having period

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I am post menopause and have been bleeding since yesterday really heavy, with my left side hurting badly and just feeling weak anxious. Last weekend i took off work due to pains in my left side and that when they said at the E.R that i may have an cystic ovarian neoplasm that they want checked. 

Now today i had to call in due to the fact that i feel weak due to the bleeding, I feel restless and i am in and out of the bathroom plus i did not sleep to good last night due to being restless. When is this going to end 

I told my job i will be in for sure on Sunday tomorrow i am getting tired of missing work because of this and i am depressed about this and i just want this bleeding to end just feel so weak misarable and in pain on left side the E.R won't even put me in the hospital what can i do to make myself feel better crysadcry just been crying and upset about this

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    try to calm down and relax because getting so anxious is making it worse wink

    sounds like everything is in hand, investigations etc, rest and watch something christmassy on TV

    I've had to phone in work too, I just can't do what I used to do, it's embarrassing when there are younger people who must wonder what's up with you but also annoying when they are lazy and don't get stuck in

    chill out Lizzy hun

                                   Mrs M wink xxx

    • Posted

      Thank you Mrs Merm for the nice comment i just pray that the cytic ovarian neoplasm is not cancerous thats what i am scared of my ONGYN wants to do a Laproscopy to see what is going on down there and i am scared of that 
  • Posted

    I was like that for a few months and ended up having an ablation. I used to get severe left ovary pain but since getting an endometrium ablation my periods have stopped and I don't get that ovary pain anymore. I still get the other perimenopause symptoms. The hot flashes and fatigue are the worst for me. Started getting bad acid reflux too.

    Have you been to a specialist regarding your heavy periods?

    • Posted

      I went to my OBGYN he wants to do a Laproscopy to see what else is going on down there thats not showing up on the CT scan and ultra sound 

      There are times i can't even eat food it goes right through me just not myself at all

    • Posted

      I remember when my OBGYN did a vaginal ultrasound and scan. It showed cysts on my left ovary. It showed thickening on lining of the uterus. I also had biopsy of my uterus. The biopsy was normal so my OBGYN did an ablation and that stopped the heavy bleeding. I haven't gotten any more ovary pain since.

      I hope you feel better soon. I can really understand and sympathize with you.

      It really takes a toll on a person these awful symptoms and especially when others don't understand how you're feeling.

      I have had to change primary doctors a few times already because they don't seem to want to hear me and Just keep giving me referrals to a mental health doctor, even after I had a complete blood work panel done of my hormones and it all was abnormal.

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      I had a vaginal ultra sound and this urogynocologist want to do a biopsy on my uterus to see if anything in up there because he said it felt tender also my OBGYN wants to do a laproscopy to check to see what else is going on down there 
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      You should it get it done just so they can rule out everything possible.

      As soon as I went to the OBGYN specialist the first thing he ordered was the uterine biopsy.

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      Same as me, what did you do about the acid reflux?  
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      oh OK. .that's great. .let me know what the doctor says.
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      Well the doctor gave me a prescription for Omeprazole and it helps a little. I sill have that burning inflammation kinda of discomfort on my upper left side. like where the stomach is and I also get a burning feeling under my left breast.

      I'm supposed to go get an Endoscopy.

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      I had that done.  There was nothing to see after the endoscopy.  I'm on Delixant twice a day. Still suffering.
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      Has any one ever had a laperoscopy where they go into the belly button they make a little incision by your belly button my OBGYN wants to do it to see what is going on down there please if any one has had this please let me know how it went
  • Posted

    If the bleeding and pain will not settle go back to ER? You'll probably see a different doctor who may have s different opinion and able to help you or get a consultant to see you urgently

    Don't ever just listen to one docs opinion your entitled to look for answeres it's your body and your not imagining the problem

    Hope it settles or you can get something done to help you


    Brenda x

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