Having to urinate many times at night
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I am 56 still in perimenopause . I have been on this forum many times. i have had pretty much every symptom there is, with my biggest complaint, and I was on many times , was anxiety.
I must say that some of my symptoms have subsided. (fingers crossed) Of course new ones do pop up. I was wondering if others experience the very frequent urge to urinate at night that it awakens you from sleep? I do not get a regular period anymore. The last I had was some spotting many months ago. This may seem like a common question, but I havent had this happen, with the urge to urinate, since I was more regular with my periods . Thanking anyone in advance for their experiences.
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heather29740 nanc00951
Well i will tell everyone out there that I am up during the night and all day if I need to Pee , I need to pee and I have to rush or otherwise it a change of clothes.
Well it seems that my pelvic floor has dropped into the basement !!!!! and we are told to try and strengthen our muscles by trying to stop halfway through peeing I'm afraid my muscles are worn as I continue to pee.
See when I got told years ago to do these exercises I said I don't need any of that I was also told to wear a bra or my boobs would sag didn't listen and now they are hanging down drastically don't really care about them , but would love to be able to walk past a tap without having to push everyone out the way to get to the loo.
I wouldn't class this as menopausal though it's post childbirth so I'm blaming it on the children , why not , they blame everything on us.
Here's a question nothing to do with this have you ever noticed how you pray for your children's first words and by the time they are in their in their twenties their back to not speaking or they have the set answer ... don't care..... which is the reply to everything you asked.
Sorry Nanc for that little Safeway from your question.
Hope you get a nice long sleep tonight . x
shylee nanc00951
hi nanc,
I started off with the frequent need to pee and waking me up in the night, then it went t o feeling like i had the most horrific UTI that ive6ever had. I hit it with everything i could when the drs test came back negative for infection.. i had invasive tests done at the Hospital but still no answers. it eventually got so bad I couldn't get off the floor and doctors prescribed pain patches and pain medication that didn't work. eventually when it was worked out that I was going through perimenopause because I ended up with so many severe symptoms I was put on HRT and the bladder pain burning and frequency subsided. I know that bladder frequency can be experienced for many different reasons as we get older but definitely check with your doctor don't leave it as these things have a tendency of getting worse untreated. there are exercises as you probably know and there are pills and of course HRT and there may even be a natural therapy. the pill that I was given originally is cold oxybutynin and it may have worked unfortunately I had an allergic reaction but it could work for you. I do hope you find some relief soon I know how dreadful this particular symptom is and a lot of people downplay the seriousness of it emotionally and physically to the individual. it is really awful and I wish you all the luck in the world for some relief very soon.
sharcerv52408 nanc00951
Yes, I have issues with this all the time in fact, I often think that I have a uti when I get those urges to pee so much. It is so annoying too. I hate having to get in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Then after I go, I can't get back to sleep. 😩
nikiola18292 nanc00951
Hi there,
Iv not been on here for a while, as my symptoms had sort of not been so intense, I pee a lot during the night as well, (annoying). I have also gone through the gauntlet of symptoms, the first was anxiety. I am 54 and still getting periods (when will it ever end)!!! Have just come on again after nearly 50 days from last one! - I have had the most awful PMT, just constantly angry and its awful, I don't know what to do with myself! I am almost constantly constipated, im careful with my diet but it seems to make no difference. If i could bring myself to go swimming (as i know that it would help) exercise! i would but i am so self conscious with my body, having put the dreaded weight on around the middle i can't face it.
Every tiny thing bothers me, i can go from being fine one minute and then feeling this horrible rage and then feeling really upset, i hate this!!! -