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ok since starting this journey ive developed high blood pressure well when i was on my cycle which ended a few days ago i noticed being outside made the dizziness worse i came in checked my BP and it was low so i freaked out and have been obsessively checking it. i called the dr office i go for a blood pressure check Monday i thought maybe my monitor wasn't working right but i went from 30 mg of my med to 20mg i had been on the 30 mg for almost a year i went to 20mg two days ago dr knows .anyways i bought a new monitor and im still having lower readings so here i am panicking thinking im gonna die and have a heart condition. is there anyone going through the change have had issues like this im really making myself sick scared to death. what i mean is has anyone developed high blood pressure for it to all of a sudden start lowering? i cant stop worrying i have something wrong with my heart im gonna call heart dr Monday for an appointment to have heart rechecked
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kelly55079 pamela2016
It could be the monitor.. I know you just bought one but.... I used to be obsessed with checking here at home or at a local grocery store. It would be high each time then I would go to the DR and it was fine.. This happened a few times which was worrisome for me. Then someone stated here that it could be hormones going up and down which explains alot.. . could be, don't know.. I'm sure you are good-- make sure you drink plenty of water, are eating well and get your rest. Yes, always a good idea to have it checked out for piece of mind.
Madracquel pamela2016
this is exactly what i have been dealing with for the last month and it is so scary! my doctor says im fine but i dont feel good at all and this dizziness weird feeling is pushing me over the edge! last night i almost went to the ER! BP IS BACK TO NORMAL BUT I STILL HAVE THE DIZiness!
pamela2016 Madracquel
im so sorry your dealing with this too im so scared out my mind ive began obsessively checking BP again horrible cycle to break took me forever when i had to go on meds for high BP, and i wish i had an answer to the dizziness its plague me fir three years. ive tried researching what helps hormonal dizziness ive came up with nothing
hopeforever Madracquel
For dizziness and nausea get gravol. it works wonders.
christine-Perim pamela2016
ok, me too. i am 49 . i am in perimenopause. my blood pressure goes from 160/110 to 129/80. i refuse to take my prescription and thank goodness i did, i got a notice it causes cancer. i takr cayenne pepper and cinnamon for my hbp, i walk. i monitor it and its high when i ovulate and my period. dont panic. be vigilant. research homeopathic therapies. ♥♥♥
pamela2016 christine-Perim
mine goes high when i ovulate too but whats concerning me is i had to go down in mg three days ago cause for some reason my bp wants to go too low and ive never had that problem before.so i been obsessively checking again.
crystals51917 pamela2016
I've been on different BP medicines for years but I feel that I need to come off because my readings are a little low. 118/62. I started peri-menopause around 45 and I'm 52 with almost all menopausal sypmtoms.The Dr says thats a great BP reading but I don't think so. I'm going to be discussing her slowly taking me off. Menopause has caused so many concerns and changes. I know with prayer and vitamins AND THIS FORUM, lol we are going to be alright.