Having a setback

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I am on 30 mg of citalopram my dose was increased from 20mg about 3 months ago and i seemed to be getting slowly better each day, until last Tuesday, i have a shoulder problem and last Monday had to have 2 steroid injections to help with the pain, the injections were painful but started to feel better in the evening, then i woke up Tuesday morning with really bad anxiety again, and this lasted on and off throughout the day. it seems to have got worse every day since then and yesterday was awful I was feeling extremely anxious all day , went to bed early as i just wanted to sleep so i could feel better but woke up again this morning feeling awful , headache, anxious stomach and strange feelings through my whole body, I have taken a lorapam today hoping it will help, are these setbacks normal as I am struggling so bad again

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi denise

    sorry that you are having a set back, i am currently going through a set back too.

    how are you doing?

    • Posted

      Hi Lorraine thank you for replying, hope you are ok, my main symptom is anxious stomach it feels like its i knots all day I try to ignore it but its so hard, when you have a set back it feels like you are back to square one x

    • Posted

      hello, i feel that too. this is a set back and seems to have been triggered by the sterioid so things should settle for you once the steroids deplete?

      how long have you been recovered for from your last episode of anxiety?


    • Posted

      I hope so , I have been doing better for the last 3 weeks and was having some good days but then my symptoms came back after the injection and the last week has been really bad again , thank you again x

    • Posted

      we will get through this set back, keep checking in on here.

      i made a full recovery 2 years ago after being in hospital my anxiety was that bad, so i hold hope that we will get through this xx

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