your diet often, salmon is the most potent in omega 3's and should be eaten 3 times a week. Avacado is a brilliant good fat rich food. Aside from that lost of green veg and lots of colourful veg. Eat healthy wholegrains but not loads of them and try to avoid refined carbs and sugary foods/drinks. Juices are not actually that good for you unless your juicing greens YUCK. Fibre helps slow down the rate of sugar absorbtion so eating something high in fibre with a sugary snack can stop a insulin spike and cinammon also helps control blood sugars. Meat wise turkey is good in the evening as it helps you sleep better as it has tryptophan in it, red meat thats not really fatty and not over cooked is good for B vits and iron, chicken obviously as its high in protein and low in fat. Bananas are good for lots of people for stomach settling and make a great healhty snack. Yoghurt the plain greek kind is good for you. Avoid aspartame, fizzy drinks all times and most importantly let yourself eat what you want every now and again, dont deprive yourself, as long as you eat rubbish as an occasional thing and not daily then theres no probem with some chocolate or sweets or bread etc.
There is a great website called whfoods which gives you the nutritious breakdown of food and explinations of how such foods are beneficial along with full info on what all the vits/minerals do for us.
kaz_40 charlotte1824
loxie charlotte1824
Unfortunately the NHS is under siege and not many of us get sufficient time or understanding from our GP service but if asked specifically they usually will make the effort to listen to concerns about vitamin levels and hopefully give good advice.
charlotte1824 loxie
They maybe pushed and underfunded but that's because they have the most ridiculous policies, useless Drs, terrible admin staff and waste time like no ones business. They wait till problems are so severe or chronic that not even Dr house could fix them, if they jumped on things asap I think they could halt progression in a lot of cases, if they sent us to the right Drs, did the right tests from the get go they would save a lot of money and wasted time. Gps are just booking agents, consultants are just salesmen for the drug companies and I can't say I've ever met a Dr that's actually concerned with how u feel or the pain ur in. Ur a number and as long as they can sign off at the end of the day that's there job done.
Sorry for the rant but I get so angry that the people we trust with our lives can't even see us as human beings, unfortunately they are the only ones with the access to tests and meds etc. they moan constantly about resources being drained but it's the gps who send us round the block of different specialists when actually we are a whole person and if it hurts in ur legs, arms and stomach they might be connected and u don't need to see 3 different Drs.
Sorry, I'm having a very painful day and am very grumpy which I guess is apparent!!!
TeresaJS loxie
TeresaJS charlotte1824
Besides all that you mention I believe the problems is that conventional doctors learn virtually nothing of nutrition in university. They're 99% biased to meds and chemicals.
You should see the incredulous looks I got when I told my doctors I’ve stopped my bleeding( for ten 2nd time now) just with iron and Vit C supplementation! It doesn’t work for everyone but is some cases it does.
loxie charlotte1824
Our surgery, like many others I guess, won't let you discuss more than one symptom at a single appointment. How ridiculous is that. Many illnesses are multi faceted and by not treating us wholistically, as you say, we end up using even more resources by traipsing round various specialists for each element. My GP last week latched onto my brain fog issues and wanted to refer me to the 'memory clinic', I had to be really assertive and firm to explain I did NOT have memory issues, I had problems focussing, probably because my brain was too busy concentrating on the bloody pain. So next she referred me to a neurologist - just got the letter through today - November appointment! Hopeless. I don't believe I have neurological issues, other than obviously my pain is recognised by the brain. But it got me out of the chair and the building and she could tap into her screen that I'd been dealt with. I dont blame you for being grumpy, my flipping cat gets better medical treatment than I do and to be honest, my friends chickens do too!
TeresaJS loxie
That's really a capital sin: which compamy , enterprise or institution would work without teamwork? And yet that's what's done with health... how stupid can it be? I have lost of stories but come to mind two:
The phsysical therapy dr: "Doctors don't talk to each other".
Me: Really? What to they expect to acomplish like that?
