Having period again
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hi I have not been on for a while had family issues but I could do with some advice from you lovely ladies my last period was 15 sept 2017 in Feb 2018 I went to see my dr as I felt I was going through the change which she confirmed I was and she said I was also suffering from depression as I had a lot going on in the family I have just came on the 17 Oct 2018 I am so tired all the time is this just what happens with the change or should I go back to drs thank you for any advice.
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Guest anji63
Hello, I am in peri and exhausted all the time too. If your last period was Sept 2017...you are post meno now. Are you seeing an obgyn? Did you mention the family stuff to that dr? I ask because I have tremendous stress with my child and I had a dr automatically say depression to me last year...BUT only after I told her about my child. I dropped that dr like a bad habit. Now, when I talk to drs I stick to my symptoms so they do not get sidetracked.
All of this goes along with your lack if hormones. Depression, anxiety, and ten thousand other issues. Some women do opt for an anti depressant if they do not want the risks of HRT. I tried Lexapro for 3 months, not for me...however...that is not say it will not help another woman.
I would see an obgyn...NOT mention your family stuff and see what they recommend. Best of luck to you!
chris620531 anji63
HI, dont worry too much as i had similar troubles and had a 7 day heavy period after 3 years of finishing !!
theyll put you on a fast track 2 week cancer check for tests to eliminate it
i had an hysteroscopy and scans all within 3 weeks
so dont worry just get checked out
its stress thats sent your body off track
best of luck
thank you ladies for your replys
wendy_4261 anji63
You could have fibroids, I was like you an I've got fibroids
Nancy2121 anji63
I've not been this tired since I was pregnant. Either exausted or insomnia. Seems there's no happy sleep pattern. Cbd oil helps tremendously with most of the symptoms. Hoping there's a light at the end of this tunnel.