Having problems down below
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im not sure if this is perimenoposal or wtf is going on,but am so worried ,I first went to gp in November and she said I had a fissure and gave me cream,fucidin,used for three days and had to stop I was red raw and so sore where I had used cream,since then have had redness and on and off and if anything rubs my majoria it goes red and sore even trousers,been on waiting list to see gyno for 13 weeks but told waiting tine is twenty has anyone else had this I'm so scared x
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lisa215 vanessa13789
I have this too, have had it for almost 5 years on and off.
My was diagnosed by a dermatologist who specializes in genital skin problems. I was diagnosed with Lichen Simplex which caused burning, soreness, itching and pain when peeing and a horrible feeling that I needed to pee ALL the time. It was horrible.
The treatment was a topical steroid, a emollient cream and an emollient wash. This calmed it down but what I found to be most effective was not using any soap products down there at all, taking a bath with bicarbonate of soda in the water and Vaseline.
Vaseline was a godsend. I was putting it on before I had to pee because I acts like a barrier because urine is an irritant when the skin is sore.
For weeks I was being treated by my GP forurine infections, even though there was never any infection in the samples. It was so irritated down there that the urethra became inflamed and I had blood in my wee. But it all settled when I got on top of the skin problem.
I hope this maybe helps a little.
vanessa13789 lisa215
lisa215 vanessa13789
During peri the skin get drier and its a really sensitive area and sometimes tiny cracks appear which you cant even see which makes it sore. It really does sound like an eczema type thing, and anything that causes friction, like trousers will make it feel worse.
I'm neither Dr nor expert but I don't think you've got too much to worry about but I understand that ongoing symptoms can become a concern.
My job involves a very multi layered uniform (I'm a firefighter) and when mine plays up the uniform plays havock with it but it does settle and you'll find some relief from it as well I'm sure.
susan21149 vanessa13789
Hang in there it will be fine