The dermatologist: (about medical specialities) These are compartmentalised systems.
Me : Well, my body isn't.
I’m always clashing with the system and now (how tiring!
) I put everything on paper, date it, sign it, hand it to them and keep a copy. They don’t like it but I do it anyhow. XX
kaz_40 loxie
charlotte1824 loxie
The other thing that irks is the tests, they are taken as an absolute yet ive slowly discovered that half of them arent true tests or arent even reliable not to mention the possibility of human error.
Early on in this process I was so tired and i went to drs and had the normal tests inlcuding iron, I went back months later, broke down as i wasnt improving and a different dr told me the iron test they did is like a surface test but they can dig deeper and check iron levels properly (I assume the difference is between free levels in your blood and plasma testing), when they did this i was severely anemic and needed supplements but they had left me months without them, i was 1 point away from needing transfusions as they didnt do the full test in the first place. There is loads of these tests which they tell you that you have normal results yet truly you could be deficient. The same goes for thyroid testing, they only really test TSH which is an indicatior but there is like 5 seperate tests to really get a complete picture. Lymes test is very very unreliable, UK drs wont admit that but US drs seem to admit it. There is a more relaible test but NHS dont use that. The list goes on.
The funny thing is the only thing we can do is educate ourselves and all the medcial websites include NHS advise is to educate yourself on your own condition etc but when you see a dr and tell him you know some information or you read about this or that they instantly get thier heckles up like they should be the only people in the world that can know information and your some crazy person by reading up on it yourself!!
Perhaps we should see if any vets will take us instead!!!
FYI ive gone private a couple of times also at much expense and they seem to be equally as useless and equally as arrogant so apart from nicer settings and quicker appointment times there is not much additional benefit.
kaz_40 charlotte1824
charlotte1824 TeresaJS
They are wanting to put a new thing in place where after every hospital visit they give you a bill of what your treatment cost, you dont have to pay but just so you know......fine for the drunks that fall over or fight on a night out and end up in hospital but for everyone who needs help thats just a bit mean, its either gonna shame people so they dont get help or its gonna be the GP'S fault for sending you to a department you dont need and then another bill when you get sent to the correct dr.
charlotte1824 kaz_40
kaz_40 charlotte1824
charlotte1824 kaz_40
I wish there were certain things we didnt have to be forced to do out of loyalty but it would seem so rude to not to go.
loxie TeresaJS
TeresaJS charlotte1824
Don’t get me wrong : 10 minutes or 20 minutes it’s all the same. Doctors spend 85% of that time writing on their computers and they almost don’t look at you face. Push, push…
For you to have an idea how everything's is being so well orchestrated all over this EU I’ll tell you that they’ve already started doing that hospital bill exhibit here. I’m okay with that, no problem: as long as the problems are sorted out it’s fine.
loxie kaz_40
TeresaJS loxie
Yeah, the conversation was about my symptoms of thyroid dysfunction that had some dermatological symptoms, hair loss, weak nails etc. and i questioned her about it . That's when she said that systems are compartmentalised, meaning: go to another doctor – you’re done here. .
kaz_40 loxie
kaz_40 charlotte1824
charlotte1824 kaz_40
loxie TeresaJS
kaz_40 charlotte1824
kaz_40 loxie
loxie kaz_40
charlotte1824 loxie
TeresaJS loxie
kaz_40 TeresaJS
TeresaJS kaz_40
loxie TeresaJS
Very interesting about thyroid resistance, deep down I'm convinced it has major implications but here in the UK they will only test for thyroxine levels and if 'normal' then nothing else will be done. In the USA they do more intensive testing to see what the absorption rates are and whether there is any resistance - which often shows up hidden issues. It infuriates me that there is a possibilit of something so simple being a root cause yet we, the patient, are powerless to push them into exploring it. grrrr - I feel myself ranting again
kaz_40 TeresaJS
TeresaJS kaz_40
TeresaJS loxie
kaz_40 TeresaJS
loxie TeresaJS